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Licensing (2003 Act) Sub-Committee - Tuesday 7th January 2025 10.00 a.m.

January 7, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Licensing Sub-Committee granted a new premises licence to Mr Abdul Rahman, the director of Dessertz Ltd, for the sale of late night refreshment at their premises at 344C Romford Road in Forest Gate. The licence was granted with reduced hours from those requested. The Sub-Committee added a number of conditions to the licence, including CCTV requirements, signage requirements and a requirement for staff training.

Grant of a New Premises Licence for Dessertz, 344C Romford Road

The Sub-Committee considered an application by Mr Abdul Rahman for a new premises licence to sell late night refreshment at Dessertz. The application was opposed by the Council's Licensing Enforcement Team, the Council's Commercial Environmental Health Team and by five residents. None of the residents who objected to the application attended the meeting.

The shop lies within the Cumulative Impact Zone of the Newham Licensing Policy. This means there is a presumption that new licence applications will be refused unless the applicant can demonstrate that there will be no negative cumulative impact on the licensing objectives.

The Licensing Enforcement Team submitted a representation against the application on the grounds of Crime and Disorder, the Prevention of Public Nuisance and Public Safety. The Licensing Enforcement Team had previously issued Mr Rahman with a warning letter after he was found to be selling late night refreshment without a licence.

The Commercial Environmental Health Team submitted a representation against the application on the grounds of Prevention of Public Nuisance. The Team had received two complaints from residents about noise from the premises.

Five residents had submitted representations against the application, complaining of noise, anti-social behaviour, litter, and inconsiderate parking from customers and delivery drivers.

The Sub-Committee heard from the Responsible Authorities, who were satisfied that the conditions offered by Mr Rahman would address their concerns.

Mr Rahman told the Sub-Committee that he had bought the business in July 2024 and was unaware that he needed a licence to sell hot food after 11pm. He explained that he applied for Temporary Event Notices as soon as he found out and then made a full application for a licence. He told the committee that he had spoken to some of the residents and agreed to reduce his requested hours.

The Sub-Committee was satisfied by Mr Rahman's explanations and his willingness to compromise. They decided to grant the licence with the following conditions:

  • Late Night Refreshment hours will be:
    • Monday to Thursday 23:00 - 02:00
    • Friday and Saturday 23:00 - 04:00
    • Sunday 23:00 - 03:00
  • There will be CCTV in operation and recording at all times the shop is open to the public.
  • A log book will be kept to record all incidents, complaints, and disturbances.
  • All staff will be trained in their responsibilities under the Licensing Act 2003
  • A notice will be displayed at the exit instructing customers and delivery drivers to leave quietly.
  • The licensee will monitor noise levels outside the premises.
  • A direct telephone number for the manager will be publicly available.
  • Waste disposal will only take place between 07:00 and 23:00.
  • The premises will stop taking orders for food 15 minutes before closing time.
  • After midnight the premises will only serve delivery drivers and will not be open to the public.
  • There will be no seating inside the shop.
  • The area immediately outside the premises will be kept clean and tidy.

The Sub-Committee noted that it was unfortunate that none of the residents attended the meeting. They were impressed by Mr Rahman's willingness to compromise and his efforts to address the concerns of the residents and the Responsible Authorities. They found that he had demonstrated that he would be a responsible licence holder and that, with the reduced hours and additional conditions, the licensing objectives would be upheld.