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Planning Committee - Thursday, 12th December, 2024 7.00 pm

December 12, 2024 View on council website
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The meeting was scheduled to discuss ten planning applications and included requests for addendums to two applications previously presented to the Committee. These related to proposed amendments to two conditions relating to commencement dates for works on site.


The report pack included an application for the erection of a two-storey extension to the existing Travelodge Hotel to form a new step-free entrance. It also included plans to create 55 new hotel bedrooms by infilling the existing car park and service area, infilling of the under croft at level 3 and a new flat roof link to extend the existing hotel bar/restaurant. The new bedrooms would have no windows, being located below an existing podium level. A payment in lieu of £762,750 towards housing in the Borough was included in the report pack, as the applicant was not proposing to provide any housing on site.


The report pack included an addendum to a previously approved application. This related to a request from the applicant to amend Condition 1 (time limit) on both the planning permission and listed building consent, to extend the commencement date for works to begin from three years to five years. The applicant stated that:

To progress the works to 2 Waterhouse Square the location and configuration of these services will first need to be amended. The applicant intends to upgrade the current gas-fired central plant so the entire estate can benefit from all electric operation and therefore reduce its overall carbon footprint through lower emissions.


The report pack included two sets of applications associated with thermal and heating improvements across the entire Alexandra Road Estate.

The first set included a planning application and listed building consent for the replacement of existing single glazed windows with double glazed vacuum sealed units. This set of applications also included proposals to remove the existing hot water cylinders in the flats and replace them with new heat interface units (HIUs), the installation of trench heaters within the existing plinths below the balcony sliding doors in Blocks B and C and the installation of new radiators in the flats.

The second set included a planning application and listed building consent application for the replacement of existing estate-wide heating distribution infrastructure including two new sub-plant rooms, cold water storage tank rooms, external pipework, and the associated internal pipework to serve the new heat interface units (HIUs).

Both sets of applications were submitted by Camden Council and were supported by a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document, prepared by the Council for the residents of the Estate. The FAQ document included further details of the proposed works, and addressed questions and concerns raised by residents in respect of the proposals. The applications were supported by a shadow section 106 legal agreement. This would require, among other things, for a suitably qualified and experienced architect to oversee the works from start to completion, and to ensure glazing and joinery contractors with experience of repairing, upgrading and retrofitting windows in postwar listed buildings are employed for the entire duration of the project. It also included a commitment from the Council to ensure that the two sets of applications would be implemented together.


The report pack included a proposal for the demolition of the existing side extension and its replacement with a single-storey extension behind a new garden wall. This included the excavation of a basement beneath the footprint of the house and a new lightwell.

The report pack included a Basement Impact Assessment and an audit of the Assessment, prepared by Campbell Reith. Campbell Reith requested revisions to the Assessment due to concerns about the impact of the basement on the adjacent listed building at 48 Maresfield Gardens. Further revisions were requested in respect of the Damage Mitigation Strategy, due to the previous damage to the listed building, from basement excavation at the application site in 2001. Campbell Reith stated that:

The Damage Mitigation Strategy was set out in the Covering Letter attached to the revised BIA but this has not been published on the Council’s planning website. However, it has been included at paragraph 4.19 of the Basement Impact Assessment Audit dated June 2024.

Campbell Reith confirmed that the basement meets the CLP policies, concluding that:

Overall, the submitted Basement Impact Assessment (BIA) has been externally audited by the Council's consultants, Campbell Reith, and revised where considered necessary to ensure the protection of the Grade II Listed property next door. The Audit reviewed the Basement Impact Assessment for potential impact on land stability and local ground and surface water conditions in accordance with the Council's adopted policies and technical procedures. It has been satisfactorily demonstrated that structural stability would be maintained for the subject property, neighbouring properties (including adjacent listed building) and adjacent highway and that the proposed development would not impact the hydrogeological environment. The proposed basement is found acceptable in relation to CLP Policy A5 and CPG Basements.

The application was also supported by a Construction Management Plan.


The report pack included an application for a change of use of the existing building from commercial use (Class E) to apart hotel use (Class C1), a roof extension and the retention of Class E use at ground floor.

The report pack also included justification from the applicant for the loss of the existing Class E (office) use, including details of a marketing exercise which was conducted by Bluebook. This included the following:

In-house letting details included displaying the property on their website, noting the office use – The building was offered based on a new lease at a minimum of 12 months. The rent, including the service charge, was advertised at £65.00 per sq ft. Marketing information include details of a range of accommodation from parts of single floors to the entire building. A to-let board was erected at first floor level in 2023. The property is also published in Agent Society and Costar Loopnet. These circulate quarterly reminders about Kingsway House's availability around the market. Office use is noted on the marketing particulars, including the size of individual rooms and floors. Bluebook has been marketing the building since 2013.

The application was accompanied by a Transport Assessment, a Travel Plan and a Construction Management Plan. The applicant also made a policy compliant financial contribution of £156,000 towards new housing in the Borough.


The report pack included an application for the refurbishment of the existing commercial building and a number of extensions to increase floorspace, including a nine-storey front extension, the introduction of a roof terrace and the provision of a Class E café unit.

A policy compliant financial contribution of £448,500 was included in the report pack. This was to be secured via s106 legal agreement, to offset the lack of housing provision in the scheme. The applicant’s justification for failing to provide on-site housing included:

Where the housing requirement cannot be met on site policy D2 cascades to the next acceptable alternative being for off-site provision. However with the intense competition for land uses in the surrounding area combined with the relatively small floorspace requirement generated it is considered appropriate in the absence of the applicant having any suitable alternative sites in their ownership that the a payment in lieu is provided.

The application was accompanied by a Transport Assessment and a Construction Management Plan.