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Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 17 December 2024 10.00 am

December 17, 2024 View on council website
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This meeting was about making decisions on two applications for new premises licences under the Licensing Act 2003. The first application was for Unit 213, Blenheim Grove, Peckham, and the second was for Units 4 and 5, Dovedale Centre, Blenheim Grove, Peckham. Both of the applications were for cafes and bars seeking to be open until 00:30 each day, and both included requests for the provision of regulated entertainment, and for the sale of alcohol. The applications attracted representations from local residents and from responsible authorities.

Unit 213, Blenheim Grove

The application for a new premises licence at Unit 213, Blenheim Grove was submitted by Bru-Bar Limited, whose proposed designated premises supervisor1 (DPS) is Ben Sassoon. An extant premises licence (number 878616) already exists for the premises. The report pack includes details of this licence's history, which shows that it was originally granted in 2005, and that Mr Sassoon was previously the licence holder. Mr Sassoon applied to transfer this licence to Bird House Peckham Limited in 2022, and the report pack notes that both William Percy Fuller and Frazer Hugo Timmerman are directors of Bird House Peckham Limited.

The existing licence (number 878616) allows for the sale of alcohol for consumption both on and off the premises from 10:00 until 00:00 Monday to Saturday and from 12:00 until 23:30 on Sunday. Late night refreshment is also permitted from 23:00 until 00:30 Monday to Saturday, and from 23:00 until 00:00 on Sunday.

The new application sought to add regulated entertainment to the licence and to extend the hours for the sale of alcohol on Sundays to 00:00.

Objections and representations

Representations were submitted by Southwark Council's Licensing Unit, the Metropolitan Police Service, Trading Standards, and the Environmental Protection team. Three local residents also submitted representations.

Southwark Council's Licensing Unit initially objected to the application because they felt that the applicant hadn't provided sufficient information about how they would promote the licensing objectives. The Licensing Unit stated that

As the application stands, we object to it, because the licensing objectives haven’t been addressed at all.

To remedy this, they proposed a number of conditions to be added to the licence. These included conditions relating to staff training, CCTV, incident logs, dispersal policies, and various other operational aspects. The Licensing Unit also noted that

Although the premises are in the Peckham CIA2, and the proposed operation of the premises is of a type to which the Peckham CIA would apply, we note that there is an existing premises licence (number 878616) issued regarding the premises. They therefore contended that granting the licence would not have a negative impact on the area, because

The applicant could transfer premises licence number 878616 to themselves and provide entertainment at the premises until 23:00 each day.

The Licensing Unit withdrew their objection after the applicant agreed to their proposed conditions.

The Metropolitan Police Service also proposed a number of conditions, all of which related to the prevention of crime and disorder, and withdrew their representation after the applicant agreed to the conditions.

Trading Standards objected to the application because of concerns about the protection of children from harm. To remedy this, they requested that the applicant include a number of conditions in the application, including:

  • The adoption of a Challenge 25 policy3
  • A requirement for all staff selling alcohol to be trained in the prevention of under-age sales
  • The display of signage explaining the Challenge 25 policy
  • A requirement to keep a refusals log
  • A requirement that no one under 16 be permitted on the premises unless accompanied by an adult
  • A requirement that no one under 18 be permitted on the premises after 23:00

Trading Standards also offered to provide example training materials and a refusals log to assist the applicant. The Environmental Protection team also objected to the application. Their representation noted that the proposed hours for the sale of alcohol exceed the closing times recommended in Southwark Council's Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 – 2026 for 'other drinking establishments' in the Peckham Major Town Centre Area, where the premises are located. This was considered a potential cause of public nuisance, and they noted that

Southwark Council has received complaints from residents in neighbouring properties concerning loud music and noise from patrons. Although these complaints have not been associated with the premises in question, we remain concerned that the proposed activities could impact residents if not properly controlled and managed.

The Environmental Protection team proposed a number of conditions to address this, including conditions relating to noise control, waste handling, and customer behaviour.

Three local residents also objected to the application, variously contending that:

  • The premises are not adequately sound proofed
  • The premises are a hub for crime, nuisance and anti-social behaviour
  • That the operation of the premises leads to litter and glass waste being deposited in the locale
  • That customers of the premises frequently urinate in the locale
  • That loud amplified music has disturbed children of an objector
  • That the current, and intended, operation of the premises is not suitable for the locale
  • That the premises is not of suitable construction for the provision of existing, and proposed, licensable activities

These objections are to be considered by the sub-committee.

Units 4 and 5, Dovedale Centre

The application for a new premises licence at Units 4 and 5, Dovedale Centre, was also submitted by Bru-Bar Limited, and the proposed DPS is again Ben Sassoon.

An extant premises licence (number 883253) also exists for this premises. The report pack includes details of this licence's history. The licence was originally granted in 2017 to Mr Sassoon, who subsequently applied to transfer the licence to Bird House Peckham Limited (whose directors are William Percy Fuller and Frazer Hugo Timmerman) in 2022. Mr Fuller and Mr Timmerman then applied to transfer the licence to Peckham Arches Limited in 2024.

The existing licence allows for the sale of alcohol until 00:00 each day, and for the provision of the same regulated entertainment sought in this application.

Objections and representations

Representations were submitted by Southwark Council's Licensing Unit, the Metropolitan Police Service, Trading Standards, and the Environmental Protection team. Three local residents also submitted representations.

As with the previous application, Southwark Council's Licensing Unit initially objected to the application on the grounds that the applicant had not provided sufficient information about how the licensing objectives would be met.

Southwark Council's Licensing Unit withdrew their representation after the applicant agreed to their proposed conditions.

The Metropolitan Police Service proposed a number of conditions, all of which related to the prevention of crime and disorder, and withdrew their representation after the applicant agreed to the conditions.

Trading Standards objected to the application because of concerns about the protection of children from harm. They requested that the applicant include the same conditions as they requested for the application at Unit 213, Blenheim Grove, again offering to provide example training materials and a refusals log.

The Environmental Protection team also objected to the application on the grounds that the proposed hours for the sale of alcohol exceeded those recommended in Southwark Council's Statement of Licensing Policy 2021 – 2026. They also noted that

Southwark Council has received complaints from residents in neighbouring properties concerning loud music and noise from patrons associated with the Peckham Arches. Although these complaints have not been associated with the premises in question, we remain concerned that the proposed activities could impact residents if not properly controlled and managed.

They proposed similar conditions to those proposed for the application at Unit 213, Blenheim Grove.

Three local residents also submitted representations, making the same contentions as were made in respect of the application for Unit 213, Blenheim Grove.

These objections are to be considered by the sub-committee.

  1. The designated premises supervisor (DPS) is the person named on a premises licence who is responsible for the day-to-day running of a business selling alcohol. 

  2. A cumulative impact area (CIA) is a geographical area experiencing high levels of crime and disorder or public nuisance, often associated with the concentration of licensed premises. In CIAs it is more likely that applications for new premises licences will be refused unless the applicant can demonstrate that the grant of the licence would not negatively affect the promotion of the licensing objectives in the area. 

  3. A Challenge 25 policy is an age verification scheme operated by many retailers in the UK. It requires that anyone attempting to buy age restricted products who looks under the age of 25 must prove their age by providing valid photographic identification. 


Councillor Renata Hamvas
Profile image for Councillor Sunny Lambe
Councillor Sunny Lambe  Deputy Mayor of Southwark •  Labour •  South Bermondsey
Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Wesley McArthur
Charlotte Precious
Raymond Binya
Yemisi Forrest
Andrew Weir