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Cabinet - Thursday 13 June 2024 1.45 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Cabinet of Warwickshire Council met on Thursday, 13 June 2024, to discuss various significant topics, including the Council Plan Integrated Performance Report, financial outturn, treasury management, menopause services, education sufficiency strategy, concessionary travel, and the adult and community learning service accountability agreement.

Council Plan 2022-2027 Integrated Performance Report Year End 2023-24

Councillor Isobel Seccombe introduced the Year End Integrated Performance Report 2023/24 on behalf of Councillor Yousef Dahmash. The report highlighted notable positive performance aspects, such as the highest percentage of children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) attending mainstream schools in five years and exceeding targets for adult social care assessments. However, challenges included rising demand for social care for those over 65 and increasing staff sickness absence. Councillor Sarah Feeney raised concerns about rising hospitalisations for alcohol among young people and increasing obesity rates in children. Councillor Margaret Bell responded that the Public Health team was addressing these issues.

Financial Outturn Report 2023/24

Councillor Peter Butlin summarised the Financial Outturn Report 2023/24, noting a net overspend of £7.314 million, which was within the 2% tolerance for the Council's size and complexity. Significant investments were made in education, with £65.879 million spent on building and extending schools. Councillors Jerry Roodhouse and Sarah Feeney expressed concerns about the increasing costs of children's placements. Councillor Butlin explained the Council's continued investment in its own children's homes and efforts to attract and retain staff.

Treasury Management and Investment Outturn Report 2023/24

Councillor Peter Butlin reported strong treasury performance for the year, which helped manage the Council's net residual overspend. The Treasury Management and Investment Outturn Report 2023/24 was endorsed by the Cabinet.

Menopause Services Task and Finish Review

Councillor Margaret Bell introduced the Menopause Services Task and Finish Review, thanking the Task and Finish Group for their work. The review highlighted positive outcomes and recommendations for improving menopause services within the Council. Councillor Sarah Feeney expressed gratitude for the work done to highlight women's health issues.

Warwickshire Education Sufficiency Strategy 2024-2029

Councillor Kam Kaur summarised the Warwickshire Education Sufficiency Strategy 2024-2029, which outlines how the Council will plan, develop, and commission education provision. The strategy addresses challenges such as population changes, housing growth, and increasing demand for SEND provision. The Cabinet endorsed the strategy and recommended it to the Council for approval.

Concessionary Travel - All Day Travel Trial Review

Councillor Jan Matecki discussed the Concessionary Travel - All Day Travel Trial Review, proposing to extend the trial until 31 March 2027. The trial supports access to education, training, and employment for holders of disabled person’s bus passes below state retirement age. The Cabinet approved the extension and retention of the current eligibility criteria.

Adult and Community Learning Service Accountability Agreement 2024/25

Councillor Kam Kaur explained the Adult and Community Learning Service Accountability Agreement 2024/25, which sets expectations for providers in return for Department for Education funding. The Cabinet approved the agreement and authorised its submission to the Education and Skills Funding Agency.

For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet and the Printed minutes of the meeting.


Profile image for Councillor Isobel Seccombe OBE
Councillor Isobel Seccombe OBE  Leader of the Council •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Margaret Bell  North Warwickshire Borough Council
Councillor Margaret Bell North Warwickshire Borough Council  Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care & Health •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Peter Butlin
Councillor Peter Butlin  Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Andy Crump
Councillor Andy Crump  Portfolio Holder for Fire & Rescue and Community Safety •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Yousef Dahmash
Councillor Yousef Dahmash  Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Kam Kaur
Councillor Kam Kaur  Portfolio Holder for Education •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Sue Markham
Councillor Sue Markham  Portfolio Holder for Children & Families •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Jan Matecki
Councillor Jan Matecki  Portfolio Holder for Transport & Planning •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Heather Timms  Warwickshire County Council
Councillor Heather Timms Warwickshire County Council  Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate & Culture •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Martin Watson
Councillor Martin Watson  Portfolio Holder for Economy •  Conservative
Profile image for Councillor Jonathan Chilvers
Councillor Jonathan Chilvers  Leader of the Green Group •  Green Party
Profile image for Councillor Sarah Feeney
Councillor Sarah Feeney  Leader of the Labour Group •  Labour
Profile image for Councillor John Holland
Councillor John Holland  Deputy Leader of the Labour Group •  Labour
Profile image for Councillor Jerry Roodhouse
Councillor Jerry Roodhouse  Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group •  Liberal Democrats