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Audit Committee - Wednesday 15th January 2025 7.00 p.m.

January 22, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Audit Committee noted the Treasury Management Mid-year Report (Pages 29 - 50) and the Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) and Treasury Management Annual Investment Strategy (AIS) (Pages 51 - 86). The Committee also considered the London Borough of Newham Statement of Accounts 2023/24 (Pages 87 - 320) and delegated authority to the Chair of the committee and the Section 151 Officer1 to approve the statement of accounts once Ernst & Young (EY) have completed their work. They also approved the final Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24.

Social value subsidies for leasing arrangements

This was the most significant item discussed in the meeting. The committee questioned officers at length about the Council's Social Value policy, a policy agreed by Cabinet in 2019 that offers rent discounts to Voluntary and Community Sector organisations leasing council properties, and which is assessed using a matrix aligned to the council's priorities.

Councillor Rita Chadha raised concerns about the transparency and fairness of the properties identified for social value discounts, specifically asking if due diligence was done and if the financial difficulties experienced by the now closed Applecart Arts were identified through the policy's annual review process.

Giles Clark, the Director of Property, explained that decisions are based on criteria including being an unoccupied operational property; a regeneration project; a property has been on the open market for a significant length of time; and the nature of other occupiers within the building (if it is let to more than one tenant). He admitted that:

It is probably less formal than that sometime.

He said he keeps a record of his decisions normally based on, I would say, email information that I would have been sent by the commercial property manager.

Mr Clark later acknowledged the sporadic nature of available properties under the scheme, and the resulting challenge of explaining to organisations why they are not eligible for social value discounts when there is no suitable property available.

I mean, that, that is what the policy says, but it’s not a particularly satisfactory answer for the organization concerned.

Mr Clark suggested there probably are other ways in which the subsidy could be distributed. So that it’s not concentrated in a very few number of commercial properties that at that particular point in time happened to be unsuitable for anything else.

Councillor Nate Higgins questioned whether the social value matrix was fit for purpose, and how the impact of the policy on the Council's wider performance against its strategic priorities was evaluated.

Um, what’s the evaluation of that matrix? So we, we don’t know that it’s right or that it’s, it’s giving the right organizations, the right amount of discount, achieving best value for the council, all of that stuff.

Caroline Rae, the Assistant Director of Resident Engagement and Participation, explained that:

The matrix is based on, on the council priorities. In the first instance. [...] So you understand. Um, and we’ve gone back since the 29 and the 21 cabinet reports, and we’ve gone back and looked at it when council priorities change and make sure that as we’ve gone through that, they continue. Sent that. So organizations will fill up in an application form that says what it is that they are doing. And then we look at that and they are assessed a court, you know, is this once in a while? Yeah. [...] So that’s what creates the score that they get. I get that.

Ms Rae admitted that the Council had not undertaken an evaluation of the totality of the work of the organisations supported by the policy, nor had it been straightforward to assess the impact of the policy on the progress of strategic goals.

I don't know that we’ve ever, we’ve evaluated the totality of the con, you know, looked in the round of the totality of the work that the organizations have done under the matrix. [...] So that would be, I mean, that would be a, um, that would be a new and potentially kind of valuable piece of work. And it’s not something that we’ve done looking at, looking at the contribution of those organizations in the round. It’s just that they’ve been evaluated on an individual basis.

Jason Strelitz, Corporate Director for Adults and Health, suggested there was a distinction between properties that are specifically designated community centres and commercial properties:

I think it's worth saying that at least from my point of view, that there is a distinction of being in the application within the community center sphere and the wider kind of potential commercial property sphere.

He argued that in the space of the community centers, since it’s been introduced, and it’s not just the result of the social value policy, but it’s, it’s, it’s been a contributor. We’ve managed to bring a lot of what were previously defunct community centers into use with organizations delivering against outcomes with organizations paying, um, supporting the council in terms of the upkeep of those centers. So I think it has been, um, has really supported a, yeah, bringing effectively back the number of community centers into effective and cost effective use.

Councillor Carleene Lee-Phakoe argued that greater due diligence was needed to understand if the Council's application of social value was contributing to the closure of organisations, and expressed concern that they didn't get no definites about future improvements.

So I, I hear a lot of baton passing, which doesn't, you know, to the general public, that doesn't make any sense. And then I heard Jason, you talked about the comments you just made made me think about, it makes me question the, how, how viable are these? You know, I agree with social value. I agree with the idea of subsidy for organizations that are given back to community, but I don't agree with that at the cost of losing organizations. Because we haven't done some checks and balances in the meantime. And, and, and I heard in the beginning specific to the question about apple carts. There was no answer.

Cllr Chadha highlighted a draft budget proposal to cut the social value subsidy, which would save the council around £200,000 a year.

I also note, well, I don’t know if it’s even relevant because at the same time, this is also offered as a cut in the, in the proposed draft budget.

Cllr Higgins questioned the £200,000 figure, arguing that if the policy is meant to be financially net neutral there should not be a potential saving of £200,000.

But I hadn’t seen the saving yet that Councillor Chadder had referred to, which suggests that we can save 200,000 pounds from it, which suggests, unless I’m fundamentally misunderstanding something, that the policy is not currently financially net neutral.

She went on to highlight that the policy says the savings should be a minimum and in theory should make money for the council by allowing properties that could not otherwise be let to be leased at a lower rate than market rent. She went on to say:

So I guess I don’t actually understand what this 200,000 pounds is. If, if, if, if all we’re doing is letting, uh, properties that we couldn’t otherwise let, how is there actually a real subsidy here?

Mr Clark responded that the £200,000 was the total estimated subsidy for all properties, including community centres, and argued that if the policy was discontinued, community centres would be let at a higher rate than is currently possible under social value leases.

Cllr Chadha said she was even more concerned following the discussion. She noted the lack of update to the strategy since 2021 and argued that the policy could leave the council exposed to reputational risks.

I think just, just one point on that checks and balances thing. Uh, cause I think there are two separate things going on. It’s helpful to differentiate them. I mean, regardless of whatever social or financial support you want to give for social value, whether that’s discounted rent or some other means of providing that support. And that’s, that’s one sort of, but yeah, we have what we have.

She encouraged officers to review the policy and consider refreshing and working in a slightly different way.

Treasury management mid-year report

The committee reviewed and noted the Treasury Management Mid-Year Report (Pages 29 - 50), which included updates on the Council's borrowing, investments, and prudential indicators.

Stephen Wilde, the Assistant Director of Finance, explained that the Council had drawn down £246 million in loans from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB)2 at an average rate of less than 5%, which he said had been pretty good timing given the increases in interest rates following the October budget.

Treasury management strategy

The committee also considered the draft Treasury Management Strategy Statement (TMSS) and Treasury Management Annual Investment Strategy (AIS) (Pages 51 - 86), which will be presented to the Council for approval on 27 February 2025.

The committee noted the draft TMSS, and the revised prudential indicators and treasury limits contained in the statement. The strategy will form part of the Council's budget report to Cabinet on 4 February.

London Borough of Newham Statement of Accounts 2023/24

The committee reviewed and considered the London Borough of Newham Statement of Accounts 2023/24 (Pages 87 - 320) before delegating authority to the Chair of the committee and the Section 151 Officer to approve the statement of accounts once EY have completed their work.

The committee noted that EY had not been able to complete a full audit of the accounts due to national issues and would be issuing a disclaimed audit opinion by 28 February 2025. The committee heard that the Council would need to improve its financial reporting to be able to meet the November deadline for future audits.

The committee approved the final Annual Governance Statement for 2023/24, a document that describes an organisation's approach to corporate governance and is a statutory requirement under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.

  1. This is the proper title for the statutory officer with responsibility for the council's finances. It is taken from Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972. 

  2. The Public Works Loan Board lends money to local authorities for capital projects.