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Licensing Sub-Committee (1) - Wednesday 18th December, 2024 10.00 am
December 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
This meeting will include consideration of an application for the expedited review of a licence for The Groucho Club. The documents published ahead of the meeting also include the agenda for the meeting and details of who is expected to be there.
The Groucho Club
The meeting will consider an application for an expedited review of the licence for The Groucho Club1 at 44-45 Dean Street in Soho. The application is for an Expedited Review
The agenda front sheet says the Cumulative Impact Area for the application is N/A
.2 It also says that the Special Consideration Zone3 for the application is N/A
The report pack reminds Councillors that when they are considering applications for Premises Licences under the Licensing Act 2003, they are advised to consider the City of Westminster Statement of Licensing Policy, (which came into effect in October 2021), and any guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Section 182 of the Act (the most recent version of which was published in December 2023).
The report pack goes on to summarise the core hours when customers are permitted to be in various types of licensed premises.
A private members' club on Dean Street in Soho. It is popular with people who work in the media. ↩
A Cumulative Impact Area is a zone in which the local authority believes that the high density of licensed premises selling alcohol is having a negative impact on one or more of the four licensing objectives. ↩
A Special Consideration Zone is an area in which the local council has decided that it will apply stricter licensing conditions than in other areas. For example, an area might become a Special Consideration Zone if the council believes there is a risk of crime and disorder. ↩