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Licensing Sub Committee E - Thursday 12 December 2024 2.00 pm
December 12, 2024 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting was scheduled to discuss applications for new and modified premises licences, including applications from Escudo de Cuba, The Hungry Yak and Turkish Doner Kebab. There was also an application for a temporary event notice from an individual.
Escudo de Cuba, 20 Stoke Newington Road, N16 7XN
Escudo Limited applied for a new licence to replace their existing one. The application included a number of changes including; updated conditions, changes to licensable activities and changes to the hours that the licence authorises these activities to take place. The applicant stated the application was, “to replace the current licence with an updated set of conditions, activities, and hours, making the licence easier to enforce and operate”.
There were two objections to the application.
Disability BackUp Hackney objected because the tables and chairs associated with the premises sometimes block the tactile paving on Stoke Newington Road, and that late at night crash barriers obstruct the tactile paving to provide a space for patrons to smoke. They said that “The management of this establishment has shown itself to be unfit to run a licensed business.” and that if the licence was granted, the premises should be required to give up its tables and chairs licence and not be allowed to have patrons smoking outside.
A redacted representation objected because, The premises has been a persistent nuisance with amplified music and dispersal problems. Routinely flouts licensing controls. There are also public safety and crime and disorder concerns. This application will require more than the usual level of scrutiny
The applicant responded to the representations in a letter stating that they are happy to offer a number of additional conditions to address the concerns raised by Disability BackUp Hackney, including:
The tables on Stoke Newington Road shall not cover the tactile paving surface at the crossing of Millers Terrace at any time.
No queue barriers will be placed on Stoke Newington Road at any time.
The applicant also provided an explanation of the change in approach from their previous licence, explaining that the new application reflects the change in activities applied for, and the general move of the business away from regulated entertainment led activities to food and beverage supported with recorded music
The applicant also provided a response to the redacted representation, stating that they, would welcome the opportunity to explain the current application to this objector
. They also added that, based on their, own personal previous experience
they feel that it, would be best to Schedule a hearing to resolve these final issues
The Hungry Yak, 499 Kingsland Road, E8 4AU
Gaston et Hugo Ltd applied for a new licence to authorise the sale of alcohol on the premises, and the provision of late night refreshment.
One objection was received.
The objector noted that although there is an existing planning permission for a change of use to A3 (Restaurant and Cafe) from A1 (Shops), the conditions attached to that permission have not been met. They requested that, this planning irregularity should be reviewed as part of the licensing considerations
Turkish Doner Kebab, 163 Mare Street E8 3RH
Nuvit Yildiz, represented by NARTS licensing consultants, applied for a new premises licence to allow authorisation for the provision of late night refreshment.
The Police objected to the application on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder and the prevention of public nuisance. They expressed concern that, another premises opening until 0300hrs at weekends would have a negative impact on the local residents
The Police also stated that the application did not make clear whether Turkish Doner Kebab would be offering delivery. They added that, If they are, there needs to be a delivery management plan detailing where drivers will be waiting as directly outside is double yellow lines and the lead up to a junction with traffic lights. This should also deal with how any disruption from them will be mitigated.
Temporary Event Notices
An application for a Temporary Event Notice for Bar A Bar, a business in Hackney, was considered. No details about the notice were included in the meeting pack.
- Agenda frontsheet Thursday 12-Dec-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee E agenda
- Licensing Sub 12 Dec 2024- New -499 Kingsland Road_Redacted
- Public reports pack Thursday 12-Dec-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee E reports pack
- LSC Report-163 Mare Street other
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation
- Licensing Sub-Report 12 Dec 2024 - 20 Stoke Newington Road_Redacted
- Supplementary Paper 1 Thursday 12-Dec-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee E
- Additional Informtaion - Response to Representation
- TEN Report - Bar A Bar
- Supplementary Paper 2 - TEN Thursday 12-Dec-2024 14.00 Licensing Sub Committee E other