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Housing and Neighbourhoods Scrutiny Panel - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 6.30 pm

December 12, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to include a report on the Safer Greenwich Partnership, a report on community safety initiatives, and a report on tenant satisfaction. The documents do not include details of the discussion that took place, or any decisions that were made.

Safer Greenwich Partnership (SGP)

This report was scheduled to cover the second quarter progress update against the objectives and actions set out in the Safer Greenwich Partnership 2024/2025 Community Safety Plan. It also describes the statutory responsibility of the SGP. These include:

  • Setting up a strategic group to direct the work of the partnership.
  • Setting up protocols and systems for sharing information.
  • Analysing crime levels and patterns to identify priorities in an annual strategic assessment.
  • Setting out a partnership plan and monitoring its progress.
  • Facilitating the effective use of the appropriate partnership resources as required.
  • Commissioning Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR) as necessitated on a case-by-case basis.

The report focuses on the seven strategic priorities that the SGP has set for 2024-2025 and the partnership action plan that was created to take forward each priority. It provides the panel with the SGP’s progress by the end of quarter 2. The report is scheduled to be submitted to the Chief Executive.

The seven strategic priorities are:

  1. Creating and sustaining safer and secure public spaces for all.
  2. Ending violence and abuse against women and girls, domestic abuse, and other forms of gender-based violence.
  3. Preventing modern slavery, supporting its victims, and tackling the people who exploit them.
  4. Preventing and reducing serious violence (including exploitation).
  5. Reducing the harms drugs and alcohol cause to individuals and communities.
  6. Tackling hate crime and supporting repeat and vulnerable victims.
  7. Driving community confidence and resilience.

The report highlights some of the work that has been undertaken in relation to each of these priorities. This includes:

  • Detached youth engagement sessions delivered by Charlton Athletic Community Trust staff in critical incident, hot spot, and emerging locations relating to serious violence.
  • Community Safety Enforcement Team officers working to ensure public spaces and town centres have equal coverage by the service.
  • The Her Centre1 continuing to address domestic abuse and violence through their commissioned Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy team and drop-in One Stop Shop in three borough locations.
  • Group work with young women and girls to help them to navigate their own safety across social media, friendship groups and in relationships.
  • Continued work with the police SPOC to ensure all existing and new front line police officers and RBG staff can recognise and respond to possible cases of Modern Slavery.
  • Joint working between Health and Adult Services’ commissioning and safeguarding adults teams, Safer Communities, and the Metropolitan Police to address concerns in relation to new care staff agencies.
  • A pilot of knife amnesty bins at two locations in RBG.
  • Family and Adolescent Support Services delivering one-to-one sessions with young people involved in Serious Youth Violence either as victim or perpetrator.
  • A community engagement event taking place during Alcohol Awareness Week.
  • Work to reduce drug-related deaths through widening access to overdose awareness training and expanding provision of Naloxone and Buvidal to include family members and carers.
  • The Police leading on Project Adder, which is an awareness-raising campaign for Neighbourhoods officers about local treatment providers.
  • Training sessions being delivered across services, teams, and organisations on different hate crime types.
  • The RBG website being updated to improve accessibility and content around hate crime.
  • A variety of engagement events for residents to encourage reporting of crimes and distribution of diverse information materials that help the public stay safe.

Community Safety Initiatives including CCTV

This report was scheduled to provide an update on Community Safety Initiatives, including:

  • CCTV deployment and other public safety measures.
  • Anti-social behaviour management.
  • Community engagement.

The report was also scheduled to provide updates on the challenges to these initiatives and make recommendations to the Executive where necessary. The report highlights the £3.7 million upgrade to the Royal Borough of Greenwich (RBG) CCTV operations, including expanded deployment of mobile CCTV units, ANPR systems, and the creation of the Safer Greenwich Camera Network. The report also details:

  • The introduction of the Integrated Enforcement (IE) initiative which emphasises collaboration, coordination, and communication to enhance public safety, cleanliness, and community wellbeing by integrating multiple teams, including Safer Spaces, Environmental Health, and Planning Enforcement, alongside key partners like the Metropolitan Police and London Fire Brigade.
  • The Public Spaces Protection Order which prohibits specific behaviours to minimise antisocial behaviour during high-risk periods.
  • Operation Triple Scoop which reduces illegal trading, manages nuisance busking and curbs anti-social e-scooter use.
  • Operation Fawkes which has led to two consecutive years without significant incidents in Woolwich Town Centre demonstrating the effectiveness of coordinated community engagement and enforcement.
  • The Street Pop Outreach programme that provides housing and drug treatment services.
  • The Safer Business Network which works to prevent retail crime.

Tenant Satisfaction Measures

This report was scheduled to provide an update on tenant satisfaction. The report details a number of things that the RBG have been doing to improve tenant satisfaction, including:

  • Increasing the size of the central casework team, restructuring the repairs and investments casework team, and introducing new roles which include managing complaints in the tenancy team.
  • Introducing a new Tenant Engagement Strategy to sit alongside the Corporate Engagement Strategy, based on best practice advice from industry experts TPAS2.
  • Planning a new Tenant Scrutiny function to give tenants more ability to investigate and report on the issues which concern them, rather than officers leading the selection of topics.
  • Undertaking a multi-year repairs transformation programme to improve residents’ experience of the repairs process and to make their repairs service more efficient.

The report also details how the RBG compare to other London Boroughs in terms of tenant satisfaction, noting that, in general, the RBG performs similarly or better than their peers in London.

  1. The Her Centre is a registered charity that provides services for women and girls affected by domestic abuse. 

  2. TPAS is the Tenant Participation Advisory Service England.