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Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 7th January, 2025 6.30 pm
January 7, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee noted the Cabinet Member update, a report on the Camden Neighbourhoods Programme, and a report on winter preparedness. The committee also noted an overview of the Supporting People, Connecting Communities Accommodation Plan and its work programme.
Update of the Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care
The Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care, Councillor Anna Wright, gave an update on her portfolio. There was a detailed discussion on pharmaceutical interventions to address obesity. It was explained that the BMI guidelines for treatment of obesity with pharmaceuticals where there were co-morbidities were changing. It was recognised that there may be tension between medical treatments and lifestyle change and that an effective treatment for those already obese could enable a joined-up approach to the problem nationally and globally. The Committee requested a report explaining the different exercise pathways and detailing the roll-out and equity considerations of interventions.
Having an effective pharmaceutical treatment for those already obese could be used to enable a joined up approach to the problem nationally and globally.
Officers confirmed that, where an individual with learning disabilities did not have the capacity to consent to preventative screening, the family and professional network would be engaged. In response to a question about support for those with visual impairment or the deaf and hard of hearing, officers confirmed that invitations to screening should be provided in an accessible way. The need to ensure that screening was accessible would be fed into the regional screening group.
Camden Neighbourhoods Programme
The committee discussed a report on the Camden Neighbourhoods Programme. The Committee was assured that anti-social behaviour, alcohol and drug misuse services, and all adult social care functions were integrated into the Integrated Neighbourhood Team (INT) structure although connections may be more or less important in each neighbourhood.
There were questions about the devolved budget for the East Housing and Communities team at Holmes Road Depot. The Executive Director, Adults and Health, explained that this enabled front-line staff to creatively respond to small and fixable problems. The Executive Director, Supporting Communities, explained that the budget enabled the team to determine discretionary spend on simple, local projects with a big impact.
Officers explained that residents’ expectations for local services related to a desire for real relationships between those delivering services and people in the community. The Committee heard that the East INT was deliberately not advertised as a front door to residents. It was explained that Kentish Town Connects was a way for health and social care services to connect with others in the neighbourhood.
Winter Preparedness
The committee considered a report on winter preparedness. The Director of Health and Wellbeing reported that, according to the most recent data, COVID-19 infection figures were stable with decreasing hospital admissions, however flu and Human Metapneumovirus levels had increased. The Committee was informed that work was ongoing with health colleagues to promote vaccines through various channels, including social media, focus groups, and staff training on conversations about vaccines. Feedback from residents suggested that it would be preferred to have wider conversations on health and vaccine discussions were being linked to other topics such as screening and health checks.
Overview of the Supporting People, Connecting Communities Accommodation Plan
The Committee noted a report on the Supporting People, Connecting Communities Accommodation Plan. The Director of Adult Social Care Strategy and Commissioning explained that enabling people to stay in their own homes may require access to formal services or connections to voluntary and community organisations. The Committee heard that the Accommodation Plan was concerned with Camden’s social housing, residential care, supported accommodation, and extra care.
Work Programme 2019-20
The Committee noted the report and requested that an officer report be submitted to a future meeting regarding the mental health offer in Camden for those on the precipice of serious mental illness.

- Agenda frontsheet 07th-Jan-2025 18.30 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Public reports pack 07th-Jan-2025 18.30 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee reports pack
- Minutes 16122024 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee other
- Cabinet Member Update - 7 January HASC other
- Appendix A - Camden neighbourhoods
- Winter Preparedness
- Neighbourhoods
- Accommodation Plan
- Cover report - HASC work programme action tracker 2024-25
- Appendix A - HASC work programme
- Appendix B - Action tracker
- Printed minutes 07th-Jan-2025 18.30 Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee minutes