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Health and Wellbeing Board - Wednesday 15 May 2024 10.00 am

May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Warwickshire Help and Wellbeing Board meeting covered several important topics, including updates on various health and wellbeing initiatives, the impact of the Better Care Fund, and the introduction of a new Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) focused on children's health. The meeting also discussed the transfer of certain health services to the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the outcomes of a Menopause Task and Finish Group.

  1. ICB Voice of the Patient Report: Danielle updated on meetings between Public Health directors for Coventry and Warwickshire, local health watch organizations, and the ICB. Principles were agreed to ensure the resident patient voice is heard meaningfully. A citizen involvement working group will develop a project specification for a system-wide gap analysis of community involvement activity.

  2. National Action Plan for GPs: The plan was circulated in the bulletin, and a local action plan for GPs will be circulated after the ICB meeting. Updates on the new bladder service and the exploration of becoming a signatory on the healthy aging consensus were also discussed.

  3. Provider Organization Updates:

    • UHCW: Justine reported high emergency flow pressures and preparations for the EPR launch on June 15.
    • George Eliot and SWIFT: High emergency demand, building developments at Warwick and Stratford sites, and new surgical wards at George Eliot were highlighted.
    • CWPT: Diane Whitfield mentioned high demand for mental health services and the success of the community routine outreach service.
    • Public Health: Recent health protection activities were discussed, including actions following a death from pertussis in Rugby.
    • Social Care and Support: Becky reported on preparations for CQC assurance and support for acute trusts.
    • Police: An increase in recorded crime and demand on services was noted, along with new processes to maintain performance levels.
  4. Place Plans:

    • North Warwickshire: Steve Maxey and Ryan Coffey discussed priorities like cardiovascular disease checks and the Back to Health volunteering pathway.
    • South Warwickshire: Chris Elliott and Adam Carson focused on prevention, with initiatives like the Patmore Centre and new country parks.
    • Rugby: Tom and Maddy highlighted the town centre regeneration and barriers to accessing healthcare.
  5. Health and Wellbeing Board Executive Group Update: Becky presented the updated delivery plan and proposed focusing on the best start in life at a future meeting. The relationship with the developing care collaborative was also discussed.

  6. Public Health Update: Sharday provided an overview of the new structure, budget allocation, and key challenges. The importance of evaluating the impact of public health initiatives was emphasized.

  7. Better Care Fund: Rachel Bryden discussed the funding, core services, and impact of the Better Care Fund. The need for a single version of the truth for data on hospital discharge times was highlighted.

  8. JSNA on Empowering Teachers: Michael Maddox and Kelly Hayward presented an interactive JSNA focused on children's physical health. The dashboard will be used to monitor and respond to child health needs across Warwickshire.

  9. Menopause Task and Finish Group: Penny Anne reported on the group's work, emphasizing the importance of communication and support for women experiencing menopause.

  10. Board Updates: Updates were provided on the Children and Young People's Partnership, safeguarding annual report, dementia strategy, and the transfer of services to the ICB.

  11. Forward Plan: The plan includes future discussions on best start in life, the dementia strategy, and the transfer of services to the ICB.

The meeting concluded with a reminder of the importance of data and evaluation in measuring the impact of health and wellbeing initiatives.


No attendees have been recorded for this meeting.