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Licensing Sub Committee D - Tuesday 10 December 2024 2.00 pm
December 10, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Licensing Sub Committee D was scheduled to consider one application for a new premises licence at Unit D, Cube Building, Wenlock Road, and one application for the review of an existing licence at Guven Supermarket, Dalston Lane. It was also scheduled to consider as a standing item applications for Temporary Event Notices.
Application for a Premises Licence: Unit D, Cube Building, 17-21 Wenlock Road, N1 7SL
Murat Nasif applied for a new premises licence for Unit D, Cube Building, 17-21 Wenlock Road, N1 7SL.
The applicant proposed the following hours:
Activity | Times |
Supply of Alcohol On Sales | Mon-Sun 11:00-22:30 |
Supply of Alcohol Off Sales | Mon-Sat 11:00-23:00, Sun 11:00-22:30 |
Opening Hours | Mon-Sat 07:00-23:00, Sun 07:00-22:30 |
Representations from the Police and the Environmental Enforcement Team were withdrawn after the applicant agreed conditions, including that:
The premises shall maintain a comprehensive CCTV system as per the minimum requirements of a Metropolitan Police Crime Prevention Officer.
Five representations were received from local residents on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm. For example, one resident wrote:
Being able to sell alcohol for both on and off premise consumption will lead to significant disorder to residents nearby and in the family orientated park across the road.
One of these representations was withdrawn after discussions with the applicant.
Application for the Review of a Premises Licence: Guven Supermarket, 175 Dalston Lane, E8 1AL
David Hunt, on behalf of Trading Standards, applied for a review of the licence for Guven Supermarket, 175 Dalston Lane, E8 1AL. The review was requested on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder and public safety after Trading Standards officers made two visits to the premises and on both occasions purchased illegal tobacco products. Mr Hunt wrote:
Hackney Trading Standards have carried out inspections at the premises as part of ongoing work to tackle illicit Tobacco, Alcohol and Vape products on two recent occasions illegal tobacco was sold at the premises and illegal tobacco have been found at the premises placed under the counter in the area around the till.
The Licensing Authority supported the review on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder. Dr Sandra Husbands, Director of Public Health for the City of London & London Borough of Hackney, also submitted a statement in support of the review, writing:
As stated in the application for review of the premise licence submitted by Trading Standards, the premise has been found on two different occasions to have sold and stored illegal tobacco products. When given verbal warnings and enforcement of these violations by Trading Standards staff, the supermarket staff were verbally hostile and refused to cooperate.
The report notes that the Council has an obligation to:
work together with local and national partners to reduce the harms associated with tobacco, including illegal tobacco sales.
The report recommends that the committee consider revoking the licence, or if they do not consider that to be appropriate, to suspend it for up to 3 months. It also suggests that a number of additional conditions be added to the licence to bring it in line with current licensing policy.
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 10-Dec-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D agenda
- Public reports pack Tuesday 10-Dec-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D reports pack
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation 1
- 06 - LSC Report- Unit D 17-21 Wenlock Road other
- 07 - LSC Report-175 Dalston Lane other
- Supplementary Paper - TEN Tuesday 10-Dec-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee D other
- 08 - TEN Report - 101 Great Eastern Street other