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Economy and Growth Committee - Tuesday, 4th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting of Cheshire East Council's Economy and Growth Committee covered several key topics, including the Dane's Moss development, financial outcomes for the previous year, and budget allocations for the current year. The committee also discussed the reallocation of the Towns Fund grant for Crewe and reviewed the work programme for the upcoming year.

Dane's Moss Development

James Melling from the Jesuit Wildlife Trust presented a petition against the Dane's Moss development, citing environmental concerns. He highlighted the lack of an environmental statement and ecological surveys, and the potential destruction of biodiversity and carbon storage. Simon Brown from the Save Dane's Moss group and Professor Sami from Manchester Metropolitan University also spoke against the development, emphasizing its ecological significance and the potential negative impact on local wildlife and climate.

Financial Outcomes for 2023-24

Steve Redding and Peter Skates presented the final financial outcomes for the 2023-24 fiscal year. The Place Directorate reported an underspend of £3.6 million against a £94 million budget, with the Economy and Growth Committee specifically underspending by £4.5 million. Key savings were achieved through vacancy management, reduced spending on electricity and gas, and overachieving income budgets. The committee approved the financial outcomes and noted the positive financial position.

Budget Allocations for 2024-25

The committee reviewed the budget allocations for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Two items were flagged as high risk: service restructures and office rationalization. The committee discussed the need for early engagement and monitoring to ensure budget targets are met. The recommendations for budget allocations were approved.

Towns Fund Grant Reallocation

Jez Goodman presented a report on the reallocation of the Towns Fund grant for Crewe. The committee approved the reallocation, which included reducing the grant for the Repurposing Our High Streets project and reallocating funds to the Youth Zone project and the Pocket Park and Jubilee project. Concerns were raised about the sustainability of the Youth Zone project, but assurances were given that no additional council funding would be required.

Work Programme

The committee reviewed the work programme for the upcoming year. It was decided that the September meeting would start at 4 PM to accommodate members with caring responsibilities. The committee also discussed the need for early engagement in the budget-setting process and the importance of cross-committee communication.

The meeting concluded with a decision to exclude the press and public for the next item, which involved confidential information.


Councillor Connor Naismith
Councillor Rob Moreton
Councillor David Edwardes
Profile image for Councillor Michael Gorman
Councillor Michael Gorman  Deputy Leader of the Council; Leader of Independent Group; Chair of Economy and Growth Committee; Vice Chair of Corporate Policy Committee; Vice Chair of Appointments Committee •  Independent •  Wilmslow West and Chorley
Councillor David Brown
Councillor Alison Heler
Councillor Brian Drake
Councillor Peter Coan
Councillor Nick Mannion
Profile image for Councillor Fiona Wilson
Councillor Fiona Wilson  Chair of Appointments Committee; Vice Chair of Economy and Growth Committee; Vice Chair of Northern Planning Committee •  Labour •  Macclesfield South
Councillor Janet Clowes
Councillor Linda Buchanan
Councillor Jill Rhodes
Councillor Roger Morris
Councillor Chris O'Leary