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Planning Sub-Committee (1) - Tuesday 7th January, 2025 6.30 pm

January 7, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The meeting's agenda includes discussion of one appeal against non-determination and one planning application, both of which relate to commercial properties. The committee will also consider the minutes of its previous meeting.

10 Greycoat Place

This item relates to an appeal lodged with the Planning Inspectorate against the council’s non-determination of a planning application for 10 Greycoat Place.

The application, which was submitted by Victoria Spaces (UK) Ltd, is for the creation of a roof terrace on the seventh floor of the building, for use by office workers.

The report submitted by the Director of Town Planning & Building Control recommends that planning permission should be granted for the terrace, subject to a number of conditions. These conditions relate to the design and appearance of the terrace, the hours of use, and the management of noise.

The report notes that objections to the proposal were received from local residents and the Thorney Island Society, primarily on design and amenity grounds.

...the proximity of the terrace to Artillery Mansions means that residents are likely to notice the coming and goings of office workers and hear loud conversation.

Concerns were also expressed by Councillor David Harvey:

...on grounds the roof terrace will damage the residential amenity of neighbouring residents.

To mitigate the risk of noise nuisance, the applicant has prepared a Terrace Management Plan that sets out measures to control noise from the terrace.

Park House, 453 to 497, Oxford Street

The report pack includes a planning application from Park House (Oxford St) Limited for a change of use for parts of the basement, ground, and first floors of Park House, a mixed commercial and residential building. The application seeks permission to allow the space to be used more flexibly for retail, leisure, medical, restaurant, and competitive socialising uses. It also proposes some external alterations, including new double-height shopfronts to Oxford Street and North Audley Street.

The report submitted by the Director of Town Planning & Building Control recommends that the application should be granted, subject to conditions. The conditions relate to the following:

  • Ensuring that the change of use does not harm the character and function of the Mayfair Conservation Area or the amenity of nearby residents
  • That a minimum of 5,100 sqm of retail floorspace (Class E (a)) is retained.
  • Restricting the amount of ground-floor floorspace used for purposes other than retail.
  • Hours of operation of any restaurant or competitive socialising use
  • Noise mitigation
  • Waste storage, servicing, and cycle parking provision.

The report notes that no objections from residents were received. However, concerns were raised about the potential impact of the change of use on the character of Oxford Street:

The introduction of such uses at ground floor level is contrary to City Plan Policy 14, it is acknowledged that some floorspace at ground floor level is required to gain access to the remainder of the site and to create a ground floor presence to ensure the viability of these uses.

The report concludes that with conditions, the proposal would comply with the relevant policies of the development plan.