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High Wycombe Town Committee - Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 7.00 pm
June 11, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
So welcome everybody to the High Wycombe Town Committee and the first committee meeting of the new council year. So welcome everyone, thank you for coming. First item on the agenda is apologies. Apologies from Mr and Mrs Hayday. Thank you. Apologies from Armand Allen. Councillor Hayle. Apologies from Armand Allen. Councillor Bates. Thank you. Apologies from Councillor Mel Smith. And Andrea Bourne. And Andrea Bourne. Thank you. And Councillor Catriona Wood. Thank you, Chairman. Apologies, but if we're still here I'll have to leave at quarter past eight. That's fine, thank you very much. Can I just say something about apologies because we always have last minute apologies and I do always err on the side of caution when saying this. But if councillors have had time to contact other councillors, they've had time to contact democratic services or me prior to the meeting. So if in future can apologies be given before the meeting, not at it or during it, please thank you. It would help enormously. That's just a polite request for the future. Thank you. And I would now just like to introduce you to Wendy Morgan-Brown who's sitting here to my right, but I'd like to continue to introduce herself. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. Good evening, everybody. My name's Wendy Morgan-Brown. I'm Head of Partnerships and Communities in the Deputy Chief Exec's Office. I have been assigned to High Wycombe Town Committee as a dedicated officer to work with you. I work closely with ARIF under his portfolio, particularly in relation to the town and parish councils. So I will be making sure that actions are followed through and the work's progressed as you wish and directed to. Thank you very much. And just one announcement before we move on to the business. There are two items that have been withdrawn off of this agenda, so I just wanted to make you aware before we start the meeting proper. That's item five, the presentation of the White Hart Street public realm improvement has been withdrawn and also the community governance review. So I do apologize for the late notice withdrawal of those two items, but when we get to those two items on the agenda, I will read out the formal notices of why they've been withdrawn, but basically we're in Purda and there is an election. My apologies for that, but we've been advised that we cannot discuss those in details. Those two items will be withdrawn and we'll come back at a later agenda. Thank you. And now I come to a pleasant part of the meeting, an appointment of Vice-Chairman. The appointment of Vice-Chairman, it gives me pleasure to announce that the Vice-Chairman of the High Wycombe Town Committee is Councillor Nabil Arana. So Councillor Arana, would you like to say a few words? Thank you. Thank you, Chair. It's a great honour to be given this position and I look forward to working with everybody and supporting the High Wycombe Town Committee in a positive manner. Thank you. Thank you. And we come to Item 3 with minutes of the last meeting. So this is to approve the minutes of both meetings, one held on the 26th of March and the second one on the 15th of May, 2024. Are there any comments, Councillor Wassell? Thank you and my apologies for raising it an hour ago by mistake. I would like it minuted please that a statement from John Callaghan and myself has been circulated as suggested by the minutes from November 2023 and missed in January and not circulated. So I'm very pleased that that statement was circulated and I would like that minuted please. Thank you, we will minute that. Councillor Wassell? I'm not sure why that's not included in the minutes but I'm sure our Democratic Services Officer will have a look and include those in the minutes if they are to be corrected as a matter of fact. Thank you. Thank you so can we have approval of the minutes of the last two meetings? Thank you. Councillor Wassell, are you going to turn your mic off please? Thank you. And we now come to Item 4, declarations of interest. Are there any declarations of interest for items on the agenda? None recorded? Thank you very much. Now the next presentation is not going to happen as previously mentioned and I am just going to read out a film of words as to why. So upon review of the best practice guidelines for pre-election period, it has been decided to defer the White Hart Street item from the High Wycombe Town Committee agenda of the 11th of June 2024 to a date post-election where fuller details of the scheme can be provided. Thank you. So we can move straight on to Sunday burials and it's here that I will introduce you to Karen Collins from the Medical Examiner's Office, Linda Francis and Michaela Pottle from Burials and Cremations team. But if you'd like to give a fuller update of yourselves that's fine but I'll hand over to the next item to you. So this is an update of matters of fact from the two teams. Thank you. Good evening everyone. Linda Francis, Head of Crematory and Cemeteries. Unfortunately Martin Dickman can't be here this evening so he's asked me to update on his behalf. As you're aware the last meeting held on 26th of March we set out plans to accommodate a Sunday burial service and it was agreed that a working subgroup would be set up to discuss the anticipated costs and the proposed fees. The subgroup were to agree a proposed fees and charges schedule and report back to this meeting. In the period since the last meeting we've reviewed our plan to staff the additional provision to try and reduce the staffing costs and are confident that we now have a robust but more cost effective staffing option to take forward to the working subgroup. Unfortunately as some of you will be aware the working subgroup has not yet met to consider the costs of the review or to review the proposed options for the fees and charges to ensure that it is cost neutral. The group is scheduled to meet tomorrow evening on 12th of June and should be in a position to report back with the proposed fees scheduled to the next committee meeting on the 10th of September. So we've taken the opportunity of being here tonight and thank you chair for allowing it to invite Karen Collins who's the head of registration and coroners and Karen's going to provide a verbal update on the medical examiner system and death certification reforms which we know now will be implemented in September of this year. So I will hand over to Karen, thank you. Thank you Linda. So as Linda said my name is Karen Collins, I'm the head of registration and coroners at Buckinghamshire Council. I also work very closely with the medical examiner's office at the trust at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital and I'm just here to give an update on the current situation with the medical examiner system. It has been confirmed that the medical examiner system will come into force into England and Wales on Monday the 9th of September. It's been a long time coming, it's been many many years trying to get this in, we now have confirmation of that date. This will mean that all deaths in England and Wales will need to be scrutinised by a medical examiner. They cannot be registered until they have been scrutinised by a medical examiner. The medical examiner will receive the medical certificate of cause of death from the attending practitioner, so that's the doctor that was in attendance and has been in attendance with the deceased. The medical examiner will speak to the doctor who has issued that certificate and will also speak to the family of the deceased before agreeing and signing the medical certificate and sending it on to the registration service for registration. Of course not all deaths do go that route, some deaths will go the coroner route where it's a natural or a particular type of death not expected or detention or detained and they will go the coroner route as is the case now. At present most GP surgeries are referring into the medical examiner office, there's about five surgeries that aren't at the moment, it's not mandatory but the trust have been trying to get this system up and running so that when the mandatory service comes in September all GP surgeries will be on board with the system because it will be much much easier to go forward on the 9th of September. There is funding for out of hours medical examiner provision and this is funding for one medical examiner and one medical examiner officer to be available to scrutinise any death certificates for two hours on a Saturday, two hours on a Sunday and two hours on a bank holiday. The trust have a rotor of medical examiners and they will be placed on the rotor to work these weekends. We have also agreed that provision will be in line with registrars being available to register deaths to. Currently the registration service offers a chance to register a faith death on a Saturday between nine and two o'clock so we will ensure that the medical examiners will be available within that time scale to allow the medical certificate to be agreed and signed off and sent to us and then we will be able to register that death. At the moment there is no provision for a regular Sunday or bank holiday allowance with the registration service to register deaths and we are looking at that and we hope to have something in place by the 9th of September. At the moment it is very ad hoc and it works. We have had eight faith deaths on a Sunday over the last year. It is not a huge amount but it is an amount that we have managed to register in a timely fashion so that the burial can take place. There may be issues with GPs being available over the weekend. The medical examiner system is in place but it is finding a GP who has been in attendance during the illness or has seen the deceased alive. So that has changed slightly now. From the 9th of September a doctor who has seen the deceased alive and not necessarily during the last illness will be able to sign a medical certificate. But it will still be difficult to find that GP. It is just making you aware of that. The coroner's service currently offers weekend provision but only for out of England deaths so they will issue a form to allow the body to go out of England over the weekend but there is no provision at the moment for any investigations over the weekend and the bank holidays because there is no way of contacting people to start an investigation. So where that is the case, investigations will not begin until the following weekend day which is usually the Monday from a Sunday or the Tuesday from a bank holiday Monday. That is all I have at the moment. Thank you Karen. I have had a couple of indications to speak. Councillor Hussain. Thank you Mr Chairman. Can I first of all take the opportunity Karen for thanking you for this report and I think also thank you to all the staff who does a wonderful job and they have always been helpful even then there was no fund available. They have gone out of the way to help the communities who need the help and I am very proud of our system in High Wycombe and I am sure that you will pass our thanks to the concerning people. The question I have, you talk about the medical examiner, do we know where that will be appointed, where he is going to be or is it going to be one or two? Currently we have 12 part-time medical examiners that are linked to the trust. They are independent but they are linked to the trust so you must be registered with the trust and there are 12 at the moment. Whether there will be 12 in the new system I am not sure but at the moment we are hoping that the 12 will come over and we will have more, perhaps GPs will become, we have been requesting that GPs become medical examiners too but at the moment the majority are from the hospital. So there will be no offers for that purpose but anybody can sign, any medical examiner can sign the paperwork? Yes as long as they have scrutinised the medical records. Thank you. Councillor Roger. Thank you Chairman. I would like to first thank Martin Dickman, Linda Francis and Michaela Pottle. Behind the scenes as you know I was the Chairman before you, congratulations to you first. They do an extreme amount of work in the background that we don't see and I am really grateful that we have got really good officers that do that and advise us. I would like to thank Karen as well but there is a question Karen. How much, if it is a normal death at old age or something like that, how much more time would it take to go through this process if it is like, it can't be a normal death but a natural death? Thank you. It will depend on many factors if it is expected. It could be a natural death but not expected and then you would have to have investigations to find out if it was. It will depend on the medical examiners and how long it takes to scrutinise the medical records. There was a seminar today with the National Medical Examiner who confirmed that all medical examiners should try to achieve scrutiny within 24 hours of a death. And there was, it was noted that particularly with faith deaths that this is done as quickly as possible. Thank you. Thank you, Mr Chairman. Just to echo what my colleagues say, thank you for yourself and your staff, especially on Beckonsfield, they have been very helpful. And just a quick question, so any GP can join the, or is it just, have to be some radio, is it just, is someone joining from High Wycombe, can they test the whole High Wycombe or Buckingham here or is it just that they can? So they have to be affiliated to the trust, so they have to be an NHS doctor and they have to go through training and they should contact the medical examiner's office if they have an interest in becoming an ME and they can talk to them about the training. Councillor Wessel. Thank you. Thank you for that interesting talk, Karen. What area will the medical examiner go to cover and where will they be based? At the moment they're based at Stoke Mandeville and the Wycombe General Hospital, but we have medical examiner offices that are in the community and they are based around communities in the county. But the majority will be based at Stoke Mandeville. So what area do they cover? Do they cover the BOB or do they cover the trust? They just cover Buckinghamshire at the moment, it's just Buckinghamshire. And if people are registered with a GP outside of Buckinghamshire but live in Buckinghamshire, that kind of boundary? They will cross boundaries, they do have cross boundaries, yeah. And why would there be any difficulty finding a GP who knows the patient? Because GPs have out-of-hours services now, don't they? And there are approved doctors and so on on the mental health rotor. But why would that cause any delay? Because not all GPs work weekends, GPs are part-time as well and so you wouldn't necessarily find the GP that was in attendance or has seen the deceased alive over the weekend. It can't be guaranteed, there is nothing to say that they must work over the weekend or be available. And so the trust has found that can be difficult finding the attending GP. That seems non-contemporary to me, I mean I've only seen a GP once in the last ten years. But we don't have a named family doctor anymore, you see whoever you can be seen, it can change between the time you make the appointment and get to the surgery, people are off sick. And how it doesn't seem a contemporary approach to say there's got to be a GP that's seen you living. I mean there isn't a GP that's seen me living, if you know what I mean, because the last GP that saw me retired. So that's a good position to be in, I'm not complaining. It's legislation I'm afraid, it's in legislation that the GP must have seen the deceased alive in order to sign a medical certificate. So do we all have to go up and be seen now so that in the event of an untimely death? This will seem to make sense to me. I don't write the legislation unfortunately, it's just legislation, that's what we've been given I'm afraid. And do you think Sunday burials can be facilitated under the new service? I hope so. But you can't be more definite than that? Not at the moment. I mean this is an issue that's been around for a very long time, at least two terms of my council offices, eight years. Can I just stop there because we're sort of going into the realms of what we've discussed as you were just about to say. This is just a question and answer session of matters of fact. So can we move on to Councillor Green, thank you. Thank you Chairman. This new process that is being discussed, will that be available for all deaths who want an urgent burial? Yes, every death. Thank you, Councillor Rana. Thank you Chair and thank you Karen for your presentation on that. I have two questions, one is how long does a typical medical exam take, how long does it take? So is it a couple of hours, what's involved? And my second part of the question, and I understand if you don't have the answer for the first part. Also how will the community or health professionals make people aware, how will we make people aware that this is going to be legislation and is there advertisement going out on regards to this? Are doctors' surgeries going to be promoting that all deaths will be medically examined before somebody is released? Thank you. So I'm not part of the medical examiner office, so I don't know how long it will take to scrutinise a case and contact the family and contact the doctor, I wouldn't know that. And also regarding the advertising, I know there's going to be lots of publicity nearer the time, particularly from the Department of Health and Social Care and from the General Register Office, that's actually being put together at the moment. And I anticipate that round about August time to ensure that all the public will be aware of the changes and particularly the GP surgeries will make sure that everyone's on board with it. Just to add to that, well also to add to my own question, is I'm assuming the Buckinghamshire Council website will be updated to reflect the new scheme in advance, so when you log in it will take you to the right places to make the right disclosures. Thank you. Councillor Leslie Clark. Thank you, Chairman. Two things. Out of county people, we have a lot of people who go to Oxford for medical bits and pieces and we also are covered by Wexham. How do those get covered in this? Could I just say about your website, not everybody can get on to the internet to read a website, so how do we make sure everybody knows? We tend to advertise in libraries as well because we know people will go to libraries, we have leaflets in all our offices and we liaise with the trust to make sure that they have leaflets too that we've got, so that we do think about people who don't access the internet as well. Regarding out of counties, other districts will be in the same position as us, so Oxfordshire will be in exactly the same position, everything goes mandatory on the 9th of September nationally for England and Wales, so they will all have their own services. Now I can't say they're going to work exactly the same as Buckinghamshire do, but they will have to be very similar to follow the guidelines, so it should work. So if you're a Bucks resident and you unfortunately pass away in Oxford, you'll be seen by the Oxford Medical Examiner rather than a Bucks Medical Examiner, is that right? Yes, you'll be seen by the doctor in the district where you have died. Thank you, Mr Chairman. Karen, just as a matter of interest, in terms of the local GPs, if they are interested in doing the training, how long is that training, please, for becoming a Medical Examiner? I'm really sorry, I don't know. I can find that out for you, though. Just if somebody does ask, it would be good to know about the information, please, if you don't mind. Thank you. And you can feed that back through the committee and we can get that out to everybody. Thank you very much. Have I missed anyone indicating? Councillor Hussain again? Mr Chairman, let me come back again. It's just a matter of clarification. My impression was that Medical Examiner is only going to scrutinise the paperwork, he's not going to physically see the deceased, is that right? So the GP sees the deceased, writes the medical certificate, the medical certificate then comes to the ME, who scrutinises the medical records with the MCCD, the medical certificate, and then speaks to the family before issuing it to the registrar. Thank you very much. Have you got another question, Councillor Wessel? Supposing you die abroad? We don't get involved in that. Thank you. Well, can I just thank Karen Collins, Linda Francis and Michaela Pottle for being here today and we'll catch up after the meeting, particularly after we've had our working group meeting tomorrow. So thank you very much for your hard work and presentation. So we move on to item 7, special expenses quarter 4. Fiorella is unable to be here and so we have David Harvey. So I'll introduce David, thank you. Thank you, Chair. As the Chair said, Fiorella who usually presents this update is on leave, so I'm here to present the out-turn report for the Highway Containment Committee for the financial year 23/24. As highlighted in the report, which is included in the agenda, it shows that at the end of the financial year against the budget of 505,000, the out-turn was 317, which produced an underspend of 188,000 pounds. The majority of this underspend was within the cemeteries and the reason for the underspend was on expenditure. There was a low spend on reactive maintenance and there was also an overachievement in income as a result of the increase in income from Muslim burial chambers. Although this income is showing above budget, these chambers are sold at cost, so have been used to help to cover the cost of the 100 additional chambers which were ordered in 24/25. There are other underspends within recreational grounds and community grants. So the impact of these underspends on the working balances is 143,000 pounds, which therefore has made the balance at the end of the 23/24 financial year working balance of 861,000 pounds. That's all. Thank you very much. Councillor Clark. Thank you, Chairman. Could we have a list of what was actually spent on the recreation grounds where it says local? It would be interesting to know exactly where that money has been spent. I think probably a majority of it was spent on the ropes where that was renewed, but it would be interesting to see where else that's been spent, please. Thank you. We can provide that. Councillor Sane. Thank you, Mr Chairman. Just to understand, how many chambers do we have left and are there any more coming in, and are they still coming in? Hi. We've got a procurement of another 200 chambers over the next two to three years. Thank you. Councillor Bates. Thank you very much, Chair. Yes, it is true that most of the underspend is on cemeteries if you look at the actual amount of money. However, if you consider the proportion of money allocated in some of those areas, for example, the community grants, we only spent 39% of what we allocated. 61% of the money allocated was not spent. This is a question for all of us. Why are we not spending the money? I don't know the answer to that. This is not a tricky question. Is it because we are not getting applications in that are meeting our criteria? Is it because people don't know that this is an option for them? And if that is the case, what are we doing about it to make sure that the community is aware that there is some funding available? And I think along that line, it would be really, really helpful if we actually had an outline of the criteria by which grants were decided. Because at the moment, I don't know what the criteria are, and obviously there should be some, and everybody should be able to meet them and demonstrate that they can meet them before we can award it. That's a very long, rambling question, but hopefully be able to answer that, David, in some shape or form. Thank you, Councillor Bates, and it is something that comes up quite regularly year after year. And it really is in part down to us to make sure that communities, the wards that we represent, realise that there are grants available. I mean, I certainly try and tell everyone that I meet that these grants are available, and the application form is online. And if they need help because they're not online, then I'll discuss it with them. But it may be an idea to put the criteria as part of the minutes of this meeting, so that's a way that it goes out to everyone. We've all got it then, so we don't have to go searching for it. We could do that for the future, and yeah, but it is underspent, yes, that is a good point, thank you. Councillor Thomas. Thank you. Two questions, really. First, looking at the allotments, there's an underspend of £10,000. What is the reason for it, and how are we using, well first of all, what is the reason for it? Yeah, again, it's the maintenance of the grounds. There was a budget for maintenance of grounds of £33,000, but only £26,000 was spent. Okay. And is that being factored into our next year's budget of the underspend going forward, or how are we reviewing the actual proportion of allocate actuals versus budget? So the overall underspend will go into the working balances, and the budget's set in November, so it falls into that part of the process. So any underspends will then fall into the budget process setting from November. And lastly, I do remember that War Memorials we don't do work every year on, so when is the next stage of when we're going to review our state of the War Memorials around Wickham and make sure they're up to standard? So again, yeah, it's every two years, so this year there wasn't, or it's the next year, so. Thank you very much. Councillor Roger. Thank, I think I've got two colleagues having a conversation. Thank you. I'm just coming through you, Chairman. Obviously I've heard what Councillor Bates has said. Sometimes the reason is why we have a less of a spend is that the groups who apply for the grants don't meet the criteria. And we do get people applying for them, but they don't meet the criteria, and that's the honest truth. But we've got a signposting on Buckinghamshire website for the grants, people are aware of it. All we can do is, you know, we can, on our members' updates or something, we can put the link in there and advise that, similar to what you've just said, Chairman. Yeah, thank you. Councillor Wassell. I try to promote the grants, but increasingly they're so small vis-a-vis any employee time, you know, so if a chief executive of a small charity takes ten hours to make the application, be accountable for the spending, gain the required estimates, then they've spent probably more than the grant is worth. And no Buckinghamshire officer, I think, would be applying for grants for fifteen hundred, say, you know, were that their role, because their salary would be more than the grant that they would get in. I think it's time to review the amount of the grant, because the community board does have, can make small grants, and streamline the due diligence system so that it's ticking a checklist. But it's a very expensive way of getting a grant for a small charity. And I will be picking that up in the work programme, not in detail, but I think it will come up there, so hopefully we can move forward. Councillor Bourne. Thank you. My maths isn't as good as Councillor Bates, but the underspend, the variance on the footway lighting is obviously quite significant, and I was just wondering how do we get to spend that money? Are these the specific footways, the specific lighting that comes under this budget? Is it routine maintenance, or is it reactive, or is it when they're reported via Fix My Street? Thank you. Yeah, the spend is against general repairs and maintenance, but in terms of where they are, I don't have that detail on me here, so I can certainly provide you that in the future. Yeah, thank you, and we can update these specific details in the minutes or by separate email after this meeting. Thank you. Councillor Hussain. Thank you, Mr Chairman, again. Coming back to the criteria for getting funding, I was wondering whether it is perhaps time for you to set up a small committee and look at the criteria again and see whether we can make it any easier, but at the same time making sure that obviously we have a pretty robust criteria. If members are happy, then I think I'll leave it to you, Mr Chairman, to look into that. Yeah, I'll update the meeting shortly. If you've got something new to introduce, Councillor Wassell. Yes, we do have some committees because they're politically biased, and they're not done in front of the whole committee, so I don't think we should have extra subcommittees. That would be my decision in the end, Councillor Wassell, but you can be assured that I will not be thinking politically when I look at the best things that our residents need in High Wycombe. Thank you. Councillor Green. Thank you, Chairman. On the community grants, I think I can perhaps answer Councillor Wassell's first comment. To some extent, when they were set up, which was a few years ago now, they were aimed at small community groups. I don't think it was ever envisaged that what I would like to call more professional charities that employ chief executives applying for £1500 grants because, as you say, it's not financially sensible for them to do so. It was aimed at kind of small volunteer-run organisations for grants, for doing fundays and those sort of projects, so I think that's why it is, but I do agree on one sense. I looked at the application form the other day, and it does seem to be overcomplicated for what is a small grant, and I think this is another of the unforeseen consequences of becoming Buckinghamshire Council. In the days when it was set up and it was Wycombe, the form was fairly straightforward. I think it now has been Buckinghamised, if that's the correct expression, and has become more complex, and I think it would be worth looking at the form and seeing if we can review that and making it simpler, because, as you say, they are quite small grants. We don't expect people to put – I mean, although I do think most people could fill it in in less than 10 hours, so I don't know what chief executives you know, but it is relatively straightforward. And, Mr Chairman, on the other topics, people have raised things about recreation grounds and allotments. We used to get regular reports from the officer responsible for those contracts. Since Andy Sherwood's sadly leftist council, we haven't had any of those, so perhaps in the forward plan could we actually put in an option to have the client officer for – because I think they are under the same grounds maintenance contract. But it would certainly be helpful if we could ask those sort of questions, because we recently had a number of residents asking questions about allotments and what they get for the money, and I wasn't in a position to answer them because we don't really know, so I had to write to the client side to get it. It would be helpful, I think, for all of us to have those updates so we know what to expect for the amount we're paying for the maintenance on both those contracts. Thank you. That was noted, and we'll look at that in the forward programme. We'll be discussing work programmes shortly. Councillor Wesson? That's unusual, we agree, but I'm not sure that it's Wiccan District Council to Buckinghamshire Council. It's issues of safeguarding and the Equalities Act, I think you're referring to, that these days a small community association will not pass any due diligence if they haven't got X, Y and Z policy, and then no local authority will take the risk of some incident and they hadn't then checked that they had a DBS checking system. It's got horribly complicated for a myriad of reasons. Thank you. I'm just going to ask Wendy to come in at that point. Thank you. Thank you, Mr Chair. The small grants for the Wiccan Town Committee come within my area and my team have ministered them, so I'm happy to pick up the comments that have been raised this evening and have a look at the form and see if we can simplify it and the process, and perhaps provide some guidance to applicants as well about what they need to do to make it a little bit easier for them. I'll just caveat that with obviously we have to just make sure we meet our audit requirements in terms of the types of organisations that we can give money to and how we award that, but more than happy to take on board all the comments this evening and have a look at it to see what we can do to slimline it and make it easier. Thank you very much. That's very helpful. Thank you. I don't think there's any other questions, so we can move on to what would have been the next item. We're on Item 8, the Community Governance Review, and we come to the second item, which has been withdrawn. It was indicated in the High Wycombe Community Governance Review terms of reference that the occurrence of a general election may have implications for the Community Governance Review timeline. In accordance with best practice guidance for the pre-election period, the Council is unable to publish and consider any draft recommendations during the current pre-election period. A revised timeframe is being prepared for the resolution after the election. So that relates to the CGR update that we were, and again I apologise that that got withdrawn, but we're in very strange times at the moment. We now move on to Item 9, which is actually the Work Programme. I'm going to introduce this item by saying that we've heard about fees and charges, so thank you, and we are due to meet tomorrow as a working group to come back. So that will be ready hopefully by September, and that will dovetail nicely into the legislation that's coming forward nationally. Special expenses is a standard item. CGR update, we will wait for that presentation in September. NEXUS presentation is on there, however, what I want to say is that CIL funding is also on there. Now CIL and Section 106 is something that we need to update before we can have any further discussions on any individual funding applications. So by turning that whole topic out, we really need to look at funding from this committee. We are holding quite large reserves, and we are holding quite large reserves in CIL and Section 106 monies, depending on whether the programmes that we've already agreed are going ahead. So I am looking to get updates on all the outstanding programmes that we have agreed to fund, so we should be coming back to this meeting at some point, and it will either be September or the November meeting, with an updated position for Section 106 and CIL monies, and an updated position on all the outstanding programmes that we've already agreed to. So we know what's coming back into the pot if those programmes are no longer going ahead, or if they require extra funding and are stalling, and for what reason. So just to let you know, I am busy behind the scenes trying to get updates for this committee, so we can actually have a discussion based on what we do actually have, rather than some generic discussion about what we might like to do if, so we want to get rid of that. So that Nexus presentation will just get subsumed into the CIL funding update and Section 106 and general discussions about our reserves and finances going forward, so this is where we need to look at grant funding and what criteria we might want to have in the future for that, but we're at an early stage of those discussions. Parking review, hi Wickham, we do need an update on that, and we will add a Parks and Recreation update as well, so thank you for that suggestion. It looks like a very busy September meeting, but come prepared, it should be an interesting meeting. Councillor Wassell. Thank you Chairman, you skimmed across CIL very niftily, so will you be declaring a conflict of interest when the schemes that you have promoted are put forward and discussed, because it seems to me this CIL should be called the Conservative Infrastructure Lobby. We're not going to have any politics tonight, sorry Councillor Wassell can you stop right there, you are introducing politics to a meeting when we cannot discuss that. Right, I am going to move on, has anyone else got anything, Councillor Wassell can you stop talking, you introduced politics into this meeting. It has not been properly rated by officers of the council, it has been subsumed into other pots. Well we are not discussing the detail of any CIL application, I have explained what we are doing, and if you don't like that you can take it up with me after the meeting. Well I'm thinking of a standards board complaint about the whole thing, because my successful bids are subsumed into other people's pots, and that is not knowledgeable. I'm going to move on, has anyone else got anything they would like to raise on the forward work programme, Councillor Roger. No sorry I thought when you said move on I had some other business to talk about. Oh well if there is anything on the forward work programme we take it now, thank you. No, Councillor Roger. Thank you Chairman, one of the things that I wanted to change, maybe you could do is, our lovely past Queen has passed away, may God rest her soul. Could we have a new picture of our King behind you, so could you have a word with Democratic Services regarding that please. We will certainly take that up and it would be nice to get an updated portrait of the monarch, thank you. Has the Queen passed away? Sorry can we move on before I have to reject a member for being rude. So that request has been taken up and officers are looking into it, and as soon as we have more information I'll come back to you. Thank you. Date of next meeting is the 10th September 2024 and I declare this meeting closed at 7.50. Thank you very much.
The High Wycombe Town Committee of Buckinghamshire Council met on Tuesday, 11 June 2024. Key discussions included the introduction of a new Head of Partnerships and Communities, updates on Sunday burials, and the financial out-turn report for the 2023/24 financial year. The meeting also addressed the upcoming implementation of the medical examiner system and the underspend in community grants.
Sunday Burials
Linda Francis, Head of Crematory and Cemeteries, provided an update on the plans for Sunday burials. Despite a delay in the working subgroup meeting to discuss costs and proposed fees, a more cost-effective staffing option has been developed. The subgroup is scheduled to meet on 12 June and will report back at the next committee meeting on 10 September.
Karen Collins, Head of Registration and Coroners at Buckinghamshire Council, discussed the upcoming implementation of the medical examiner system, which will be mandatory from 9 September 2024. This system will require all deaths in England and Wales to be scrutinised by a medical examiner before registration. The system aims to ensure timely scrutiny, particularly for faith deaths, within 24 hours.
Financial Out-turn Report
David Harvey presented the financial out-turn report for the 2023/24 financial year. The report highlighted an underspend of £188,000 against a budget of £505,000, primarily within the cemeteries budget due to low reactive maintenance costs and increased income from Muslim burial chambers. The working balance at the end of the financial year stands at £861,000.
Councillors raised concerns about the significant underspend in community grants, with only 39% of the allocated funds spent. It was suggested that the criteria for grants be reviewed and simplified to encourage more applications from small community groups.
Community Governance Review
The Community Governance Review item was withdrawn due to the pre-election period. A revised timeframe will be prepared after the election.
Work Programme
The committee discussed the forward work programme, including updates on Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding, parking reviews, and parks and recreation updates. The committee aims to have a clearer understanding of the available funds and outstanding programmes by the next meeting in September.
For more details, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet, Public reports pack, and Printed minutes of the meeting.
- Andrea Baughan
- Arif Hussain
- Arman Alam
- Darren Hayday
- Imran Hussain
- Julia Wassell
- Karen Bates
- Katrina Wood
- Lesley Clarke OBE
- Mahboob Hussain OBE JP
- Majid Hussain
- Marcus Angell
- Matt Knight
- Mazamal Hussain
- Melanie Smith
- Mohammed Ayub
- Nabeela Rana
- Nathan Thomas
- Orsolya Hayday
- Paul Turner
- Sarfaraz Khan Raja
- Steve Guy
- Steven Barrett
- Tony Green
- Andy Sherwood
- Fiorella Mugari
- Iram Malik
- Lindsey Vallis
- Martin Dickman