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Overview and Scrutiny Commission - Monday, 22nd April, 2024 5.30 pm

April 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The council meeting focused on reviewing the year's activities, discussing financial forecasts, and addressing performance against the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting also included updates from various council committees on their work throughout the year.

  1. Financial Monitoring Report Period 3: The council reviewed the financial forecast, noting a significant overspend primarily due to increased demand and costs in children's services and health care. The decision to implement a recruitment freeze was discussed as a measure to control spending, though it raised concerns about its impact on service delivery and staff workload. The implications include potential service reductions and increased pressure on existing staff.

  2. Quarter 3 Performance Report: The performance across various council services was evaluated. It was noted that while complaint response times improved, there was a slight dip in the handling of Freedom of Information requests, attributed to staffing issues from the recruitment freeze. The council resolved to continue monitoring these areas closely. The decision underscores the council's commitment to improving service efficiency but also highlights the challenges posed by limited resources.

  3. UN Sustainable Development Goals Update: The council discussed its alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, acknowledging challenges in areas like clean water and climate action. The decision to continue tracking these goals through regular performance reports was affirmed, emphasizing the council's ongoing commitment to global standards despite local challenges. This decision reflects an understanding of the broader impact of local governance on global issues.

Interesting Occurrence: The meeting acknowledged the strain on council staff due to high vacancy rates, which was a direct result of the recruitment freeze. This acknowledgment by the council highlights the real-world implications of budgetary constraints on staff morale and service delivery.