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January 14, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee discussed a consultation from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities on the future of the Local Government Pension Scheme in England and Wales. The committee approved the minutes of the previous meeting and noted the minutes of the Local Pension Board. The committee also approved, with minor amendments, the Wandsworth Pension Fund communication policy.

The Fit for the Future Consultation

The committee discussed a government consultation on the Local Government Pension Scheme. The consultation proposed a number of changes, including:

  • Requiring all LGPS funds to pool 100% of their assets with their regional pool by March 2026.
  • Transferring responsibility for many investment decisions from local pension committees to the pools.
  • Encouraging local investment.
  • Strengthening governance arrangements for LGPS funds.

The Director of Finance explained that the government's intention was to create a more efficient and effective LGPS, with greater investment in UK infrastructure. He advised the committee that the government was unlikely to be swayed from its preferred direction of travel and that the committee should focus on a small number of key areas where it could have the most influence.

Councillor Caddy argued that the committee should register its disagreement with the proposals more forcefully, even if it was unlikely to change the outcome. She said:

I think we should be honest about our views and then prioritise what we think should and shouldn't happen.

The Director of Finance responded that the committee's concerns were being registered, but that it was important to be pragmatic and focus on areas where there was a realistic chance of achieving change. He said:

We are raising points about saying, you know, in the return that it's much broader than that, but because there's so many questions, if I couldn't write sort of that amount of detail for everything, and the homing on it, so if you think about where is the biggest implication that we're going to get, active versus passive is a fundamentally goes into the harm of risk management.

Councillor Dickadam expressed concern that the proposals would reduce local accountability and democratic control over the LGPS. He said:

Like, I can't work out the democratic pathway through which someone who's in the scheme of, you know, a staff member in Wandsworth or a resident who cares about where the local borrower's pension is going, what is their democratic process through which they would implement, they would be able to influence the pool? Because we know how they do it with us, because they come and they lobby us and they give deputations. But if that disappears, I'm not really sure, you know, I'm not really sure, yeah, you could end up with a kind of black box of, like you say, professionals who aren't responsive or have no, there's no control from the general public of which these pensions are meant to serve. So that's the bit that I'm nervous about, because you can centralize control as long as there's a medium through which the local people can influence the decisions that are being made, right? And it seems like that's the bit that is very weak at the moment.

The Director of Finance acknowledged that the proposals would reduce the committee's ability to influence investment decisions, but said that the committee would still be responsible for setting the fund's investment strategy at a high level. He said:

Rapidly in the sense of compared to what it will be going forward. But the idea that you will be doing nothing in the interim period I don't think is right. However, it's going to be much more engagement with the pool. And, you know, one of the questions, I know Sylvie's in the back, but they'll be here later on on a more formal setting in the closed session.

The committee agreed that the Director of Finance should submit a response to the consultation on its behalf, setting out its concerns, and highlighting the following key areas where it would like to see changes:

  • Active versus passive management. The committee felt that it should retain the ability to decide whether the fund's assets are managed on an active or passive basis.
  • Governance. The committee felt that the proposals did not go far enough in strengthening the governance arrangements for LGPS pools. The committee wanted to see more robust arrangements for contract management, dispute resolution, and ensuring that the pools are accountable to their member funds.
  • Local investment. The committee felt that the definition of local should be flexible and that funds should not be required to invest in their local area if it would not be in the best interests of their members.
  • Transition arrangements. The committee wanted to ensure that there are appropriate transition arrangements in place for the transfer of assets to the pools, particularly for illiquid assets.

The Nuveen UK Property Fund

The committee discussed the proposed merger of the Nuveen UK Property Fund, in which the Wandsworth Pension Fund is a member. The Director of Finance explained that the merger had been delayed due to a difference in opinion between the fund's valuers and the preferred bidder over the value of the fund's assets. He said that he would continue to work with the other LGPS funds involved in the merger to try to find a solution. The committee delegated authority to the Director of Finance to vote on the merger on its behalf if a vote was required before the next meeting.

Climate reporting

Councillor Gasser asked about the progress of the council's climate reporting. The Director of Finance said that officers were working on comparing the reports from Mercer and the London CIV, which use different metrics, and that this would take some time. He said that the committee would be updated on the progress of the climate reporting at a future meeting.

Responsible investment

The committee noted the petition on responsible investment that had been presented at the previous meeting. The Director of Finance said that it would not be pragmatic to bring forward any specific proposals on responsible investment until the outcome of the government's consultation on the future of the LGPS was known. He said that the committee would then be able to work with other London boroughs to develop a common approach to responsible investment.