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Audit and Standards Committee - Thursday 23 May 2024 10.00 am

May 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with a tribute to Virginia Rennie, who is retiring after over 21 years of service. The committee expressed their gratitude for her contributions and wished her well for the future. The meeting then proceeded with routine matters such as apologies, disclosures of interest, and approval of the previous meeting's minutes. The main topics discussed included the external auditor's update on audit certification, the annual governance statement, and the external audit risk assessments for both the council and the pension fund.

Tribute to Virginia Rennie

The chair acknowledged Virginia Rennie's retirement, highlighting her exceptional service and professionalism over the past 21 years. The committee collectively expressed their gratitude and best wishes for her future endeavors.

External Auditor's Update on Audit Certification

The committee discussed the external auditor's update on the audit certification based on the 2017-18 accounts objection. Andrew provided a detailed report, mentioning that the objection had been formally closed by Grant Thornton on April 10th. The report included a recommendation for the council to ensure that Section 106 agreements are adequately demonstrated and complied with in future reports. The committee expressed relief that the matter was finally resolved and discussed the delays caused by capacity issues within the audit team and the impact of COVID-19.

Annual Governance Statement

Chris introduced the draft annual governance statement for 2023-24, which assesses the council's governance arrangements and their effectiveness. The statement includes updates reflecting the new council structure, the council delivery plan, and the sustainable future strategy. The committee discussed the importance of effective transitions in senior positions and the need for training to ensure that members are well-prepared to manage technical issues. The committee endorsed the governance statement for publishing and issuing to external auditors.

External Audit Risk Assessment for the Council

Grant Thornton presented the external audit risk assessment for the council, highlighting that there were no major concerns or specific audit risks identified. The committee discussed the importance of reviewing past risk assessments and ensuring that any changes or updates are reported promptly.

External Audit Risk Assessment for the Pension Fund

The external audit risk assessment for the pension fund was also presented by Grant Thornton. The committee discussed the importance of cyber security, especially in light of recent cyber attacks on other pension funds. Chris mentioned that the council has engaged external consultants to review their cyber security policy and that the annual governance statement includes commentary on cyber security risks.

Review of Committee Activities

The committee reviewed a summary of their activities over the past year, prepared by Amy. The summary included key issues such as SEND funding, which was highlighted as a significant concern. The committee expressed satisfaction with the account of their activities.

Work Program for the Year Ahead

The committee reviewed and approved their work program for the upcoming year, which includes various reports and updates scheduled throughout the year.

Other Business

There was no other business for the open part of the meeting. The committee then moved into a private session to consider exempt and confidential information.