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East Area Planning Sub-Committee - Monday, 20th May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting primarily focused on the appointment of the Chair and Vice-Chair for the East Area Planning Subcommittee and the discussion of a single planning application for 11 Elm Gardens. Councillor Coombs was appointed as Chair, and Councillor Richard Williams was appointed as Vice-Chair. The main discussion revolved around the planning application for a part two-part single-story extension at 11 Elm Gardens, which was ultimately granted permission despite objections from a neighboring property owner.

  1. Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair:

    • Councillor Coombs was nominated and confirmed as Chair of the East Area Planning Subcommittee for the municipal year 2024-25.
    • Councillor Richard Williams was nominated and confirmed as Vice-Chair.
  2. Declarations of Interest:

    • No declarations of interest were made by any members present.
  3. Planning Application for 11 Elm Gardens:

    • Application Details: The application (2020-4-0223) was for a part two-part single-story extension, front porch, alterations to the registration and driveway following partial demolition of the existing house. A similar application (2022-0815) had previously been granted.
    • Presentation by Natalie: Natalie provided an update, including corrections to the application details and showed proposed site plans, elevations, floor plans, roof plans, tree planting, and site photos.
    • Objections by Mr. Andrew Edgington: Mr. Edgington, owner of the most directly affected property at 23 St. Leonard's Road, raised three main objections:
      • Overlooking: The new extension would overlook his garden and those of other neighbors due to the elevated position of the property.
      • Density and Massing: The proposed extension would be out of place with the existing small detached houses on large gardens in Elm Gardens.
      • Visual Amenity: The extension would block views of the woods and detract from the visual appeal of the area.
    • Discussion and Questions: Councillors discussed the objections and asked questions about the proposed tree planting and hedging, the height of the new trees, and the use of obscure glazing for some windows.
    • Decision: Despite the objections, the subcommittee found no planning grounds to refuse the application. The recommendation was to grant permission with conditions, including ensuring that the new bricks match the existing ones and that the planting schedule is followed.

The meeting concluded with the approval of the planning application for 11 Elm Gardens, and a reminder to keep a close eye on the conditions to ensure compliance.


Councillor Alex Coomes
Councillor Gill Coates
Councillor James Crawshaw
Councillor Liz Laino
Councillor Jez Langham
Councillor Simon Leifer
Councillor Mary Marshall
Profile image for Councillor Elaine Sesemann
Councillor Elaine Sesemann  Thames Ditton & Weston Green Residents' Association •  Thames Ditton
Councillor Simon Waugh
Natalie Lynch
Kerrie Plunkett
Tracey Hulse