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Development Control Committee - Monday, 29th April, 2024 14:00

April 29, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The council meeting focused on the redevelopment of the Grand Pavilion, a significant cultural and heritage site. The committee reviewed and discussed two main applications: a full planning application for the redevelopment and a listed building consent application.

  1. Full Planning Application for Grand Pavilion Redevelopment: The committee approved the full planning application, which aims to refurbish and extend the Grand Pavilion. The discussion highlighted the building's cultural significance and the need for modernization to preserve its utility and heritage. Concerns about construction impact on nearby residents and traffic were addressed with conditions like a construction management plan. The decision paves the way for revitalizing the building while maintaining its historical essence.

  2. Listed Building Consent for Grand Pavilion: The listed building consent was also approved, ensuring that the modifications and extensions would be sympathetic to the building's historical and architectural significance. The conservation officer provided insights into the preservation of original features and the integration of new elements that align with the building's art deco style. This approval is crucial for proceeding with renovations that respect the building's listed status.

Additional Information: The meeting was well-organized, with remote participation facilitated. There were no major objections from the public, indicating community support or at least acceptance of the redevelopment plans. The use of technology, like Microsoft Teams, and adherence to procedural rules ensured a smooth meeting flow.


Room - Council Chamber
Rhodri Davies
Gillian Dawson
Lee Evans
Craig Flower
Mark Galvin
Stephen Griffiths
Jayne Issac
Steven Jenkins
Rachel Keepins
Janine Nightingale
Jonathan Parsons
Michael Pitman
Oscar Roberts
Euan Sexton
Philip Thomas
Leigh Tuck
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Profile image for Councillor Steven Easterbrook
Councillor Steven Easterbrook  Independent •  Bridgend Central
Councillor Della Hughes
Councillor Alan Wathan
Councillor David Harrison
Councillor Chris Davies
Councillor Anthony Berrow
Councillor Norah Clarke
Councillor Mark John
Councillor Martin Hughes