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Extraordinary, Council - Tuesday 17 December 2024 6.00 pm, NEW

December 17, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting of the full council was an extraordinary meeting called to discuss two appointments.

Appointment of Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer

The main purpose of the meeting was for the council to consider the appointment of Louise Humphreys as Monitoring Officer and Director of Legal, Democratic & Electoral Services and Naeem Ahmed as Section 151 Officer and Group Director of Finance & Corporate Resources.

The appointments had been recommended by the Appointments Sub-Committee at a meeting on 8 July 2024.

The Appointments Sub-Committee interviewed candidates for the Monitoring Officer and Director of Legal, Democratic & Electoral Services on 19 November 2024, and candidates for the Section 151 Officer and Group Director Finance & Corporate Resources on 3 December 2024, before making their recommendations.

In accordance with the Local Authorities’ (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 as set out in the Council's Constitution (Officer Employment Procedure Rules), the name of the person to be offered the appointment was sent to all members of the Executive asking for any objections. No objections were raised. —Appointment of O and S151 1

  1. Appointment of O and S151 is the title of the document provided to councillors before the meeting to inform their consideration of the appointment of the Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer. You can read the document in full on the Hackney Council website:


Councillor Kam Adams
Councillor Grace Adebayo
Councillor Soraya Adejare
Councillor Frank Baffour
Councillor Robert Chapman
Councillor Sophie Conway
Councillor Liam Davis
Profile image for Councillor Michael Desmond
Councillor Michael Desmond  Labour •  Hackney Downs
Councillor Sade Etti
Councillor Zoe Garbett
Councillor George Gooch
Councillor Ben Hayhurst
Councillor Clare Joseph
Councillor Michael Levy
Councillor Hershy Lisser
Councillor Ben Lucas
Councillor Richard Lufkin
Councillor Anna Lynch
Councillor Sem Moema
Councillor Jon Narcross
Councillor Guy Nicholson
Councillor M Can Ozsen
Councillor Sam Pallis
Councillor Benzion Papier
Councillor Sharon Patrick
Councillor Clare Potter
Councillor Fliss Premru
Profile image for Councillor Ian Rathbone
Councillor Ian Rathbone  Labour •  Lea Bridge
Councillor Midnight Ross
Councillor Ali Sadek
Councillor Ifraax Samatar
Councillor Anya Sizer  Deputy Speaker •  Labour •  Hoxton East & Shoreditch
Profile image for Councillor Gilbert Smyth
Councillor Gilbert Smyth  Fairtrade Champion •  Labour •  Stoke Newington
Councillor Faruk Tinaz
Councillor Joe Walker
Councillor Jessica Webb
Councillor Penny Wrout
Councillor Sarah Young