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Crematorium Scheme, Executive Decision - Wednesday, 8th January, 2025 11.00 am

January 8, 2025 View on council website
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Waltham Forest Council's Executive Decision met to consider a single item, which was a report on the construction of a new crematorium in the borough. The report recommended that the Executive Decision approve the additional borrowing needed to fund the scheme.

Chingford Mount Cemetery Crematorium

The council's Executive Decision was asked to approve an increase in the budget for the construction of a new crematorium at Chingford Mount Cemetery.

The report explained that the cost of the project has risen from the £8.4 million that was approved in 2023. The report sought approval to increase the budget to £10.94 million. The report explains that the increase is due to a number of factors, including:

  • increases in construction inflation over the last 18 months.
  • scope changes as the Crematorium’s operating model and design have been developed

The report recommends that the increase be funded by prudential borrowing1, with repayments to be met via income from the service.

The report explained that The borough does not currently have a Crematorium or Chapel facility for non-denominational funeral services, and that the construction of a crematorium at Chingford Mount cemetery will help achieve several of the council’s corporate objectives, including objectives contained in Mission Waltham Forest[^3].

The report proposed that:

  • The crematorium should be located on Old Church Road at the cemetery, which is tightly packed with plots.
  • The facility should include a chapel.
  • It should include two electric cremators.
  • The crematorium should be built to the BREEAM ‘Very Good’ standard[^4].
  • Parking provision for the crematorium should be for 80 cars.
  • The design should include a developed utilities layout, a review of the hearse route, access and infrastructure upgrades, and additional storage space.
  • A mezzanine level included in the original design should be omitted to save money.

The report noted that a preferred contractor for the project - which was put out to tender in October 2024 - has been identified and will be appointed following a Pre-Construction Services Agreement, expected to be completed by April 2025. The report also notes that a preferred contractor has also been identified for the supply of electric cremators.

The report explains that the council considered the options of doing nothing, or proceeding with the project at the original budget level, but rejected them. They argued that these options have been dismissed because they would pose a significant risk of operational failure for the council, such as failing to meet its Mission Waltham Forest priorities and missing out on the opportunity to transition to a green burial solution that could potentially generate power for the site and surrounding community.

The report noted that a number of consultations on the project have taken place, saying that:

  • Significant engagement has been undertaken since October 2023 with six in-person public engagement sessions held including attendance at the Larkswood Member’s drop-in in May 24. The Project Team has engaged with the PLM [presumably the project leadership meeting, though this is not defined in the document], local ward members, residents and community groups, addressing key concerns raised.
  • A Statement of Community Involvement was submitted as part of the Planning Application which details those that have been engaged, with a summary of the comments/concerns raised.
  • Detailed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) has also been developed and published on the Council website. This is updated regularly as the scheme develops.

Finally, the report provided details of the financial, legal, equalities, sustainability, and infrastructure implications of the project. It noted that:

  • The project will require additional borrowing of £2.54 million.
  • The crematorium is expected to generate £23.23 million in revenue over 25 years.
  • The project will be managed by the Property and Delivery Directorate.
  • Support services will be required from the finance, legal, and procurement departments.
  • The procurement process will be conducted in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.
  • The project is not expected to have any negative equalities implications.
  • The crematorium will be built to BREEAM ‘Very Good’ standard, will include two electric cremators, and will have reduced staff parking provision.

The report recommended that the council's Executive Decision approve the additional borrowing needed to fund the scheme.

  1. Councils are required to keep their borrowing within certain limits. Prudential borrowing is a way for councils to borrow money for capital projects, such as the construction of a new crematorium, within these limits. 


Ian Buckle
Nicky Crouch
Hannah Futter
Marc Gadsby
Joe Garrod
Jarlath Griffin
Mark Hynes
Debbie Porter
Ian Rae
Frankie Simons
Chris Foxton