Development Control Committee - Monday, 29th April, 2024 14:00
April 29, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting or read trancriptTranscript
April, at 2 o'clock to discuss the Grand Pavilion and other works, I now will go through the opening statement by myself, can I welcome all members and officers to this special meeting of the developer control committee which will be held as an eyebrowed meeting, the meeting we recorded and will be available via the council's website to be viewed as soon as practical following this meeting, everyone participating in this meeting will be accessing this meeting either from the council chamber or remote locations, please could everybody ensure that their mobile phones are switched off or on silent mode, please. Members will be receiving an electronic copy of the agenda, I will ask officers to present a summary of the key points for the record, the agenda then can be viewed on the council's website. If attending meeting remotely, please, members are required to keep their cameras on at all times, please. Whether in the chamber or remote, if any member officer wishes to raise a point or question, they should press the hands up icon on the screen on the right hand side of the Microsoft Teams window and I will come to you in the order I received requests, please lower your hand once you have finished speaking, the chat button will be disabled for this meeting. Please do not use your microphones until I invite you to do so. Officers from Democratic services will be your support in the meeting and will be monitored in the use of microphones throughout the meeting and where necessary will make those not being used. I would also ask that officers introduce themselves as and when they invite them to speak during the course of the meeting. They should also ensure microphones on cameras are switched off when not in use, please. Today's business could require a vote from members. Those will be conducted in a normal way. I will now proceed to the agenda like them. Apologies for absence, I haven't had any. Anybody got any apologies, please? Council has, yes. And Councillor Dave Harrison. Nobody else? Okay, we move on. Any declarations of interests? Councillor Hopkins. Yeah, I'd like to declare a personal interest, please. My auntie owns one of the flats overlooking the pavilion. Okay, thank you for that. Anybody else? No? Okay. Councillor Pratt. Sorry. I think very much, yes. Two, they are tentative and personal. One with our interest as Portugal Town Council had a commercial arrangement with the toilets which ceased since the building has closed down. And my second one is personal. I used to be employee with our local member of parliament at the time and the application went through for the leveling up fund, but I'm no longer in this employment, but I was there at the time. Thank you very much, Chair. Okay, that's an update. Thank you. Site visit, Portland Hall, to confirm the date of Friday, the 10th to the 5th 24th of a poll site inspections are rising from a meeting or identified in advance for the next committee meeting by the Chairperson concerned. We just move. We know that, please. Thank you. Seconded. Seconded. Thank you. There's no public speakers today. You've also seen I take it the amendment sheet. Have you read the amendment sheet? Yeah. Okay. Thank you for that. Development code guidance. That's straightforward for Logan. Okay, if we go on to number seven then P twenty three five one one BC BC ground pavilion with call. Lee, do you want to take us to it, please? Thank you, Chair. For the purpose of the recording, my name is Lee Evans, Principal Planning Officer. Okay, the applications and the consideration today are the full planning application for the significant redevelopment of the called grand pavilion and the associated listed building consent, given the building is grade two listed. Agenda item seven then focuses firstly on the full planning application for the redevelopment. Members will recall that on Wednesday the 3rd of April, a full development control site visit was undertaken at the grand pavilion that provided members with a feeling and understanding of the application and the site context. And attendance at the meeting was also the Council Senior Conservation Officer Moira Lucas, who provided assistance on explaining and understanding the applications to members. The current application then seeks consent for an extensive project to refurbish and extend the grand pavilion. As members are aware, the grand pavilion is a prominent and key building on the seafront of Vimpuff call that has significant cultural and social heritage and significant heritage asset. Opened in 1932, the building and its use forms a focal point for the town and sits at the heart of the community from a social and cultural viewpoint. The building, as members would have noted during the site visit, is now declining and in need of comprehensive intervention and repair to secure its pivotal position within the community. Regent County Board Council, owners of the building and now when cultural trusts, partners and leaseholders are demonstrating a long-term commitment to this redevelopment proposal with the assistance of specialist conservation architects. Following much pre-app work, collaborative workshops and the submission of amendments due to the planning application process, the proposal seeks permission for the sensitive conservation repair and alteration of the building. Further plans, photographs and a description of each aspect of the works are detailed in the report to the members. Members' attention is drawn to the key planning matters associated with this proposal. Notably, the principle of the development scheme, visual impact including the impact on the current and appearance of the listed building in the South Indian Puff call conservation area, residential amenity impact, highway safety, land drainage and biodiversity. In terms of the principle of the proposal, the application site is situated within the main settlement of Puff call, inside settlement limits with the works being proposed to a well-established social and community facility. The proposal is aimed at improving, beneficially repairing and enhancing the building to address its current decline and provide a viable and sustainable future for its original use with the scheme therefore raising no in principle of concerns. The proposal would clearly add to the vibrancy and vitality of the wider Puff call area, maintaining and adding to the provision of diversity of activities and uses enjoyed within the seaside town. In terms of visual impact, the application is being carefully considered by both planning officers and the conservation and design team and is considered acceptable and sympathetic proposal that meets local and national planning policy requirements in this respect. The comprehensive design and access statement and detailed heritage impact statement have been produced in support of the planning application and aim to demonstrate that the redevelopment would not have a detrimental impact on the setting of the listed building or the character and appearance of the surrounding Puff call conservation area. The importance of this investment and development scheme is fully appreciated in this case to ensure the future conservation and ongoing operation of the building as is considered a development proposal that has been subject to extensive pre-app consultations and exhibitions and various feasibility studies and amendments do now provide for sympathetic and appropriate redevelopment scheme that can be supported in design terms. The proposed works would clearly have an impact on the general form and appearance of the building although I consider to appear sensitive to the host building and would enhance and broaden the provision within the building. The first flow extension is set back and set down below the main roof dome and clock tower to ensure it does not appear jarring with these original features. The relatively streamlined profile of the roof extension would complement the deco style of existing wings whilst also appearing as a contemporary and lightweight addition. Charles Peevey's solar panels would be added to the roof of the new glaze roof extension. All of the historic external front elevation, the ground floor, would still read as the original exterior and is proposed to be sympathetically and sensitively repaired as part of the works. The roof of the domed main auditorium has been overpainted and lost its definition. The works that are restored and prove a more defined historic appearance of this roof feature would enhance and augment the visual appearance of the building. It is detailed that the proposed metal clouding would be of a similar coloration to the existing roof limiting the change in the visual appearance from street level. The proposed extensions to the east, west and north rear of the building would be erected in historically open spaces, now used for car parking and servicing purposes with no meaningful contribution to the significance of the listed building. The rear extension rationalizes the rear elevation of the building and would be partially finished in a bronze cladding, differentiating it from the historic fabric, although it would not be viewed in the context of the principal public facing elevations of the building. Overall, and in view of the conservation and design team's comments on this application and the associated Lissibillion application who are fully in support of the scheme, the application is successfully addressed to the potential effects of the redevelopment proposals on the Lissibillion and the conservation area, and through the imposition of conditions, it is considered that the works would have an acceptable impact on the setting of the greater Lissibillion. In terms of impact on neighbors, the Eben occupiers, when noting the amendments undertaken to the scheme and subject to recommended conditions, it is considered the scheme is acceptable in this respect. The application is generated only two letters of objection with the officer's report highlighted in the comments raised from two occupiers, the pavilion court building, and the objection primarily relate to loss of light and outlook and construction disturbance, although both objectives generally welcome the principle of the scheme. Whilst the works would enlarge the scale and massing of the building, it is considered appropriate offsets would be maintained to the nearest neighboring court occupiers to safeguard the amenity and a condition is suggested to ensure a construction management plan is undertaken for the works, thereby safeguarding residential amenity levels during the bill process. SRS have raised no objection to the scheme, subject to conditions, and the proposal does not raise such serious loss of amenity concerns to warrant refusal of the scheme. In terms of highway safety, the council's highways officer has raised no objections against the revised planning application and subject to the imposition of conditions, concludes the proposal does not raise such serious highway safety concerns to warrant the refusal of the planning application. In addition, the council's land drainage section, natural resources, whales, and the council's countryside team raised no objection to the scheme, with such a proposal raising no serious land drainage or biodiversity issues. No other consultation has raised any objections against the proposal. In summary, members have advised that this application is recommended for approval as it complies with council policies and national guidance, and on balance raises no serious or adverse material planning concerns to warrant refusal of the planning application. The redevelopment of the puff call grant pavilion, including its enlargement, would preserve and enhance the character and appearance of puff call conservation area and the general setting of the existing grade two listed building. The scheme, which has been subject to much consultation and pre-app discussions and exhibitions, forms of welcome and sustainable approach to the upgrade and enhancement of the building, which aims to rejuvenate this iconic building. Vice also enhancing the viability and vitality of puff call and the sea front for the long-term retention of this community facility. The scheme is therefore recommended for approval subject conditions as detailed within the agenda to members and subject to the amendment sheet. Thank you chair. Thank you for that comprehensive conclusion. On page 33, you can see the recommendations is to be moved with the amendment. Can some before we move it please and second it. Second. Right. Thank you. One has been seconded. Okay. Thank you. Any questions? Okay. Councilor Clark. Thank you for that, Lee. I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful enhancement to puff call. You mentioned solar panels. Can I understand how many solar panels there's going to be? Where are they going to be positioned and how are they going to work? Is it going to go into sort of like a battery or is it going to be used as it's being, as the electricity's being made? Do you understand what I mean? Yeah, fair question, Councilor. It's quite a significant number of solar panels on the building of the roof. We've got a condition to control the design and keeping them as flush as possible to the building so they're not that visible from street view. I don't know if you can see the drawing in front of you there. You can see that the little square boxes are on each section of the new extension. So either side of the main dome, you've got the first flow pavilion effectively, the glass boxes, if you like. So on top of those, but you're not really going to see them from street view. So there's quite a number of solar panels, but I think to get the way to get this as the inable credentials up for the building, it's important to have those. But the important fact is that they don't overly dominate the views of the building and they very well screen Councilor. So we're going to work carefully on the final design of those through condition to control the look of those. The technical questions, I'm not 100% sure about how they actually works all the panels in that sense. So does anybody? I'll just give a second. The question was, how are you going to store the electric? Is it going back straight into the grid or is there going to be batteries on site for it to be put in the batteries as the backup says, I don't want them. I will trust this year. They can answer it. Hi, I'm Mark Phillips. I'm in cultural trust. The principle is that the vast majority of the electricity produced by the solar panels will be consumed directly in the building. We're still working through the options for whether battery storage is required. It's a balance between what the daytime consumption is and what the solar will generate in in summer conditions and winter conditions, which are radically different. So we'll definitely use in a lot, all of the power that's generated is just where the battery storage is also required. We're working through that at the moment. Welcome back in for a second, Boyd. Thank you. Thanks for Mark. So what is used? If there is any that isn't used, does that go off to the grid and you get recompense? Yes. So anything that isn't consumed on site will export and there's an export tariff that we... I mean, it's not a huge amount, but there is a tariff. Okay. Answer that question. Great. Thank you, Jonathan. Thank you, Chair. Yes. Again, as Councillor Clarke, so Portugal member, I hugely welcome this project. Two quick questions. One, I know it was raised by Councillor Walter at the site visit, the residents at Pavilion Court. Will there be enough protection for the inevitable works that will be going on? And my second question will be, does planning or our win envisage the closure of the escalator, any point for plant or construction works or anything like that for a short or lengthy period of time? Thank you, Chair. Will it lead you once in the first point, then perhaps you can answer the second point? Thank you, Councillor. I mean, any construction project of this scale, we'd look to secure the site. Security fencing, I think there's a condition on there. I know there's a condition on there, the management plan to agree the sizes and scale of the fence and then this exact position in, this condition 10, Councillor, is detailed in there. So that will give protection to anybody walking around the site, passing members of the public and those in Pavilion Court as well. There's going to be an element of disturbance to residents. It's difficult to avoid that completely. It is temporary, and we'll try to manage it as best we can. Okay, to answer the second part of this question, which was, is anyone expecting either planning or our win to close the seafront to simply for works? Thank you. Thank you, Jonathan. Well, our win is, our win tells us certainly not expecting to close the estimate. There is a construction management plan that needs to be worked up, which would define any movement of large construction traffic, so I think that's probably best back to leave. There is anything to ask. Okay, thank you, Jonathan. Yeah, thank you, Chair, for the purpose of the recording. My name is Jonathan Parsons, Group Manager for Planning and Development Services. As has been pointed out, there is a construction management plan to be agreed, but any closing of the highways that will be undertaken in a separate legislation and a separate legal process. It's not just a case of us agreeing a planning that we will close the seafront. It's got to be done in coordination with colleagues in the operational highway site, and there's a lot of work that goes into closing the highway, so it would have to be publicized, and people affected, and businesses affected, would have to be notified. But it would be a separate process. If that's what the construction management plan requires, and that will require further discussion and agreement with the relevant teams to make that happen, but as pointed out, it's not intended to go down that route, but who knows, if there are abnormal laws or construction traffic that unforeseen, then that might happen, but it would be done in a separate process. I hope that answers the question. Okay. I'm only asking. I'll give back up now, there. Right, Councillor JOHN, please. Thank you, Chair. I suppose my question is probably aimed at our win. Are we comfortable that we bloon from the likes of my stake town hall as in regards to the timescale and the financial ingrown? Thank you, Chair. Councillor JOHN, can I just say, look, we had a pre-meeting about this on the solicitors with us. We can't ask about that in this particular meeting. There are other avenues for you to discuss that within the Council. Jonathan, do you want to come in? Yeah, thank you, Chair. We're usually just looking at the land use planning merits of the two applications that are before you, one of which is a listed building application. That's what the committee is here today is to make a decision on these two planning applications. We can't stray into discussion or debate on other projects and other financial issues. There are other avenues through the authority that members can pursue to get assurances and ask questions or get assurances or on those particular issues. But it's not a matter for us to discuss at this planning committee meeting. We're just looking at the planning merits and whilst I understand some members' concerns in this area, it's not something that's within the remit of this particular committee. Thank you, Chair. Thank you. Okay, Councillor JOHN, sorry to cut you short. I can't see anybody or Councillor HUDS. Sorry, it's gone again, but I did see a hand up. Della? Thank you. I just want to repeat what Nora and Jonathan have said about the building and how fabulous the design is. It will be welcome to both call and it will be fantastic to see being used with all this wonderful new facility, adding to what we've already got. I'm particularly impressed with the, obviously, there's going to be lots of improvements for accessibility and that there's a change in places specifically resolved, fantastic. So just wondering, just to clarify, really, I know there's a report, but with regard to disability and disabled parking, drop-off area, are we happy that that is sufficient to meet any new demands and the more use of the building with the new theatres and spaces as well? Okay, we'll get the other Lee from highways to answer your question, Lee. Yes, thank you, Chair. For the purpose of recording, my name is Lee Tuck, Senior Highways Officer. Right, we've got a number of conditions on this, four highways, yet to be agreed in relation to the building and its movements. So, for example, the car park, we have a condition to redesign that for deliveries and there's also a coach, Bay, at the side of the building, which is underused at the moment. I don't think people realise what it's for, so we're going to be looking to take forward a traffic order for that, for drop-off and pick-up points so that members of the public can access that, and we'll also be signing from the local car parks so that the public can get to this fairly easily. And so, could you repeat your second question, Councillor Hughes, I didn't catch that. Disabled, yes. What disabled parking is available? Is it enough to see, you know, disabled parking in that back car park? That's right. So, sorry, again, that ties into the condition I've put on for disabled parking. We ran out of time, unfortunately, to work up a disabled parking plan. They did provide some, but I've asked them to go above and beyond what they've provided to ensure that it's access suitable for all disabled users, so they will be increasing the quantum of disabled parking above and beyond what's there now, and then I obviously want to create an area for drop-off and pick-up. So, I think they proposed five. I couldn't agree that before the committee, so I've asked for a condition for them to come in with another scheme, increasing that disabled facility, as well as electric charging provision as well, and then that will be agreed outside of this, if it goes through today. Lovely. Thank you, Lee. Councillor interjecting. Thank you, Chair. The areas of working, obviously, would be on the management plan, I guess. Have we got any idea what hours we plan in is proposing? And, obviously, bank holidays, hopefully, there'd be no working on bank holidays, because it is very close to the civilian court, so, you know, like an eight o'clock start is a little bit early, I would have thought, so I don't know whether there's any thoughts on commencement of the time of working. Councillor interjecting. Do you want to ask a question, please? Thank you, Councillor. Yeah, we'll carefully look at the hours of operation. Doesn't usually include a Sunday bank holidays, we usually know working at all, and a Sunday's a bank holidays, usually, a less for exceptional circumstances, but we can carefully look at the hours of operation, definitely, comes to the, yes, through the construction management plan again. Okay, let's put your hand down, though, please. Oh, thank you. I can't see. Okay, come back up, nor are you going to the question? Also, legacy hand, okay. I can't see anybody else asking any questions, so the simple answer is, is there anybody against this at the officer's recommendation? Well, I'm for the officer's recommendation. Well, I'm, yeah, I'm just saying it's anybody against it, so I'm taking that everybody, the whole committee's for the recommendations, and, yeah. Okay, thank you for that. If we go on to the next item, item 8, P-2-3-5-1-2-L-1-S, Grand Pavilion, both call. I'm now going to ask Moira to give you an overview of, oh, sorry, at least going to introduce it, then Moira's going to come into it after. Thank you, Chair. Agenda item 8, then, is for the accompanying enlisted building application for the redevelopment of the Grand Pavilion again. This application focuses more so on the key consideration of the impact of the works on the character and appearance of this listed building. The application in line with the direction issued by CADU in February 2023 to Brigend Council can effectively be determined and the powers delegated to the senior conservation officer of the Council, Moira Lucas. However, for completeness and to support the full planning application, the application is presented to the Development Control Committee for consideration in the first instance. As members are aware from the site visit, and as discussed, Moira, our senior conservation officer, has been fully engaged with the proposals. The officer's reporter members provides a summary of the Council's conservation officer's comments on the scheme with the amended scheme being fully supported. The application proposes to utilize best practice in the historic-built environment for all repairs and sensitive proposals. It also embraces new additions that, of the time, will present and enable the pavilion to further use its resources and expand its usefulness to the community within which it is located. The level of engagement to use as community groups and elements of the Council and CADU has been helpful and created a sense of ownership to this proposal. The application is considered to enhance the original historic and architectural character the building whilst introducing sensitive new additions and incorporates a considered input to address areas of concern. The works are considered justified alterations that seek to preserve and enhance the general character and historic character of the pavilion, whilst at the same time provide a sustainable and viable future for this widely valued historic asset. On the basis of the comments from the Council's senior conservation officer, and on the basis that the works are undertaken as described, it is considered that there would be no detrimental impact on the architectural significance of the building or its historic cultural or social importance and the works are considered acceptable in this instance. Accordingly, it is considered that the proposals have had regard to national and local planning policies that seek to ensure that listed buildings are not damaged or adversely affected by development and overall the proposed alteration works would both preserve and enhance the character of the building and its special historic and architectural interest. The application is therefore recommended for approval, subject to conditions and the final observations of the Council's conservation design team as detailed in the agenda to members. Thank you Chair. Thank you for that summary. It's on page 59, the officer's recommendation with the amendments concerned before me. Move please. Move. Seconded. Seconded. Thank you very much for that. Now I will call in Moira Lucas now to give an overview of the listed building consent. Over to you Moira. Apologies. Thank you Chair. For the purposes of this recording, my name is Moira Lucas. I'm Senior Conservation Officer for Brigend County Borough Council. The other view is that the application has been made. It also contains and details the like for like repairs which do not require the benefit of listed building consent. These include the existing clock tower to be repaired, existing render which is fair accrete. That is also going to be repaired and refurbished. An existing stained glass windows to be repaired along with the original weather vane which is actually not on the building at the moment but has been retained very carefully. That's also going to be renovated, repaired and then reinstated to its original position. The majority of the works are undoing some insensitive alterations that have taken place on the building. Prior it must be pointed out to the building being listed so they would not have needed listed building consent for those works that have been enabled. The overarching purpose of this application is to address upgrading facilities for the entire unit. Also bringing in new spaces that will be required for the building to go forward. This includes extensions on the first floor. As you look at the building to the western east elevations, this provides new space for both A3 use and additional and related uses. Throughout the building, the building is going to be addressed properly in conservation terms so the correct material is going to be utilized. This is going to bring forward a very fresh new pilot which accords with the original architectural intent which was art echo and neoclassicism. The new facilities are going to help improve the availability of what's on offer at the pavilion and this has been done hand-in-hand with our when who are running the building. So this will include new studio space, new art galleries, new cafe facilities, importantly address, you know, a somewhat substandard back-of-house areas and also W.C. facilities. The approach and the visual aspect of the building is going to be greatly improved and it will herald a brand new much needed restart for the building. Thank you, Chair. Thank you very much for that comprehensive report from both officers. Anybody got any questions you'd like to ask either the officer or the conservation officer which has just been highlighted? I can't see anybody. Oh, Council Prime. Yeah, thank you, Chair, and I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong. I know the current capacity for seating in the Grand Pavilion is 643. The proposals here say that overall there will be 650. Is that have you, I suppose it's more to our when an architect is supposed, have you maximized the limits of theatre seating capacity or is there any wiggle room there? Thank you. Thank you for that question. Thank you. So what we're looking to do is because we are, as Myra has just described, we are building the first floor either side. We are looking to increase accessible seating capacity on the balcony, which because there is an uncurrently certain improvement there. The final seating layout is to be developed, but the aim is to reach is to keep it as close to if not slightly above 4643. So that's where we are at the moment. Okay, thank you for that answer. Jonathan, you're happy with that? Yeah, great. Thank you. Simon, please. You're on move, Simon. Thank you, Chair. Could optimise outline the work that's been done to optimise the acoustics within the main auditorium, please? Myra, or? That'll be subject to one of the listed building consent conditions, and that'll be assessed by the relevant officers in Council. The only involvement I will have in that is how any sound attenuation or additions to a sound system will be attached to the original historic fabric, but that will be dealt with at a later date if this is if this application is supported. Okay. You're happy with that, Simon? Yeah, thank you. I'll pick it up a later date. Thank you. Okay, thank you for that. I can't see anybody else wanting to ask a question. It's the same question again. Anybody against the officer's recommendation? Well, that's unanimous. Okay, everybody happy with that? Yes. Yeah. It's only one thing I'd like to ask, Chair. Would put your mic on tour, please. All right, sorry. Only one thing. Will schools be involved in the conservation that would... At the moment, I've not asked them to be involved in anything because, obviously, it's going to be a construction site. It's going to be incredibly difficult to engage that. I'm quite sure if they wanted to come forward and ask any questions, we could certainly help them with data like that. But actually, our access on site, I think, would be... Well, I know. I don't think you know to the later end. Yeah, we could certainly give them written information and we could share the sort of images. And if they wanted to, they could get involved by sort of noting the development as it takes place, that might be quite an interesting project for them to undertake. And I think at the end of the project, then, obviously, they could make arrangements with Arwen to come and visit the site. And there's definitely going to be interpretation boards. And that'll cover the historic aspect, you know, the historic development of the building from its original inception right through to the close of this project. So, I'm sure that's something they couldn't get involved in the future. Yeah. Okay, Tom. Yeah, Marvellous, thank you. Okay, thank you for that, Dan. Well, it's been moved in second. Everybody's in favour of it. Okay, thank you for that. Number nine on the agenda. I haven't got no urgent items. So, can I thank everybody for attending this meeting today? While at home, that's fine. But if you're driving home from this building, please be safe and look after yourselves. And I'll formally close the meeting. Thank you very
The council meeting focused on the redevelopment of the Grand Pavilion, a significant cultural and heritage site. The committee reviewed and discussed two main applications: a full planning application for the redevelopment and a listed building consent application.
Full Planning Application for Grand Pavilion Redevelopment: The committee approved the full planning application, which aims to refurbish and extend the Grand Pavilion. The discussion highlighted the building's cultural significance and the need for modernization to preserve its utility and heritage. Concerns about construction impact on nearby residents and traffic were addressed with conditions like a construction management plan. The decision paves the way for revitalizing the building while maintaining its historical essence.
Listed Building Consent for Grand Pavilion: The listed building consent was also approved, ensuring that the modifications and extensions would be sympathetic to the building's historical and architectural significance. The conservation officer provided insights into the preservation of original features and the integration of new elements that align with the building's art deco style. This approval is crucial for proceeding with renovations that respect the building's listed status.
Additional Information: The meeting was well-organized, with remote participation facilitated. There were no major objections from the public, indicating community support or at least acceptance of the redevelopment plans. The use of technology, like Microsoft Teams, and adherence to procedural rules ensured a smooth meeting flow.
- Cabinet_Committee
- Craig Flower
- Euan Sexton
- Gillian Dawson
- Janine Nightingale
- Jayne Issac
- Jonathan Parsons
- Lee Evans
- Leigh Tuck
- Mark Galvin
- Michael Pitman
- Oscar Roberts
- Philip Thomas
- Rachel Keepins
- Rhodri Davies
- Room - Council Chamber
- Stephen Griffiths
- Steven Jenkins
- Swydd Gwag - Cliciwch ar y geiriau Swydd Wag i gael manylion cyswllt defnyddiol
- Agenda frontsheet 29th-Apr-2024 14.00 Development Control Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 29th-Apr-2024 14.00 Development Control Committee reports pack
- Development Control Committee guidance
- Officers Report_P23511BCB
- Officers Report_P23512LIS
- Decisions 29th-Apr-2024 14.00 Development Control Committee other