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General Purposes Committee - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 6.30 pm
December 12, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting covered two main topics: declarations of interest from councillors, and the establishment of an appointments panel for a set of vacant positions in the Place & Growth directorate.
Declarations of Interest
This was to note which Councillors had declared interests in specific agenda items. The meeting was also to note the following:
- A list of the outside bodies, joint committees, and school governing bodies on which each councillor sits as a council-appointed representative was appended to the report.
A definition of what constitutes a 'personal interest', namely where any business is likely to affect:
(a) them, or
(b) a relevant person or a relevant body (where the Member is aware that they have the interest);
more than a majority of those in the ward you represent.
- That Members must declare the existence and nature of any personal interest at the start of the meeting, or when the interest becomes apparent, and must say which item their interest relates to.
A definition of what constitutes a 'financial interest', namely where any business relates to or is likely to affect an interest set out in paragraph 18 of the Code of Conduct[^2], and which is the Member’s interest or the interest of a person described in paragraph 2.2(a) above.
[^2]: The Code of Conduct for Councillors sets out the rules that govern councillors' behaviour. It is based on the Nolan Principles of Public Life, which are: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
That Members must declare the existence and nature of any financial interest at the start of the meeting, or when the interest becomes apparent, and must say which item their interest relates to.
A reminder that the Code also requires Members to declare interests in relation to relevant bodies for six months after ceasing from being a member, and take the appropriate action in relation to financial interests.
Establishment of Appointments Panel / Chief Officer Recruitment
This was to agree the salary range of the following Chief Officer posts, in accordance with the Council’s Pay Policy Statement:
- Development & Regeneration Director (Directorate of Place & Growth), Chief Officer grade A (salary range £148,823- £160,576)
- Assistant Director, Regeneration & Estate Renewal (Directorate of Place & Growth), Chief Officer grade C (salary range £105,047 - £115,829)
- Assistant Director, Development & Property (Directorate of Place & Growth), Chief Officer grade C (salary range £105,047 - £115,829)
- Assistant Director, Capital Delivery and Investment (Directorate of Place & Growth), Chief Officer grade C (salary range £105,047 - £115,829)
- Assistant Director, Planning & Building Control (Directorate of Place & Growth), Chief Officer grade C (salary range £105,047 - £115,829)
- Assistant Director, Economy & Skills (Directorate of Place & Growth), Chief Officer grade C (salary range £105,047 - £115,829)
The meeting was also to note that the Chief Executive, Debbie Warren, has delegated authority to establish, in consultation with the Party Group Leaders, individual Appointment Panels for the appointment of Chief Officers based on the requirements of the post.
The report also outlined the links between the vacant positions and the Council's current strategic missions. These are:
- People will not experience discrimination
- Everyone in Greenwich is safer, and feels safer
- People in Greenwich have access to a safe and secure home that meets their needs
- It is easier, safer and greener to move around the borough and the rest of London
- Development delivers positive change to an area for existing and new communities
- Neighbourhoods are vibrant, safe and attractive with community services that meet the needs of local residents
- Greenwich plays an active role in tackling the climate crisis and improving environmental sustainability, in line with our commitment of being carbon neutral by 2030
- Everyone has the opportunity to secure a good job
- Town centres, high streets and shopping parades are vibrant, prosperous, well-maintained places that meet the needs of local people
- Our economy attracts new high-value businesses whilst strengthening its foundations
- Our Council is better at listening to communities, and communities feel they are heard
- We develop networks with communities, key partners and businesses to meet need and address challenges together
- We design our services around the needs of our residents
- Our Council is an adaptive organisation, enabling it to navigate the increasing number of challenges it faces while remaining financially sustainable
- Our Council works in the most efficient and effective ways possible
- Our Council is a great place to work, with a diverse workforce who have the right skills and are motivated and empowered to deliver
The report stated that the posts have been created or rescoped as part of a re-organisation of the Regeneration, Enterprise & Skills Directorate Management Team (Directorate renamed to “Place & Growth”) agreed by the Director of Regeneration Enterprise and Skills on 4 December 2024. The re-organisation was said to have been undertaken to improve the leadership structure within the Directorate, and to make it more effective at achieving its objectives.
The report also noted that three of the posts are newly created, and three are existing, occupied roles that have been rescoped. These latter three positions - Assistant Director, Economy & Skills, Assistant Director, Planning & Building Control and Assistant Director, Capital Delivery and Investment - are filled via direct assimilation.
The report stated that General Purposes Committee approval of the salaries is sought to enable the posts to be progressed to recruitment without delay.
- Agenda frontsheet 12th-Dec-2024 18.30 General Purposes Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 12th-Dec-2024 18.30 General Purposes Committee reports pack
- Declarations of Interest other
- Outside Body Membership 2024-25
- Minutes of Previous Meeting other
- Appendix 1 - Job Description documents
- Establishment of Appointments Panel Chief Officer Recruitment
- Decisions 12th-Dec-2024 18.30 General Purposes Committee
- Decisions 12th-Dec-2024 18.30 General Purposes Committee