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South Area Planning Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The South Area Planning Subcommittee of Elmbridge held its first meeting of the 2024/2025 municipal year. The key topics discussed included the appointment of the chair and vice-chair, a planning application for a new house in Cobham, and a change of use application for a dog daycare facility in Cobham.

Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair

Councillor Andrew Burley was appointed as the chair of the South Area Planning Subcommittee. Councillor Parker was appointed as the vice-chair.

Planning Application for 28 Leehill Road, Cobham

The subcommittee discussed a planning application (2023/2988) for a detached two-story house with rooms in the roof space, an attached garage, swimming pool, and entrance gates at 28 Leehill Road, Cobham. The main points of contention were the impact on local trees and whether the proposed house met local housing policies.

  • Tree Impact: Concerns were raised about the impact on trees, particularly a veteran oak tree (T3). The council's senior tree officer confirmed that the trees were not veteran due to their size and that the suggested conditions were sufficient to address the impact.
  • Housing Policy: The proposed house would contain five bedrooms, which raised questions about compliance with policy CS 19, which requires 90% of new homes to have one, two, or three bedrooms. However, the officers argued that the character of the area, which consists of large detached houses, made the proposal acceptable.

The application was granted planning permission with conditions, including a construction transport management plan and specific measures to protect the trees.

Change of Use Application for Dog Daycare Facility at Chatley Cottage, Cobham

The subcommittee discussed an application (2023/3047) for the change of use of land at Chatley Cottage, Pointers Road, Cobham to a dog daycare facility. The main issues were the impact on the Greenbelt and whether very special circumstances existed to justify the change of use.

  • Greenbelt Impact: The officers considered the proposal to be inappropriate development in the Greenbelt due to the impact on openness and the level of activity on the site.
  • Very Special Circumstances: The applicant argued that the economic benefits, including employment for 18 staff members, and the high demand for dog daycare services constituted very special circumstances. The subcommittee agreed, noting the community and environmental benefits, and granted planning permission with conditions, including a woodland management plan and restrictions on public drop-offs.

Planning Application for 1 Holtwood Road, Oxshott

The subcommittee discussed a planning application (2023/3286) for four pairs of semi-detached houses at 1 Holtwood Road, Oxshott. The application was a resubmission of a previously refused application, which had been dismissed on appeal solely due to an unsuitable legal agreement for affordable housing contributions.

  • Affordable Housing Contribution: The applicant indicated their willingness to prepare a legal agreement to secure the requisite affordable housing contribution.
  • Biodiversity Net Gain: The new application included measures to achieve a biodiversity net gain, which had been agreed with Surrey Wildlife Trust.

The subcommittee granted planning permission subject to the completion of a satisfactory legal agreement for affordable housing contributions within three months. An informative was added to encourage the use of renewable energy sources instead of gas boilers.