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Children, Schools and Families Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 10th December, 2024 6.30 pm

December 10, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was scheduled to receive the Cabinet Member for Jobs, Young People & Culture and the Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families’ annual reports. The meeting was also scheduled to receive an update on the second quarter of the year from the council, and consider the work of the Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership

The committee was scheduled to consider the Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 2023-24. This report was scheduled to analyse the work of the partnership and its impact on keeping children safe.

The report was scheduled to cover:

The report pack also included the Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership Summary Business Plan 2024-25.

Annual Report of the Cabinet Member for Jobs, Young People & Culture

Councillor Sabrina Francis, Cabinet Member for Jobs, Young People and Culture, was scheduled to provide her annual report for the committee to consider.

The report pack included a summary of Councillor Francis's work over the last year, and highlighted the following initiatives:

  • Camden Youth Mission > Our Camden Youth Mission commits to creating a borough where our young people have access to economic opportunities that enable them to feel safe and secure.
  • Swiss Cottage Children’s Library > When we started to plan the refurbishment of the children's library our first priority was to ask the children what they thought we should do. We did this by running workshops with [Jan Kattein Architects]( where the children made architectural models of their dream library, which are exhibited in display boxes in the main entrance lobby to the library. The children told us that while books were still important to them, reading is only one of the ways they engage with stories.
  • Youth Hubs > Our Youth Hubs offer a safe and supportive environment for our young people. They help to identify issues early on and provide targeted support to prevent any escalation.
  • Youth Justice Service > Strengthening our prevention approach remains a priority within the YJS. The increased focus on short term voluntary interventions has required staff to think differently about engagement and outcomes. Success will see children being identified earlier to engage in support that will divert them from Youth Justice Services.
  • Light Up Kilburn > Light Up Kilburn took place from the 9 – 25 February along Kilburn High Road... the festival featured awe inspiring illuminations which lit up buildings such as the [Kiln Theatre](, [TRAID]( the Gaumont State Building and [Beit Alwared Café]( The final evening saw the community come together through a light inspired parade along the High Road which ended at [Kilburn Grange Park]( with light installations, pop up performances and a creative night market attracting an audience of over 1000 people.
  • Windrush Pitt Lecture > The Pitt Lecture took place on the 17 June at the [British Library]( this year's event explored equality for young people in care, with a keynote delivered by poet, playwright, and broadcaster [Lemn Sissay]( and a panel discussion with [Lavinya Stennett CEO of The Black Curriculum]( who both shared personal reflections on their experiences of growing up as Black children in the UK care system.
  • Homecoming Celebration > The Homecoming Celebration took place on the 22nd June at [Talacre Town Green]( This was a one-day free event to celebrate the borough’s Windrush story and showcase Camden’s Caribbean heritage, culture and communities. The line up included [Aitch B](, [Omar]( and [Marla Brown](, as well as performances and DJ set from the Apex Project young people.
  • Pride On The Square > As a result of [the London Pride organisers] decision [to move the family zone to another location] the service delivered a family zone programme, in collaboration with [Almacantar]( and [Central District Alliance](, in [St Giles Square]( Gospel Oak based [Mother Canteen]( were invited to curate a Queer Arts and Cultural Market and programme...
  • Beyond The Bassline > ...Camden Libraries hosted local exhibitions, and the culture service curated three events across June and July to complement the exhibition. This included: > * Holborn Library: Gary Crosby’s Mingus Moves... curated by [Tomorrows Warriors]( who started out at the [Jazz Café]( 27 years ago. > * [Pancras Square]( Library: Can you See The Bassline?... chaired by [Erica McCoy]( – DJ, Producer and Radio Host, with panellists [Buskin]( from Heartless Crew, [Titania Altius – Head of Membership at PPL Music Licensing]( and [Aniefiok ‘Neef’ Ekpoudom – author of ‘Where We Come From: Rap Home and Hope in Modern Britain’]( > * Kilburn Library: Kilburn based [Lin Kam Art]( delivered ‘The Future of Sound System Culture’...
  • South Asian Heritage Month > The theme this year was ‘Free To Be Me’ which we marked through a partnership with the [Old Diorama Arts Centre]( and [Remix Dance]( to present a programme of South Asian Dance within the annual [Regents Roots Festival]( Three community dance projects showed the mix, the range, the styles and the representation of South Asian Heritage through dance, the programme included: > * ‘Place Where We Live: A Dance Theatre Celebration of Home’ saw the return of [Anusha Subramanyam]( & [Prathap Ramachandra]( collaborating with local residents; > * Absolute Bollywood choreograph Remix Dance for a high-energy fusion set; and > * Birmingham-based [Sonia Sabri Company]( worked with local families and renowned Euston dance theatre [The Place]( to create a short version of their well renowned piece, Mughal Miniatures. > * We also contributed to the Camden Mela and [Henna Womens Group]( programmes.
  • Representing Bloomsbury Toolkit Launch > ...the council is sector-leading in this approach and took the opportunity to official launch of the toolkit in July at the [Building Centre](, attended by an audience of 37 from sector partners.
  • Inverness Street Bloc Party 2024 > ...Camden played a huge role in the development of the UK House and Garage movement; [Ms Dynamite]( on the queens of Garage hails from Kentish Town, whilst Camden Palais (now [Koko]( This year the [Inverness Street]( Bloc Party was a celebration of 30 years of UK House and Garage and the role the borough has played in developing the genre. The culture service commissioned BBC [1xtra]( and north London based [Heartless Crew](, one of the pioneers and leading musical acts in the UK House and Garage scene to curate this year’s event.
  • Love Camden Amplify > ...the Culture Service worked in partnership with the Sport Service, [London Inclusive Sports Academy (LISA)](, and [Grow Lstdon Local (GLL)]( This took place at Swiss Cottage [Open Space]( and showcased young people from I Can Dance, interactive workshops from Be The Band and a variety of sports - boccia, Walking Football, Boxing pad work and games.
  • Black History Season > This years’ Black History Season builds on the quality and breadth of the 2023 programme with artistic interventions from the boroughs black artists as well as artists across London... Key academic cultural and commercial organisations such as [SOAS](, [British Museum](, [Samsung KX](, [Coal Drops Yard]( and [Labtech](, [Everyman Cinema]( and [Garden Cinema]( have collaborated with the council to provide spaces for artists to platform their work. The programme includes a range of talks, Black history walks, supper clubs, Explore Africa workshops in libraries and a host of high profile artists/lecturers which include [Olivette Otele](, [Mykaell Riley](, MC Buskin, [Eddie Kadi]( and [Kabaka Pyramid](
  • Cultural Learning Education Fund > This funding programme enabled local arts and cultural organisations to deliver free learning programmes for children and young people in the borough. To date 17 projects have been funded in rounds one and two...
  • Camden Spark STEAM work experience > ...23 Year 12 students had the opportunity to participate in work place activities at [Universal Music](, [The Roundhouse](, Celebro Media, [London Film School](, [ATG Phoenix]( and the [October Gallery]( Feedback was positive with 59% of students feeling more confident about entering the world of work having completed work experience.
  • Film Fixer (Camden Film Office) > [Film Fixer]( lead the film service on behalf of the council... Camden has continued to be one of the busiest boroughs in London in 2024 with 700 shoot days. The borough hosted key shoots such as the new [Bridget Jones]( sequel that filmed across Hampstead in [Vale of Health]( and [Haverstock Hill](, Apple TV series [Slow Horses]( featuring [Gary Oldman]( using such locations as Red Lion Square, [Chalcot Crescent]( in Primrose Hill, [Lincoln’s Inn Fields]( and Kentish Town...
  • Set Ready > The course is entirely free and provides entry-level opportunities to those aged 18+ who want to get into the film industry... they then go on to find them paid Location Marshal placements on professional film sets in London.
  • Culture Service Apprenticeships > Both apprentices are born and raised Camden residents are between 19–22-year-olds. This is their first step into the local government arts and culture sector; and are positively contributing to the delivery of the cultural programmes and administration of the service.
  • The Artist Network > Two networking meetings have taken place this year... it is an opportunity for grass roots artists to connect and collaborate.
  • Love Camden Advisors > All ten members live in the borough and represent the following neighbourhoods: > Highgate, Tufnell Park, Kentish Town, Chalk Farm, Kilburn, Somers Town, Euston, [Regents Park](, Holborn and [Covent Garden](, [Kings Cross](, Bloomsbury.
  • Community Festival Grants > The community festivals grants programme awarded 67 grants to community organisations to deliver festivals in their neighbourhoods between April – December. These include Camden People's Theatre: Tolmer's Square Variety Spectacular in Regents Park, Kindle Corner: South Asian Heritage Storytelling for all in St Pancras & Somerstown and York Rise Street Party: Highgate.
  • The Culture Strategy Update > The existing Cultural Framework was developed in 2019 and expires in 2025. The service has used this opportunity to develop a new 5-year Cultural Strategy for 2026-2031...
  • Knowledge Quarter Strategy (KQ2050) > ...KQ 2050, which was co-produced with the [Knowledge Quarter]( partnership, was published in May 2023 to set out a vision and principles vision for inclusive growth of the Knowledge Quarter area.
  • Evening and Night Time (ENT) > Developed through extensive public engagement in 2022 and 2023, including a 3-session Citizens’ Assembly, the Evening and Night Time Strategy was agreed by Cabinet in Feb 2024. The Strategy establishes a vision to make Camden a welcoming, safe and inclusive place to spend time in the evening and night-time.
  • Affordable workspace > ...Camden’s affordable workspace strategy was published in October 2023.
  • Good Work Camden (GWC) > ...Good Work Camden (GWC), the Council’s flagship employment and business support programme.
  • Euston Skills Centre > ...Euston Skills Centre (ESC), which serves as Camden Council’s primary hub for construction training and job brokerage.

The report pack also included the following appendices:

Annual Report of the Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families

Councillor Marcus Boyland, Cabinet Member for Best Start for Children and Families, was scheduled to provide his annual report for discussion.

The report was scheduled to provide a summary of his work across the portfolio during the last year. This was scheduled to include:

Schools and Camden Learning

  • Education Strategy > [Building Back Stronger]( is Camden’s Education Strategy promoting principles of academic excellence and equity affirming that schools do not have to choose between academics and supporting children who start from a position of disadvantage.
  • School Place Planning > Since 2018 the Council, in partnership with its family of schools, has removed 10 forms of entry from our reception intake, responding to a reduction in birth rates of over 30% across the borough... These difficult decisions including four school closures, the most recent being the closure of [St Dominic’s Catholic Primary School](, ensure that our family schools remain both sustainable and responsive to the needs of their communities. > The new forecast data continues show supressed birth rates within London and Camden alongside the continued effect of reductions in families moving into Camden during the COVID-19 period... Our level of anticipated surplus provision within both phases will require responses overtime to ensure the sustainability of our school offer.
  • Camden Learning > All Camden schools including academies, diocesan schools and voluntary-aided schools continue to be active members of Camden Learning, our innovative and successful partnership between the Council and Schools. This continues to sustain a coherent and locally aligned school system to better serve our communities. Camden Learning uses the considerable expertise within and beyond our schools to enrich learning, raise standards, and drive improvement, ensuring that all Camden schools’ benefit from being part of a locally aligned schools’ system.
  • School Attendance > Attendance in Camden’s primary schools was higher in the 2023/24 academic year than in 2022/23 (94.4% compared to 93.3%), based on Autumn/Spring data, but remains lower than the 2018/19 pre-pandemic overall attendance rate for Camden primary schools of 95.8%... Persistent absence from school is defined as attendance below 90% of school sessions. Autumn/Spring data for 2023/24 indicates that 1,505 primary school children in Camden were classified as being persistently absent. > As with primary schools, secondary school attendance in 2023/24 was higher than 2022/23 (92% compared to 91.1%), based on Autumn/Spring data... In 2023/24, Autumn/Spring data indicates that there were 1,894 persistently absent secondary school pupils in Camden. > In 2022, the Department for Education (DfE) issued revised non-statutory attendance guidance. Whilst recognising that there remains a place for legal interventions in respect of school attendance, such as fixed penalty notices and prosecutions, it advocates for schools adopting a ‘support first’ approach when responding to pupil absence... In 2023/24, Camden issued 546 fixed penalty notices; a reduction on the 646 issued in 2022/23. 464 of the fixed penalty notices issued in 2023/24 were for unauthorised leave in term time and 83 were for persistent absence.
  • Initiatives to Support School Attendance > [FYA]( were jointly commissioned by Camden Council and Camden Learning to work with secondary- age children to produce a school attendance video and carry out a series of pupil- led workshops in secondary schools... Using school census and other data sources, we recently conducted a multivariate analysis to examine the different factors influencing school attendance... Following this, two tests and learn pilots are being developed relating to targeted text message in parents/carers and the development of a Team Around the School model relating to locality based family support.
  • Suspensions and exclusions > Suspensions from Camden primary and secondary schools are lower than the comparable rates for Inner London and England... Provisional data for 2023/24 indicates that the number of primary pupils who received a suspension is 0.5%, however it is anticipated that this will remain below comparable Inner London and national rates, which will be published in July 2025... In 2022/23, 522 Camden secondary school children received one or more suspensions... Provisional data for 2023/24 suggests that the percentage of secondary school pupils who received at least one suspension has increased to 6% (higher than the 2018/19 pre-pandemic rate of 5.2%)... In 2022/23, there was one permanent exclusion from a Camden primary school and 16 permanent exclusions from Camden secondary schools. Provisional data for 2023/24 shows that there has been an increase in the number of secondary permanent exclusions.
  • Safeguarding in schools > All Camden schools have received effective safeguarding results at their last Ofsted inspection... As part of Camden’s wider commitment to tackling violence against women and girls, supporting schools to address child-on-child sexual harassment continues to be a priority. This year we have commissioned [Tender Education & Arts]( to deliver a two-day healthy relationships workshop in every secondary school.
  • School Report Cards > Camden schools have been supported to explore models of school accountability which capture the voices of children, parents and employees experience in schools... The group agreed the report card’s key components and then discussed the model with groups of parents across schools to reach a format for a prototype which gives each school a unique profile and parents the means to look beneath the data and explore the richness of offer in the Camden schools system. The prototype ‘school report card’ was trialled by a wider cross section of schools in the spring term 2024, before a full roll-out is planned for 2024-25.
  • Opportunity centres > Camden’s Education Strategy, Building Back Stronger, set out a priority to develop Opportunity Centres to facilitate learning beyond the school day... Opportunity centres are currently being trialled at two Camden secondary schools – La Sainte Union and [Acland Burghley](, offering out-of-hours interventions, 1:1 tuition and targeted support... Proposals are also being developed to the open two new Opportunity Centres in Spring 2025, one as part of the development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Campus through the Science, Technology Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM) programme, and the other based at [Euston Skills Centre](
  • Diversifying Governors > Camden Learning have also monitored the diversity of school governors through surveys, to provide baseline information and to inform initiatives to increase diversity... In 2024 Camden Learning also launched the Young Governors’ Programme, coordinated by [Governors for Schools](, which has prepared young people 18-30 for a year-long placement as an Associate Member of a Camden Governor, with all 13 participants placed on a Board.
  • Camden Arts Biennale > The first Camden Arts Biennale took place from 11-17 July 2024, where 35 schools attended the initial launch event... Hosted by the prestigious [Central Saint Martins](, University of the Arts London, for a week the Lethaby Gallery opened its doors to the public and displayed artwork representing every school and stage of learning from our member schools.
  • Camden Music > Camden Music continues to be dedicated to giving every child the opportunity to experience, enjoy and learn music. In 2023/24, Camden Music collaborated with 53 schools, providing instrumental tuition to 1744 pupils through Whole Class Ensemble Teaching and leading 39 out-of-school musical groups attended by 522 children... Their Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) project, Voyagers, successfully completed its pilot phase and will continue thanks to funding from the Camden Music Trust. Additionally, the Primary Choir Festival saw participation from over 900 pupils, and the Summer Choral Concert featured over 100 singers. > On Wednesday 30 April 2025 the bi annual Camden Schools’ Music Festival will be taking place at the [Royal Albert Hall]( Over 2000 young performers will be taking part, with every Camden School represented.
  • Supporting Technology in Education: Digital Learning Hubs > Camden STEAM has worked with our key partner, [Google](, to develop a London AI Campus which will launch in November 2024... Camden students will be the first in the UK to benefit from the expertise of specialist teachers, tech employees, sector leaders and academic organisations. Every year, 30 Year 12 students will be selected to enter the two-year ‘AI Connect’ enrichment programme.
  • Camden STEAM Programme > The Camden STEAM programme brings together Camden schools (primary, secondary and Further Education) with leading employers – such as [AstraZeneca](, Google, [Digital Catapult](, Universal Music, [ITV]( and The Roundhouse, universities and institutions in the science, tech and creative sectors to equip Camden’s young people with the skills and opportunities to embark on a STEAM career... The Camden STEAM programme reached over 6,900 students during the 2023-2024 academic year. The Camden STEAM Work Experience programme continues to grow, offering placements to 391 Year 12 students from across Camden’s secondary schools and the college, with a focus on young people from underrepresented backgrounds.
  • Digital Learning Strategy > The Digital Learning Plan, commissioned by Camden Learning, takes account of the needs, opportunities, resources, expertise and challenges in Camden schools... In the first year the digital foundations pillar was a focus... In the coming year a focus will be on the classroom use of digital with innovation and best practice in Camden schools being exemplified and disseminated... Looking ahead, Camden Learning plans to expand its professional expertise to ensure rapid response and bespoke support for school staff and to develop digital delivery methods to further support SEND pupils...
  • Careers and Connexions > Camden’s Careers & Connexions services continues to deliver high quality IAG (Information, Advice and Guidance) in Camden maintained schools and within the community... Community work continues with staff basing themselves within the community and supporting young people who may be NEET or at risk of NEET, accessing education out of borough, with long term health conditions or requiring specialist service.
  • Camden Summer University > Camden Summer University (CSU) also works to build relationships with professionals and organisations to support young people aged 13-19 to develop existing skills and interests and introduce them to new and exciting ones... These enrolments are made before taking requests from other students. For Summer 2024, there were 69 courses available. 68 out of 69 courses came with accreditation awards with 553 Accreditations awarded to young people in total.

Improving the Health of Children and Families

  • Food and nutrition in schools > ...we need to ensure that children’s learning is not affected by being hungry. A report by the [Food Foundation]( in June flagged two very concerning challenges – the continued increases in conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes among young people driven by calorie dense diets, as well as the less talked about impact of poor quality diets and under nutrition, which affects children’s growth... Camden schools are committed to supporting children across the school day, taking a whole school approach. A key sign of this commitment is engaging with the [Healthy Schools]( award, and currently 71% of primary and secondary schools have either achieved or are working towards this standard (29 primary, 5 secondary, 5 special schools).
  • Breakfasts – providing support at the start of the school day > Over the past year, Camden’s school breakfast programme has expanded and has supported the roll out of [Magic Breakfast]( at 21 of our most deprived schools. This Council funded initiative implemented by our schools enables 3340 children to have a free breakfast every day - up from 587 in 2022, and up 12% in the last year - with more than 635,000 breakfasts provided per year... The programme is highly valued by teachers and parents. Three further schools are joining in the Autumn term.
  • Universal free school meals in primaries > The Mayor of London’s commitment to extend free school meals (FSM) to all Primary age pupils started in September 2023, extending the national free school meals offer to pupils in Key Stage Two (aged between 7 and 11) as well... As a result, more than 3,000 pupils who would otherwise have had to pay became eligible for free lunches.
  • Addressing hunger in secondary schools > FSMs in secondary schools are only available to families on the lowest income, following national criteria. Our focus is on supporting as many eligible families as possible to benefit, as well as enable access to the range of cost-of-living support schemes and advice available... In response to low uptake of FSMs in some secondary schools, the FSM Test and Learn project to tackle hunger in Camden Secondary schools was started to increase uptake of FSMs... An application has also been made to the Department for Work and Pensions to enable their data to be used so that all Camden residents who are eligible for free school meals can be automatically enrolled without needing a parent/guardian to complete an application.
  • Camden Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) > [HAF]( is a DfE funded programme that supports children and young people aged 5-16yrs who are eligible for benefits-related FSM during Spring, Summer, and Winter school holidays. It provides free access to physical and enriching activities, nutritional education, and a healthy hot meal during the day. The Council works in partnership with the [Young Camden Foundation]( to deliver the programme.
  • Childhood Immunisations > Improving the uptake of childhood immunisations remains a strategic priority for the Camden [Health & Well-being Board]( and [Camden Borough Partnership](, as well as the main population health priority for [North Central London (NCL) Integrated Care System (ICS)]( National increases have been reported in two vaccine preventable diseases this year (Whooping cough and measles)... We have used our parent champions, health improvement staff and school nursing teams to promote MMR vaccination. We have promoted messages around the increase in measles cases and the importance of vaccination using staff from Family Hubs and have attended baby bonding sessions to promote childhood vaccinations and answer questions raised by parents. We have attended headteacher meetings to provide briefings on the increase in measles and the importance of improving MMR vaccination uptake rates... We have worked with our colleagues in NCL ICB, [University College London Hospital (UCLH)]( / Vaccine bus and family hubs to deliver outreach MMR clinics and information sessions throughout the borough... Information sessions and a vaccine session has also been held at the New Horizons, a pan-London centre for young people living with homelessness.
  • Mental Health Services > "Nationally, data shows steep decline in mental health of Children and Young People (CYP) and unprecedented demand for support with mental health disorders rising from 1 in 9 in 2017 to 1 in 5 in 2023. In Camden it is estimated that 1 in 5 CYP aged 11-16 have a mental health condition, and 23% of 17–19-year-olds... 1 in 3 young carers are estimated to have a mental health issue, with an estimated to be 1,370 young carers (aged 5–24) in Camden. The jointly commissioned Islington and Camden Young Carers Service was reprocured with a new provider (The Children’s Society) who have started their work with the development of a new Camden Young Carers Strategy... Waiting times for the Tavistock’s CAMHS services continued to be low in comparison with other NCL boroughs, with 82% of children seen within 4 weeks in Quarter 4 23/24... Following a successful pilot, Camden Council commissioned a social prescribing service for CYP aged 12-24 for a period of two years, with Fitzrovia Youth in Action, the Brandon Centre and the Hive... As part of


Profile image for Councillor Lotis Bautista
Councillor Lotis Bautista  Chair of the Children, Schools and Families Scrutiny Committee •  Labour •  King's Cross
Councillor Matt Cooper
Councillor Patricia Leman
Councillor Tom Simon
Camden Youth Council representative