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Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 14 January 2025 10.00 am

January 21, 2025 View on council website
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This meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee included the consideration of one application for a new premises licence and one application for the review of an existing licence.

Seven Enterprises, 34 Choumert Road, London SE15 4SE

This application is for a time-limited premises licence to allow the sale of alcohol for consumption on and off the premises from 11:00 to 23:00, Monday to Sunday.

The application describes the business simply as Restaurant and takeaway.

The Metropolitan Police and the Council's Trading Standards team initially submitted representations about this application, but these representations were subsequently withdrawn.

The Metropolitan Police raised concerns about a lack of detail provided in the operating statement, and about the fact that the premises are located within the Peckham Cumulative Impact Area.1 They asked that a series of conditions be attached to the licence relating to CCTV, signage, dispersal, a log of incidents at the premises, and the training of staff. They also asked that the applicant clarify the nature of the premises.

The Trading Standards team asked for the applicant to clearly set out how they would prevent the sale of alcohol to children, particularly in light of the fact that the application says the front door will be closed and alcohol sales will be made through delivery platform. The application states:

We will have front door closed as we will be providing drinks through delivery platform

The Trading Standards team pointed out that it is not clear what online age verification system the applicant intends to use. The government has published draft guidance to help councils understand the risks of online alcohol sales, and the steps they can take to mitigate these risks.

The Licensing team submitted a representation objecting to the application on the grounds that:

The premises is within the Peckham Major Town Centre Cumulative impact Area

The Licensing team requested a series of conditions similar to those requested by the police.

One local resident also submitted a representation objecting to the application on the grounds that it is not clear whether the premises will operate as a restaurant or a takeaway. They also raised concerns about the potential for noise nuisance, and said that any new business at this location should be required to carry out a noise impact assessment before commencing operation.

A & D News, 107 Great Suffolk Street, London SE1 1PQ

An application for the review of this licence was submitted by Southwark Council's Trading Standards team in November 2024.

The grounds for review are that a number of illegal items were seized from the premises in July 2024, including illicit tobacco and illegal vapes. The Trading Standards team allege that these items were being sold from the premises.

The Metropolitan Police submitted a representation in support of the review application, highlighting concerns regarding:

  • The alleged sale of illicit tobacco
  • Three reports of theft from the premises between January and July 2023
  • One report of assault at the premises in 2023
  • Two breaches of the Licensing Act 2003 in October 2022 relating to the premises licence and the designated premises supervisor.

  1. Cumulative Impact Areas are areas within the borough where the concentration of licensed premises is deemed to be having a negative impact on the licensing objectives. This means there is a presumption against granting new licences within these areas. 


Councillor Renata Hamvas
Councillor Margy Newens
PC Walter Minka Agyeman
Debra Allday
Toyin Calfos
Andrew Heron
Charlie Jerrom
Wesley McArthur
Charlotte Precious
Andrew Weir