Request support for Elmbridge

We're not currently able to provide detailed weekly summaries for Elmbridge Council. We need support from the council to:

  • Ensure we can reliably access and process council meeting information
  • Cover the costs of processing and summarizing council data
  • Maintain and improve the service for residents

You can help make this happen!

Contact your councillors to let them know you want Elmbridge Council to support Open Council Network. This will help ensure residents can stay informed about council decisions and activities.

If you represent a council or business, or would be willing to donate to support this service, please contact us at

Annual, Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 15, 2024 View on council website
AI Generated


We do not yet summarise meetings from this council. If you would like us to do so, you can contact your councillors to request support.


Councillor Judy Sarsby
Councillor Peter Harman
Councillor Ruby Ahmed
Councillor Hilary Butler
Councillor Wendy Gibbs
Councillor Pat Gormley
Councillor Pippa Graeme
Councillor Paul Hughes
Councillor Helgi Joensen
Councillor Stanley Luker
Profile image for Councillor Gregor Macgregor
Councillor Gregor Macgregor  Independent •  Walton Central
Councillor Alistair Mann
Councillor Charu Sood
Councillor Janet Turner
Councillor Clare Bailey
Councillor Alex Batchelor
Councillor Steve Bax
Councillor Andrew Burley
Councillor Barry Cheyne
Councillor Gill Coates
Councillor Alex Coomes
Councillor John Cope
Councillor James Crawshaw
Councillor Nick Dodds
Councillor Richard Flatau
Councillor Kirsty Hewens
Councillor Neil Houston
Councillor Caroline James
Councillor Joshua Lambert
Councillor Jez Langham
Councillor Simon Leifer
Councillor Mary Marshall
Councillor Tony Popham
Councillor Alistair Price
Councillor Mike Rollings
Profile image for Councillor Elaine Sesemann
Councillor Elaine Sesemann  Thames Ditton & Weston Green Residents' Association •  Thames Ditton
Councillor Corinne Sterry
Councillor Ashley Tilling
Councillor Simon Waugh
Councillor Laurence Wells
Marianne Bailey
Adam Chalmers
Andrew Cooper
Dawn Crewe
Colin George
Beverley Greenstein
Kate Hobley
Martin Kearton
Victoria Statham
Kim Tagliarini