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Planning - Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 11, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Cambridge Council Planning Committee meeting on 11 June 2024 covered significant topics including biodiversity net gain, the planning application for Netherhall Farm, and the redevelopment of Brookmount Court. Key decisions included deferring the Netherhall Farm application for further information and granting planning permission for Brookmount Court with specific conditions.

Biodiversity Net Gain

The committee received a presentation on Biodiversity Net Gain from John Cornell, Jane Green, Dan Weaver, and Guy Belcher. The presentation and report were noted without further action.

Netherhall Farm, Worts' Causeway

The committee reviewed a full planning application for the development of 200 residential dwellings at Netherhall Farm, Worts' Causeway. The application included infrastructure works, access, drainage, public open space, and landscaping. The Principal Planner, Kate Poyser, updated the report to recommend the discharge of Condition 14 due to the applicant's agreement to Environmental Zone 2 lighting and noted further applications to discharge other conditions.

A local resident objected, citing the distance to the nearest bus stop, privacy concerns for 31 Worts Causeway, and the impact on the green belt. Councillor Porrer proposed amendments to remove permitted development rights for swimming pools and to add M(43) home standards to Condition 17, which were carried unanimously. Councillor Bennett proposed amendments for slow-release water butts, inclusive play spaces, and marketing information about swimming pool restrictions, also carried unanimously.

Councillor Thornburrow proposed deferring the application, seconded by Councillor Baigent. The committee resolved (by 6 votes to 2) to defer the application to seek additional information on car parking, visitor parking, delivery parking, cyclist access, play space provision, cladding colour options, single aspect homes, and water management.

Brookmount Court, Kings Hedges Road

The committee reviewed a full planning application for the demolition and redevelopment of Brookmount Court, Kings Hedges Road. The new development would include a building for Class E(g)i/ii use with associated access, infrastructure, landscaping, and parking. The Principal Planner, Nick Yager, updated the report with revised conditions.

Councillor Bennett proposed amendments for pedestrian/cyclist priority on the vehicle ramp and charging points for electric bikes, which were carried unanimously. The committee unanimously resolved to grant the application, subject to the completion of an Agreement under s106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the planning conditions set out in the officer's report and amendment sheet.

Appeals Report

The committee noted the appeals list from 10 April 2024. Toby Williams updated the report to include the receipt of the Brookgate Appeal on 23 April and an appeal against the Cambridge Don Statue enforcement notice. Councillor Porrer requested future reports to include tree appeal details where relevant.

For more details, you can refer to the Minutes Public Pack 24042024 Planning.