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Extraordinary Meeting, Council - Wednesday, 8 January 2025 10.00 am

January 8, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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Surrey Council agreed to respond to the Government's request to participate in a joint devolution and local government reorganisation programme. This acceptance will likely mean that the 2025 County Council elections will be postponed. The Council also noted that the decision to respond to the government's letter was an executive decision for the Leader of the Council to make.

Devolution and Local Government Reorganisation

The meeting began with the Monitoring Officer outlining the legal powers around devolution and elections. It was explained that the power to respond to the government's request for participation in the devolution programme was a matter for the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet to determine. The Monitoring Officer also confirmed that the power to postpone local elections sits with the Secretary of State.

The Leader of the Council then outlined why the council needs to participate in the government's devolution and local government reorganisation scheme. The government's intention is to establish Strategic Authorities across England, covered by directly elected Mayors with devolved powers, like those already in place in Greater Manchester. The Leader argued that Surrey should seek to shape its own destiny by proactively engaging with the government:

We owe it to our residents to try to control this agenda as much as possible. Because if we don't, then a solution is going to be imposed on us and one which we have no opportunity to shape.

The Leader made the point that the current two-tier system of local government in Surrey, with services split between the County Council and 11 Borough and District councils is confusing for residents. There was broad agreement amongst the Councillors that local government reorganisation should take place, but significant differences of opinion emerged on whether the 2025 County Council elections should be postponed, the number of unitary councils that should be created in Surrey, and if a directly elected mayor was the right solution for the County.

Councillor Hazel Watson, representing the Liberal Democrats, welcomed the proposals. She argued that the current two-tier system was outdated, inefficient and confusing for residents. She also believed that delaying the elections was the right course of action, as this was part of the standard process for delivering local government reorganisation.

Other Councillors expressed concerns about the pace of change. Councillor Paul Follows, also of the Liberal Democrats, said that the government was not asking councils to cancel their elections and that the work needed to formulate the devolution proposal could take place even if elections are held in 2025. He was concerned that a rushed process would lead to poor decision-making that would not deliver the best outcome for residents, arguing that cancelling the elections without a clear plan in place was a mistake.

But postponing those elections is a fundamental mistake. It takes that democratic right away. And it's very foolish to do so when there is no certainty on if or how devolution or reorganisation will happen, let alone when.

Councillor Andy McLeod, an Independent Councillor, agreed that a more reasonable timescale was required, and argued that cancelling the elections would undermine public confidence in the process, and make it more difficult to win public support for the final plan. He also highlighted the need for cooperation with the borough and district councils, and for proper consideration of the impact of the changes on council staff.

Another area of contention was the number of unitary authorities that should be created in Surrey. The government's preferred model is for unitaries with a population of around 500,000. This would suggest that Surrey, with a population of 1.2 million, would be split into two new councils. However, many Councillors argued that Surrey's mix of urban and rural areas means that a model of three smaller unitary councils would be preferable, with some Councillors advocating for two unitaries and others supporting a single unitary for the whole county.

The most significant area of disagreement was around whether the 2025 County Council elections should be postponed. Most Councillors who supported the Leader's proposals argued that it was necessary to postpone the elections to give the current cohort of Councillors time to develop the plans for Surrey's new local government system, and to negotiate a deal with the government. They also argued that holding elections in May 2025 would be wasteful, given that the newly elected councillors would only serve a short term before a further round of elections was required to elect the councillors who would sit on the new unitary authorities.

Councillors who opposed the postponement of the elections argued that this would amount to a denial of residents' democratic rights. They were concerned that postponing the elections would allow the current Council to avoid being held accountable for its record on issues such as highways, children's services, and financial management. They argued that a fresh mandate was needed from residents before embarking on such a major change to local government in Surrey. Councillor Liz Townsend, of the Residents for Guildford and Villages Group, made the point:

The choices are clear, cancel the election to save the skin of the Conservatives and Labour in Surrey, or let the elections go ahead in May as they rightly should, and we receive a new mandate from the residents to take forward with collaborated ideas on the unitary proposals. Without a fresh set of elections, none of us have the mandate to remain in this chamber past May.

Ultimately, the Council voted to support the Leader's proposal to respond to the government and to seek to be part of the Devolution Priority Programme, which would likely lead to a postponement of the 2025 County Council elections. The decision was carried by 42 votes to 22, with 6 abstentions. A cross-party Steering Group has now been established to develop Surrey's proposals for local government reorganisation, with its first meeting scheduled for Friday 10 January.


Profile image for Maureen Attewell
Maureen Attewell  Deputy Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning •  Conservative
Profile image for Ayesha Azad
Ayesha Azad  Conservative
Profile image for Catherine Baart
Catherine Baart  The Green Party
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Steve Bax  Deputy Cabinet Member for Highways •  Conservative
Profile image for John Beckett
John Beckett  Residents Association
Profile image for Jordan Beech
Jordan Beech  Conservative
Profile image for Luke Bennett
Luke Bennett  Conservative
Profile image for Amanda Boote
Amanda Boote  Independent
Profile image for Dennis Booth
Dennis Booth  Residents for Guildford and Villages
Profile image for Harry Boparai
Harry Boparai  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Liz Bowes
Liz Bowes  Conservative
Profile image for Natalie Bramhall
Natalie Bramhall  Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and Infrastructure •  Conservative
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Helyn Clack  Conservative
Profile image for Stephen Cooksey
Stephen Cooksey  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Clare Curran  Children and Families, Lifelong Learning
Clare Curran Children and Families, Lifelong Learning  Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning •  Conservative
Profile image for Nick Darby
Nick Darby  Dittons and Weston Green Residents
Profile image for Fiona Davidson
Fiona Davidson  Residents for Guildford and Villages
Profile image for Paul Deach
Paul Deach  Deputy Cabinet Member to the Leader of the Council •  Conservative
Profile image for Kevin Deanus
Kevin Deanus  Cabinet Member for Fire and Rescue, and Resilience •  Conservative
Profile image for Jonathan Essex
Jonathan Essex  The Green Party Group Leader •  The Green Party
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Robert Evans OBE  Labour & Labour Co-operative Group Leader •  Labour
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Chris Farr  Independent
Profile image for Paul Follows
Paul Follows  Liberal Democrats Group Leader •  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Will Forster
Will Forster  Liberal Democrats
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John Furey  Conservative
Profile image for Matt Furniss
Matt Furniss  Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth •  Conservative
Profile image for Angela Goodwin
Angela Goodwin  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Jeffrey Gray
Jeffrey Gray  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Tim Hall
Tim Hall  Vice-Chair of the Council •  Conservative
Profile image for David Harmer
David Harmer  Conservative
Profile image for Edward Hawkins
Edward Hawkins  Conservative
Profile image for Marisa Heath
Marisa Heath  Cabinet Member for Environment •  Conservative
Profile image for Trefor Hogg
Trefor Hogg  Conservative
Profile image for Robert Hughes
Robert Hughes  Conservative
Profile image for Jonathan Hulley
Jonathan Hulley  Deputy Cabinet Member for Strategic Highways •  Conservative
Profile image for Saj Hussain
Saj Hussain  Chair of the Council •  Conservative
Profile image for Frank Kelly
Frank Kelly  Conservative
Profile image for Riasat Khan
Riasat Khan  Independent
Profile image for Robert King
Robert King  Labour and Co-operative
Profile image for Eber Kington
Eber Kington  Residents Association
Profile image for Rachael Lake BEM
Rachael Lake BEM  Conservative
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Victor Lewanski  Conservative
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David Lewis  Conservative
Profile image for David Lewis
David Lewis  Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources •  Conservative
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Scott Lewis  Conservative
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Andy Lynch  Conservative
Profile image for Andy MacLeod
Andy MacLeod  Farnham Residents
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Ernest Mallett MBE  Residents' Association and Independent
Profile image for Michaela Martin
Michaela Martin  Farnham Residents
Profile image for Jan Mason
Jan Mason  Residents Association
Profile image for Steven McCormick
Steven McCormick  Residents Association
Profile image for Cameron McIntosh
Cameron McIntosh  Conservative
Profile image for Julia McShane
Julia McShane  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Sinead Mooney
Sinead Mooney  Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care •  Conservative
Profile image for Carla Morson
Carla Morson  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Bernie Muir
Bernie Muir  Conservative
Profile image for Mark Nuti
Mark Nuti  Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, and Public Health •  Conservative
Profile image for John O'Reilly
John O'Reilly  Conservative
Profile image for Tim Oliver OBE
Tim Oliver OBE  Leader of the Council •  Conservative
Profile image for Rebecca Paul
Rebecca Paul  Conservative
Profile image for George Potter
George Potter  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Catherine Powell
Catherine Powell  Residents' Association and Independent Group Leader •  Farnham Residents
Profile image for Penny Rivers
Penny Rivers  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for John Robini
John Robini  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Becky Rush
Becky Rush  Conservative
Profile image for Joanne Sexton
Joanne Sexton  Independent
Profile image for Lance Spencer
Lance Spencer  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Lesley Steeds
Lesley Steeds  Conservative
Profile image for Mark Sugden
Mark Sugden  Conservative
Profile image for Richard Tear
Richard Tear  Conservative
Profile image for Ashley Tilling
Ashley Tilling  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Chris Townsend
Chris Townsend  Ashtead Independent, working with Ashtead Residents
Profile image for Liz Townsend
Liz Townsend  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Denise Turner-Stewart
Denise Turner-Stewart  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities •  Conservative
Profile image for Hazel Watson
Hazel Watson  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Jeremy Webster
Jeremy Webster  Conservative
Profile image for Buddhi Weerasinghe
Buddhi Weerasinghe  Conservative
Profile image for Fiona White
Fiona White  Liberal Democrats
Profile image for Keith Witham
Keith Witham  Conservative