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Licensing Sub Committee A - Tuesday 14 January 2025 7.00 pm
January 21, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The Licensing Sub Committee A was scheduled to consider applications for new premises licences from Hoxton Chicken and Pizza and 235 Amhurst Road. The meeting was also scheduled to consider the adoption of the Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Procedure.
Hoxton Chicken and Pizza, 94 Hoxton Street, N1 6LP
The committee were scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for Hoxton Chicken and Pizza from Hifza Foods Ltd.
The application requested permission for the sale of late night refreshment between the hours of 11pm and 4am seven days per week. The application also sought permission for the premises to be open to the public between the hours of midday and 4am seven days a week.
The previous licence for the premises lapsed after the licence holder, Inafa Foods Ltd, was dissolved.
Representations from Responsible Authorities
Hackney Council's Environmental Enforcement team raised a representation about the application on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance. They asked for a number of conditions to be attached to the licence that related to the management of waste at the premises. They wrote:
The only complaints that I am aware of is that the shop has, in the past, continued to serve customers after the closing hours. They do not have a waste contract with Hackney.
The Metropolitan Police and the Licensing Authority also made representations in relation to the application.
The Metropolitan Police raised a representation on the grounds of the prevention of crime and disorder and the prevention of public nuisance. They wrote that:
This application requests Late Night Refreshment from 2300-0200hrs Sunday – Wednesday and 2300-0400hrs Thursday – Saturday. These hours are far outside those of Core Hours as stipulated in LP3 and as such would undoubtedly have an impact on the local residents.
They also reported that the Police had found the applicant selling food after 11pm despite not having a licence to do so.
The Licensing Authority raised a representation on the grounds of the prevention of public nuisance. The Licensing Authority noted that:
The premises is located very close to residential properties. The proposed hours could therefore have a negative impact on the residents in those properties, therefore undermining the prevention of public nuisance objectives.
Representations from Other Persons
The report pack included one representation from local residents in relation to the application on the grounds of:
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- the prevention of public nuisance
- the protection of children from harm
Basement Floor, 235 Amhurst Road, N16 7UN
The committee were scheduled to consider an application for a new premises licence for the Basement Floor, 235 Amhurst Road.
Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Procedure
The committee were scheduled to note a report on the Licensing Sub-Committee Hearing Procedure.
The procedure sets out how long each participant in licensing hearings should speak for, and what they are permitted to say at each point in the hearing.
The document also set out information about how to make representations at licensing sub-committee meetings. They wrote:
If a person or an organisation wants to make a representation to the Licensing Sub-Committee, they must NOT contact Sub-Committee Members directly. Licensing Sub-Committee Members have to retain an open mind on any application and determine it on its merits. Members cannot be in anyway biased towards a party. Therefore, if a Member of the Sub-Committee has had any prior involvement they must ensure that they come to the hearing with an open mind.
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 14-Jan-2025 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee A agenda
- Public reports pack Tuesday 14-Jan-2025 19.00 Licensing Sub Committee A reports pack
- Hearing Procedure Type A - Premises Licence Variation
- LSC Report-94 Hoxton Street
- LSC Report 235 Amhurst Road other
- LSC Report_ 235 Amhurst Road -Redacted other