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Standards Advisory Committee - Thursday, 16th January, 2025 6.30 p.m.

January 23, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The committee discussed the UK Government's consultation on changes to the standards and conduct framework, the council's member learning and development programme, and the register of interests and gifts and hospitality. It was decided that the committee would draft a response to the government consultation, that the learning and development programme would continue in its current form, and that no changes were needed to the register of interests and gifts and hospitality. The committee also agreed to move into private session to discuss a confidential matter.

UK Government consultation on the standards and conduct framework

The committee discussed the UK Government's consultation on changes to the standards and conduct framework. A report was presented to the committee that set out the government's proposals and asked for the committee's views. The committee discussed whether to respond to the consultation as a committee, or to leave it to individual councillors and political groups to respond.

...Often it's left to political groups or interested parties to make a submission. We are going to leave before 10, because we are going to go to all 40 questions. No, we're not. But Matthew knows, because we've had our prior discussion, that my view is, page 22D, a member of the public. So we couldn't submit as members of the public, but I think it would have more weight if it came from...

  • Councillor Huston, referring to a previous discussion with Matthew Mannion (presumably about whether the committee should respond to the consultation) and then to the possibility of Councillors responding to the consultation in their capacity as members of the public.

Some members felt that a joint submission from the committee would carry more weight than individual submissions.

And would the committee, if a small group of committee members were to meet to discuss, then that would mean that the other members of the committee had delegated it, or would the draft response have to come back to the committee?

  • Councillor Huston, asking about the process for drafting a response to the consultation as a committee.

It was agreed that a small group of committee members would meet to discuss the consultation and draft a response. This response would then be circulated to all members of the committee for comment before being submitted to the government.

Member Learning and Development Yearly Update

The committee received a report on the Member Learning and Development Yearly Update. The report provided an update on the council's member learning and development programme. The programme was designed to help councillors develop the skills and knowledge they need to be effective in their roles. The report highlighted the success of the 'be a councillor' sessions, which were held to encourage people from under-represented groups to stand for election. The sessions were attended by a diverse range of people, and feedback was positive.

So, well, the second one is easy, the women's event, because I was the only man in the room.

  • Councillor Hollingsworth, commenting on the success of the council's attempts to encourage women to stand for election.

The report also highlighted the work that had been done to achieve the Local Government Association's (LGA) Member Learning and Development Charter Mark. The charter mark is a nationally recognised accreditation that recognises good practice in member learning and development. The council was working towards achieving the charter mark, and had made good progress.

I mean, I think we would like to get the Chartermark Plus, but there are things in it that we haven't started working on.

  • Councillor Hollingsworth, confirming that the council aspires to achieve the higher level of the Charter Mark.

The committee discussed the content of the learning and development programme, and whether it was meeting the needs of councillors. Some councillors felt that the programme should include more training on specific topics, such as planning and licensing.

So, I think there are a lot of counsellors with ambitions to develop themselves as counsellors. So, they're looking at sort of leadership-type skills and becoming a more senior counsellor, that kind of thing. That's quite popular. Public speaking, sort of how to present yourself in a big, like a counselling or those sorts of environments, that's quite popular as well. There's also a little bit on nitty-gritty, sort of IT, and sort of anything from how to do emails to how to...

  • Matthew Mannion, describing some of the requests the council has received for Councillor training.

It was agreed that the learning and development programme would continue in its current form, but that the content would be reviewed to ensure that it was meeting the needs of councillors.

Register of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality Quarterly Update

The committee received the Register of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality Quarterly Update. The report provided an update on the register of interests, which is a public record of councillors' financial and other interests. The report also provided an update on the council's gifts and hospitality policy. The policy sets out the rules on councillors accepting gifts and hospitality. There had been no requests for dispensations from the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 in the last six months. The committee discussed whether the guidance provided to councillors on gifts and hospitality was clear enough.

And I think Councilor Huston is right. Actually, the cost probably doesn't really actually. We make it a little bit clearer in the guide. I think that would probably solve that.

  • A discussion between three Councillors, seeming to suggest that the guidance provided to Councillors on when to declare gifts and hospitality is unclear.

It was agreed that the guidance would be reviewed to make it clearer.

Exclusion of the Public

The committee agreed to move into private session to discuss a confidential matter.

The members can discuss detail of the report. Alternatively, the advisory committee could choose to stay in an open session. All right. They'd still be part of it. It's just the public wouldn't. Yeah, I thought there was some serious exclusion on offer there, John. Sorry. Sorry, my misunderstanding. So we're agreeing that we'll turn off the... If that's a motion you're proposing, can I just check if there's a seconder? Yes. And the advisory committee is happy to agree.

  • The conclusion of the meeting, in which the committee moved into private session to discuss a confidential report, excluding the public and ceasing the recording of the meeting.


John Pulford MBE  (Co-opted Member)
Fiona Browne  Independent Co-opted Member
Elizabeth Marshall MBE  (Co-Optee of the Standards Advisory Committee)
Profile image for Councillor Abu Talha Chowdhury
Councillor Abu Talha Chowdhury  (Cabinet Member for Safer Communities) •  Aspire •  Bethnal Green West
Profile image for Councillor Iqbal Hossain
Councillor Iqbal Hossain  Chair of Development Committee •  Aspire •  Lansbury
Profile image for Councillor Sirajul Islam
Councillor Sirajul Islam  Leader of the Opposition •  Labour Party •  Bethnal Green East
Profile image for Councillor Harun Miah
Councillor Harun Miah  Aspire •  Shadwell
Profile image for Councillor Bodrul Choudhury
Councillor Bodrul Choudhury  Scrutiny Lead for Housing and Regeneration •  Aspire •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain
Councillor Shahaveer Shubo Hussain  Labour Party •  Bromley South
Profile image for Councillor Amy Lee
Councillor Amy Lee  Labour Party •  St Katharine's & Wapping
Patricia Attawia
Shupriya Iqbal
Matthew Mannion
Linda Walker
Joel West