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Planning Committee - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 5.30 pm

May 21, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was the first of the Planning Committee for the municipal year. The Chair, Councillor Glo, thanked John Hodgkinson for his previous work and emphasized the committee's role as a tribunal that must follow laws, regulations, and policies to avoid potential costs from appeals. The meeting was broadcast live, and attendees were informed about the filming and recording protocols.

The main topic discussed was a planning application for 4 Haydock Park Gardens. The application proposed converting a large residential dwelling into six self-contained apartments, including extensions and alterations. The planning officer, Alex Ball, detailed the proposal, noting that the building is a large, two-and-a-half-story detached property. The area is characterized by open-plan, low-density development with buildings set back from the road. Trees on the property are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).

The proposal included two apartments on each of the three levels, with various sizes ranging from 110 to 178 square meters. External alterations involved roof lights, a single-story side extension, and a new balcony. The proposal also included 11 parking spaces, which met the council's standards. The highways engineer raised no objections, and the tree officer was satisfied with the landscaping and tree protection plans. The recommendation was to grant planning permission, subject to resolving outstanding ecology issues.

Linda Smith, representing objectors, raised concerns about increased traffic, noise, and the impact on the peaceful nature of the cul-de-sac. She also mentioned potential harm to wildlife and the character of the area. The planning officer responded that the proposal complied with all relevant policies and guidelines, and the existing building's size and design were already established.

The applicant, Carl Grinnell, and the new owner, Mr. Smith, emphasized that the development would provide high-quality apartments and address a need for downsizing options in the area. They assured that the proposal would not significantly impact the street scene or local traffic.

Councillor Gomersall moved to approve the application, highlighting that it met all planning guidelines and addressed housing needs. The committee voted unanimously to approve the application, with a condition for an archaeological study due to the historical significance of the area.

The second application discussed was for a two-story side extension at 9 Hays Grove. Objector Mr. Gregory argued that the extension would change the character of the cul-de-sac and set a dangerous precedent. The applicant, April Keogh, explained that the extension was necessary to create a family home and had been designed to fit in with the existing street scene. The planning officer confirmed that the proposal complied with all relevant guidelines. The committee approved the application unanimously.

The third application was a single-story side extension at 12 Queens Drive, submitted by a ward councillor. The proposal was straightforward and met all planning guidelines. The committee approved it unanimously.

The meeting also reviewed current planning appeals and enforcement actions, noting a successful appeal defense for the former Pilkington's HQ site. The committee acknowledged the importance of master planning for future developments.