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Extraordinary, Council - Monday 16th December 2024 6.30 p.m.

December 16, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Council voted unanimously to award the Honorary Freedom of the Borough to Lyn Brown and Paulette Watson MBE. No one was awarded the title of Honorary Alderman.

Honorary Freedom of the Borough

The Council voted to award the Honorary Freedom of the Borough to two people.

Lyn Brown

The Council discussed the nomination of Lyn Brown for the Honorary Freedom of the Borough.

Councillor John Gray, who represents West Ham Ward, spoke about Ms Brown's history in Newham.

I would point out that Lynn was born and bred in Newham. Her parents were working class factory workers. She worked in local government. She was a councillor. She was an executive of the council for many years.

He went on to speak about her work as a Member of Parliament representing West Ham.

It is little known that the former constituency of West Ham was the most densely populated consistency in the UK. The most densely populated. When you think of the problems and the pressures and the challenges in Newham, she only got the same amount of money to run her office to support residents as MPs in leafy shires.

Councillor Sarah Ruiz spoke about Ms Brown's long service to the borough.

Like others in the room, Lynn has actually been a friend for, I hate to think it, but probably nearly 40 years. She is responsible for me standing here today because she was the one who encouraged me with, 'if you think you can do any better, why don't you join?' Which was actually very typical of Lynn.

Councillor Alan Griffiths spoke about Ms Brown's family's deep roots in Newham.

She grew up in a fifth floor council flat in Drew Road in Silvertown, where her parents were still living when she was first elected. She went to local school. And I remember seeing a picture when the new building was open for that school and there were two little girls in the brownies and one of them was Lynn Brown.

He went on to talk about her work outside of Newham.

What hasn't been mentioned, I think, so far is all her contributions to local government outside this area. She was the chair of a committee on the Association of Metropolitan Authorities and then the local government association.

Paulette Watson MBE

The Council also discussed the nomination of Paulette Watson MBE for the Honorary Freedom of the Borough.

The report considered by the council stated that:

Paulette Watson MBE has exemplified over 22 years of dedicated service to the Newham community, channelling her passion into education, digital inclusion, and youth development.

Honorary Alderman

The Civic Awards Panel did not recommend anyone for appointment as an Honorary Alderman this year.


Councillor Mohammed Gani
Profile image for Councillor Harvinder Singh Virdee
Councillor Harvinder Singh Virdee  Labour & Co-Operative •  Boleyn
Councillor Mehmood Mirza
Councillor Dina Hossain
Councillor Lakmini Shah
Councillor Rita Chadha
Profile image for Councillor Zuber Gulamussen
Councillor Zuber Gulamussen  Chief Whip of Newham Independents Group •  Newham Independents •  Plashet
Councillor John Gray
Councillor Aktharul Alam
Councillor Neil Wilson
Councillor Belgica Guaña
Councillor Amar Virdee
Profile image for Councillor Lewis Godfrey
Councillor Lewis Godfrey  Labour & Co-Operative •  Green Street West
Councillor Alan Griffiths
Councillor Danny Keeling
Councillor James Beckles
Councillor Rohima Rahman
Councillor Melanie Onovo
Councillor Caroline Adaja
Profile image for Councillor Miraj Patel
Councillor Miraj Patel  Deputy Cabinet Member for Environment •  Labour •  Green Street East
Councillor Thelma Odoi
Councillor Mariam Dawood
Councillor Lester Hudson
Councillor Musawwar Alam
Councillor Nate Higgins
Councillor Salim Patel
Councillor Carolyn Corben
Profile image for Councillor Blossom Young
Councillor Blossom Young  Cabinet Member for Housing Landlord and Tenant Experience Improvements •  Labour •  Beckton
Councillor Femi Falola
Councillor John Morris
Councillor Simon Rush
Profile image for Councillor Susan Masters
Councillor Susan Masters  Scrutiny Commission Chair •  Labour & Co-Operative •  East Ham South
Profile image for Councillor Canon Ann Easter
Councillor Canon Ann Easter  Commissioner for Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue •  Labour & Co-Operative •  Royal Albert
Councillor Rachel Tripp
Councillor Liz Cronin
Councillor Sophia Naqvi
Councillor Anamul Islam
Councillor Nur Begum
Profile image for Councillor Imam Haque
Councillor Imam Haque  Deputy Chair of Council 2024/2025 •  Labour •  East Ham
Councillor Mumtaz Khan
Councillor Zulfiqar Ali
Councillor Shantu Ferdous
Councillor Joy Laguda MBE
Profile image for Councillor Syed Bashar
Councillor Syed Bashar  Labour •  Little Ilford
Councillor Sabia Kamali
Councillor Terence Paul
Councillor Tonii Wilson