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North Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 10.00 am

May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee, North Bucks, held a meeting to discuss several significant topics. The main focus was on planning applications, including a major residential development in Buckingham and a change of use for a garage in Edlesborough. The committee also discussed the temporary and permanent establishment of a childcare nursery at Thrift Farm.

Residential Development in Buckingham

The committee reviewed an outline application for a residential development of up to 300 dwellings, employment space, and associated infrastructure on land west of London Road, Buckingham. The proposal included a new access road, pedestrian and cycle pathways, and contributions to local infrastructure. Concerns were raised about the loss of employment land, traffic congestion, and the impact on local schools and healthcare facilities. The committee ultimately decided to refuse the application, citing significant weight to the loss of employment land and the potential adverse impacts on the local community.

Change of Use for Garage in Edlesborough

The committee considered an application to change the use of an existing vehicle service garage to a retail convenience store in Edlesborough. The proposal included associated external alterations, parking, and service areas. Local residents and the parish council raised concerns about increased traffic, parking issues, and the potential impact on existing local businesses, including the village's post office. Despite these concerns, the committee approved the application, subject to conditions, including a restriction on opening hours to 8 PM to mitigate the impact on the local community.

Temporary and Permanent Childcare Nursery at Thrift Farm

Two applications related to Thrift Farm were discussed. The first was a retrospective application for the temporary siting of a childcare nursery with associated infrastructure. The second was for the demolition of existing greenhouses and the erection of a permanent childcare nursery. The committee acknowledged the importance of Thrift Farm as a community asset and its role in providing care for adults with learning difficulties. Both applications were approved, with conditions to ensure the long-term viability and sustainability of the site.


  • Residential Development in Buckingham: Refused due to significant loss of employment land and potential adverse impacts on the community.
  • Change of Use for Garage in Edlesborough: Approved with conditions, including restricted opening hours to 8 PM.
  • Temporary and Permanent Childcare Nursery at Thrift Farm: Both applications approved, ensuring the site's viability and sustainability.

The meeting highlighted the committee's careful consideration of community impact, infrastructure needs, and the balance between development and preserving local amenities.