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Children and Families Committee - Monday, 29th April, 2024 2.00 pm
April 29, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
on 29th of April to Priya, crew, municipal buildings, which is a change for us. I'm
afraid I have to make one very sad, tragic announcement. David Coles, a head
teacher at Breinley School, very suddenly died, I think it was today or yesterday and
obviously I thought I'm sure the committee will be very happy to send all our
condolences to the family because it must be such a shock and I know what it's like
at the school when things like this happen so I know that the staff and the
children will also be very upset and the school is closed today so I just want
them to know that we send them all our subsidies. We will now go home with our
business, although we all want to keep us all okay there, we'll just give them a second to settle.
So a couple of any apologies, thank you chair. We have apologies from Councillor
Burd and Councillor Anderson, his presence as a substitute.
Okay, thank you. I was supposed to remind everybody, the meeting is being already recorded, and I should remind everybody, the meeting is being recorded and will be
uploaded to the council's website. I remind everyone to speak directly to the
microphones and can I also remind people, the officers would like you to raise your
hands when voting and keep them there until the camp is finished, thank you.
Okay, so we need to have a full compliment. So are there any declarations of interest on the
pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests to declare on any item? Councillor Haynes.
Thank you chair, non-pecuniary is the general item number 10, I chair and
holding body of a school which uses the jesus' case and service for doctors not
to prove my impartiality. Thank you. Councillor Benet-Wake?
Yeah, I went for a new class school that he's been using, he should say this too.
Thank you, Councillor Tark. I too chair a governance item, I will
assume that you've been decaying from service. Thank you. Councillors say thank you. I am a governor and a school that we need to see.
Thank you. Okay, so I took three minutes of previous meeting. Has anyone any comments on accuracy of those minutes?
No, so I will propose them, would anybody like to second? If you Councillor Benet-Wake, all those in favour of the minutes?
Thank you. Anybody against? Anybody not voting? Councillor Putty come and Councillor Hay is not voting.
Thank you. So, public speaking, I don't think we have
anyone registered to public speak. So, let's to item five then the revised dedicated school's grant management plan and we do have a speaker for this, a visiting speaker I should say.
Councillor Klaus would like to speak and it's best that she goes first if that's...
Well, I'm just wondering, if I'm now substituting to Councillor Bailey, it would be better to have a good part of the general debate. I'm happy to do that.
Right, and also, as I'm reminded, we'll have to leave the other words. Thank you.
Okay, so I'm going to... Thank you. Thank you Chair. If I could invite the officers to come to the table and I will ask them to introduce themselves.
Members will see that we don't have Claire Williams with us today. The Director of Education and Shots Art and Integration and I'm delighted to let you know that she will be returning this week.
But today you have key officers from within that same service. They will be presenting the paper and I will provide some help to them.
We have a lot of papers today, members, and we will not... We propose we don't go through each paper. In detail, we will assume, I think quite rightly, that you will have had the opportunity to read the papers.
We will, of course, be able to answer questions in thought and where we can't, and where we can't, we will always provide written responses.
I'm just going to do a little bit of an overview of this report we have in front of you because this is probably one of the most important papers for this committee to consider.
And I know how seriously all members, cross-partly, part of members, have considered the issues contained within it.
You are aware and have been aware during the process of application that this local authority was invited to join the Common Prodication Safety Valve Program.
You will see contained within the detail of this report, but despite presenting and providing a high needs management plan, a dedicated schools grant management plan, that brings the in-year balance, brings us into an in-year balance within a seven-year period, we have, unfortunately, not yet been accepted into the safety valve program.
We'll go into the details of that in question and answer, and I'm delighted that Alex Thompson is here, he'll be able to provide some of that detailed financial information.
But I do commend the plan that you haven't prompted you to, and hope that you will support us in the delivery of that plan.
Really importantly to note, and this is emerging information that I can't give you in writing, but I can give you some of the emerging facts and figures, we are beginning to see the impact and evidence of this plan working.
And this year we are able to report a reduced number of the age sequence that have been issued. Alongside that, and these are very, very early figures, and I can't give the detail of them, we are seeing a reduced deficit.
And I think that is really important, not only because it's important to the financial impact of that is important to the council, but it gives some very early indications of the successful application of this plan.
I'm going to hand over to colleagues who will introduce themselves, introduce the paper, introduce the recommendations, and then we'll move into any questions.
I'm going to go through and share afternoon Councillors and afternoon colleagues. My name is certainly our covenants, I'm the strategic lead for a second and inclusion.
So in front of us, we've got a revised dedicated school's grant management plan, which stands from 2024 or the way of 2021, by which year we're presenting a balanced budget.
So the ask here is you approve the revised ESG management plan going forward, which outlines an in-year balanced position, forecasted deficit reserve position of 1.2 billion and mitigated at 2.5 million in today's probably end of March 2021.
Also, to note that the decision of the Secretary of States do not enter into the same bill every month of this time.
In addition to note that Chief Executive Executive Director of Children's Services at the section of 1.1, I hope so, will continue to work with the E&B.
How many month are there any month? How are we doing some agencies? GA is a fine, inappropriate solution.
It also delegates to the executive director of Children's Services' authority to undertake an end consultation due necessary to facilitate implementation.
Finally, Chief Executive Director of Children's Services, thank you very much.
Thank you, thank you, yes. I'm sure if someone else is going to speak with me. Thank you, thank you very much.
Yes, I'll take questions, Councillor Hays, Anderson.
So first, I have Councillor Hays, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Saunders, Councillor Klaus, Councillor Bellingway, and Councillor Bingham.
Yes, it's a really important piece of work list, so we knew there'd be lots of questions, so we're happy to have a good discussion on it and plenty of questions.
So, Councillor Hays first.
Thank you very much, Chair, and thank you for the report that we've provided. I wonder in question how well stakeholders and partners are to praise all the details contained within this report.
I appreciate it's a fast-moving picture, but I also know from a source perspective that in the void of any information or updates from the authority, rumors are beginning to circulate in the centuries beginning to become nervous.
And there are think-stakes play here in terms of the future of children's education, particularly those children with additional needs.
Whilst I welcome the direct updates around the reduced numbers of the ACP's from a financial perspective, I do question whether that's true or right for children, particularly alongside the national trend of what is an increasing position of need and how we are therefore able to justify that.
I'd be great for some clarification around one of the asked the recommendation which talks about authorizing someone to take any consultations to proceed as necessary.
Whilst I trust the direct, any could be quite broad ranging and doesn't necessarily provide them with the clarity around what such consultations are likely to be required.
Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Councillor Hays.
In terms of the consultation with stakeholders, you're right to cite that there's such an important element of this program.
And through the forums, the school forums, through the engagement of schools and the chairs of those forums in the Senate Partnership, and through communications written and verbal to the schools, information has been shared.
As recent as one day last week, a further communication reiterating and spelling out in more detail some of the outcomes of the conversations and submissions to the DFE has been made.
So, once I also know the point you make about this deal last morning, and the complexity of the plan that has been drawn up has been done at Hays as required by the program.
But I would suggest that there has been a regular communication, albeit not welcome at all times, because some of what we're having to discuss around the finances is challenging and quite right in schools to want to understand it better and get into the detail of that.
Schools are represented on all of the work trees delivery against this plan and have appropriately around the table when we're considering changes in other patients that need to be made.
That was checked out on the Senate Party meeting with held on Friday and we were able to establish that that was the case.
Could we do more yet absolutely, and that certainly is the ambition to engage schools and stakeholders and it's wider than school settings colleges, and of course our colleagues across the NHS with the detail of the implementation plan.
But I do want to remind all members and anyone listening in that the identified plan of action is both about reducing the pressure and financial costs to the council, but also about improving outcomes for children.
And the two have to go hand-in-hand. We are delighted to report to reducing other AHS increases here. That is, there is still growth. That's 13%, 13 and a half percent growth.
The national average is around about 9%, 10%. So you'll still see that we are an outlier in terms of the growth that we're reporting and we're a significant outlier.
If we were satisfied that every EHC team has improved outcomes for every child, then as your executive director for children services, I would be very concerned about that reduction, but we're not satisfied that that is the position for every child.
This plan is a number of work streams, a number of activities, but in particular, growth in our internal provision so that local children can be educated locally.
I don't think that's something that anybody would want to stand away from and certainly our schools are incredibly supportive of that course of action.
That is a key element of our program.
But yes, we could do more and we will do more because schools and our partnership working closely with our school leaders and school communities are actually fundamental to delivering this plan.
Councilor Anderson.
Thank you, Chair. I've got a few questions. Sorry about this.
Firstly, it's a secret. Still meet in every Tuesday. Are there any targets to keep children in mainstream schools, because if you look on page 38 of the graph, you've got less children going to mainstream school in 2021 and more children going to special schools.
And the difference between the mainstream and special schools is 7,000, so it's only a half thousand twenty twenty five thousand.
I think we're possible. It would be really good to try and integrate children into mainstream schools for their all round education.
The question I was on the January. Is there a January twenty twenty twenty four bigger because we've got the fingers for January twenty twenty twenty three. We've only got the forecast for twenty twenty four.
So it would be good to actually have those, especially say that those numbers have now gone down a little bit from what was being broadcast.
There was, on the secretary of state, to not enter the secretary of agreement at this moment, is there was a reason given for why.
And I do think having just three weeks and years, is there a reason why it can't just be at every committee meeting that a lot of debate is given, that it wouldn't be so big when it does come.
And I guess the last thing is that we've always got a very high level plan, but is there a detailed plan that can be shared with committee members?
I'll take a few of those questions, then I'm going to pass over to colleagues who give a bit of speech.
In terms of the update, three times the eight, you'll note that there's already been a challenge about that.
And I think that's a reasonable challenge. This is a matter of absolute importance.
The reason why it's at least three times a year is really just to align with the reporting program, where I'm happy to read up that report.
But it will be snowed, and I am aware that committees have determined not to receive to note papers.
So there's a bit of a challenge there, but it can be made available.
And that's because it can be made available for each committee.
It's CBER.
I'm not sure what paragraph that relates to.
Actually, it's a budget emergency responsibility. You mentioned it in November.
Yeah, so CBER is new to weekly.
And then I'm going to hop over in terms of the detailed plans, the mainstream figures and sectors.
Just in terms of the mainstream platforms, I just want to point out that it does outline the HD plans.
I want to be trying to achieve this action in the more inclusive practices.
There will be less children than the people with plans.
There will be children supporters who have graduated halfway, graduating with approach.
That is a strategy there.
You mentioned about the safety now.
One of the reasons why we've been here in other certain...
One of the reasons that I was out of one is this one of the issues.
There is the fact that we couldn't make any modifications to contributions to the overall deficit.
We should be able to be increased in the same 20, 30, 20, 30 more hours of exposure to the more cumulative deficits.
We did not want you to do too much.
So that would be one of the reasons why we were able to say that.
If I could just come in because that is the reason why we weren't accepted into the safety valve program at this point in time,
the deficit has described in our plan and has validated by the DFE in terms of the methodology and use.
It is greater than the budget that the DFE had to allow for this program.
Therefore, they at this stage are not willing to enter into or not able to enter into a agreement with us.
However, they are very clear, but that doesn't mean we've not been accepted.
So it's not that we've not been accepted.
I've got this bit of a delineated deal.
And we still have the ongoing support of the DFE safety advisor who will continue to work with us throughout the next period of time.
I think for the next 12 months at least, and the conversations or the discussions and negotiations are still in place.
I wonder if Alex, well it might be helpful to come to you on this point around the deficit and the program.
I can't.
As I'm familiar with the number of councils, I think it's about 30, 38.
They haven't been involved in safety valve program and that's just an indication of it being a national issue in relation to AFCB plans.
The numbers often mean increases in them.
And the DFE have obviously put in a number of schemes. They put the DPP scheme in that the committee were aware of.
Some funding came without the data to confirm our figures.
So it was helpful in that respect.
The impact of safety valve in some councils is now starting to come through.
Some councils are struggling to achieve the targets.
So again the new term shared earlier in this conversation that we're actually achieving within our existing mobile plan and already having an impact is very positive.
So again, it justifies the faith that the colleagues and the advisors have put in our team, but understanding the numbers and be able to take the actions.
So I think nationally the DFE have acknowledged that the districts actually council are high. They are outlined.
On that basis, you know, it wasn't a complete surprise that they have to consider and reconsider on some time as to whether we should be.
I was obviously a female whereby we would have a settlement bigger at this point in size.
So they continued with that with the presence of the advisors.
They continued with the monitors and the performance data plan.
They continued without the support and learning from their side, but at this point we don't have a settlement bigger.
It has been highly likely that there is an issue with the amount that Jesuries can contribute,
but equally the amount of money that was on a formal aid basis.
So Jesuries Council will not bring a settlement under the DFE in conversation with Treasury when able to offer or some of our basis that became an unaffordable position.
The best thing to do is to continue to monitor and see if a future settlement can be reached.
I think, you know, in that respect, we are probably in an appropriate place and say, obviously, the committee is receiving updates and understanding the progress.
It is important that they receive those regular updates.
The point about noting, we don't really have to notice that the plan was working, because if it's not, you like to do something different.
So regular updates is probably a good idea, but yeah, I won't worry too much about the housing.
In relation to Zebra that you mentioned earlier, because we have a management plan and we have a team wrapped around this particular project,
that you've been entering the gate into the bottom line and discussed regularly that Zebra is updated,
but the specifics of this plan have got a separate wrap around the team that's looking at it.
So it's not a part of the sort of detail of conversations with Zebra, but that's in the headline door.
I'll go over there.
Anybody else have been following the more questions?
Thank you.
Councillor SOAR.
Oh, apologies.
I know that there's more elements that's right, since quite seeing.
And I'm kind of at the proper offices.
I'm going to re-face my colleague, or don't question.
The question was, do you like the numbers you generate on the board?
I guess, a couple of reasons.
When we used to leave the moment, how, what was the best of it?
Through to the EFP?
Through the 7,000th version for now.
I was in the sense that it was really available.
You shut them up on the template that we have earlier.
It's an EFP template for the motion part.
It's pretty comprehensive to the end.
The EFC people, as they always take a job to jump around with dates.
And we just need an EFCM to observe them.
It's actually on the table.
And we have a lot of them.
The EFCM is a set of benchmarking, the EFCM or the EFCM.
That's what I was saying.
That's what we have.
That's what we have.
We are, as we talked about, the center of this solution.
We are going to talk about some of the dates on those things as well.
We also asked about the detail of the club and these issues.
Especially to each and the weight of multiple types of it.
Trying to pull out the name of this club, as we've been.
It's kind of used to be that main complex.
If you see that, that's fine.
I was in the house just a case now.
I think it's a new source of the best.
It's a nice study.
It's more a few more people.
It's more important.
Can you hear me now?
I do apologize for me.
But I know I do.
It's just being, the meeting is being recorded.
That will be notified.
Presumably we can take steps to remove part of it coming or not.
We'll just have to stop.
It's stopped, Catherine.
Let's remove it.
Would it be possible for you to do this very quickly, say it again, for the recording?
Sorry, Catherine.
Thank you.
It's a huge, huge spreadsheet.
But we've tried to capture the main elements of that within the appendix to be recorded.
It is very, very complex.
We can't share that if you would like, it might just be a complex around each of their sheets.
They're all interlinked.
Thank you.
I knew that would be the interesting thing, whether you were going to take each other.
Thank you, Kate.
Thank you for waiting.
Councillor SANDERS.
Thanks very much.
I think I've talked about something that's made really, really heartbreaking.
I do think that needs to be remembered that in 2019's Council had a DSG surplus of $1.6 million.
Obviously, in five years now, we've got a deficit of $90 million.
And I know all the Council's are facing challenges to send.
We are a member of the authority group.
The rules have been, and as you know previously, we have not supported the mitigation measures
because we haven't felt that they were very bust enough or it had enough financial detail.
As you know, we even tried to send it to the finance subcommittee.
But we've told that was not appropriate.
You've since found out we could have sent it to corporate policy committee, but unfortunately,
that advice was not given.
I think we also have to accept that there's been a huge churn in senior offices, which
obviously has not helped.
And I think Claire Williamson, our current director, deserves our thanks and support
for trying to steer this Council into the right direction.
And I'm really, really pleased that she's coming back this week.
I think it's been a really hard job for her.
But I think that goes for all of our offices because none of them have been here for many years.
I do think, and I hope to say this, I do think that there has been a lack of fiscal curiosity
by the administration.
Our group have tried and tried to have rules through to me on this, as I say,
we're trying to send it to finance.
And currently, we're in the predicted, unmitigated position.
So my questions are, will we ever be able to contribute to the historic deficit,
which would mean entry to the safety belt programme.
You refer to the fact that we made an offer, which was refused.
What was the offer?
In paragraph 85, it states that support and safety belt programme,
or support through other avenues, it's essential to avoid a 1-1-4 notice.
We're obviously not getting by much of support in the safety belt programme.
So what are the other avenues, or is it referring to the exceptional financial school?
And then we've got about capital funding, which we know is crucial.
When do we know about that?
I'm not expecting a date, but there must be some ideas in months,
because obviously that will then affect the mitigation going forward.
And what do we do if we do not get it?
A bounding system, last July, we would talk that the bounding system
for those peoples in year six will be implemented in September 23.
Has it been implemented? Because reading reports, I didn't get that.
And I wanted to have all started and trained in the bounding system.
Working with our health partners is vital, going forward.
These plans have sort of seemed.
But our health partners, for example, in the Cheshires Health and Care Partnership Board,
those meetings were cancelled in March obviously because of officer,
and I read that the meeting is now being cancelled in May.
I personally find that unacceptable, and that isn't because of the need for a Deborah in the team
to try to have those meetings happen, but we need these four of our health partners.
So I'd like to know, are we pushing back on that because they need to be told that they need to be there?
The Sun Toolkit was introduced years ago.
I'd like to know why it hasn't been embedded,
and surely this should have been picked up either by interrogation
while we had low figures that SCNS support.
Or is there another reason? Is it a resource issue?
If we receive capital funding, or how competent are we,
that the new places will be built on time and on budget,
and what lessons we've learned from previous projects,
where they've come in year eight and, in one case, double the original budget.
And finally, the clarity, it's dates on page 51.
Historically, the school's forum has not supported 0.5% of their school's block owns enough high figures.
They did, in fact, support it until, I believe, 2020.
And also, we were talking about having the updates to note.
I'm content having them to note that we were given, like, a month of the update.
But if we could, actual meetings have an interrogation, I would much prefer that,
because I think we need to do that.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Will we have a mix of offices in town?
Thank you.
May I have one question?
But the list of speakers already?
I'm sorry.
I'll read to the end.
I'll put you on any more.
Thank you, Councillor Saunders.
I'm going to see if I can chunk these questions up.
And some of the questions, some comments and some questions
may I need to give you a written response to just in terms of having the details?
But I'm wondering whether Alex, you could respond to the third step of a first chunk
around contribution and offer that it's refused.
Paragraph 85, which references the one on four.
And I'll stop you there because I can find other colleagues who can support some of the next questions.
Thank you, Councillor.
Yes, the reference to one on four is clear.
It's referenced in the report because members understand the scale of the 285 million pound,
which is a mitigated position.
If that deficit had to be funded by Jesher East Council,
then that's compared to a net budget, which is funded by Council taxpayers,
business ratepayers, and a small contribution of government grants.
And that'd be about $3.80 million.
You can appreciate that it's far too significant for some to be affordable within a year,
so there would have to be some kind of exceptional factual support beyond what we're currently asking for.
But at the moment, the position for that deficit is that we have the accounting override.
That accounting override means deficits on the need of any schools grant
are held in a negative reserve, a negative reserve we cannot contribute to.
So that's how the deficit accumulates that.
Why the reference to one on four exists?
Because if it wasn't for that override, we've been positioned and we have unaffordable services in the year.
The reference to exceptional financial support also relates to the interest costs of that deficit.
As that deficit accumulates, we may be able to put it into a reserve,
which essentially doesn't impact our bottom line of figures, but we do have to pay interest,
because there is cash that the Council has happened to provide to be able to fund those plans
for the individuals that are receiving digital support.
That cash, when it's missing, I thank the Council obviously requires borrowing,
and they encourage interest.
That interest is within our needs of an advantage.
We reference this as part of the opening up in our exception of financial support,
2020, '23, '24 and '24, '35.
So any improvement against the plan, we'll actually improve the bottom line of the Council's framework
to reduce the interest rates.
The contribution elements, the Council is able to put in growth within the team,
be able to help implement this plan.
Half a million pound worth of staffing costs were introduced to the MDFS.
In February 2024, that contribution was recognised.
There's recognition of our capital plans.
Also, in order to be aware, that it's been pretty for the additional placements within the borders
of just your eighth Council is provided for the land, or buildings that the Council can actually provide
a supplementary capital expenditure that the NDRV could use to assist with the different placements.
Re-balances are to be found for a special school's placements,
and compared to outside of the borough, private placements.
It was really more cost effective.
For those contributions we're recognised,
what the Council is not in a position to do is offer up reserves to the degree of £285 million to be able to settle.
So with that gap, it's clearly where we have an unaffordable position for us and for the DFE,
and therefore the Council is continuing ongoing negotiation.
So our policy is to deliver the plan. The problem of leveling up the plan is to maintain the accounting override
the DFE party to understand what they can do beyond safety balance.
So we are making the local contribution. It's just not sufficient to do input more strategically on that.
But that's one of the questions we have.
What will be expected in terms of the offer and what do people have to do with it?
I know you said about the staff being housing things like that,
so that's what we actually, what we're not actually expecting,
and she gives up too late for all.
They've never specified a specific line.
That's never been written down.
And I just before it happens again.
The noise apparently is a lift, which has been repaired,
and they failed to tell us when the meeting was being booked.
So I apologize. It may come on again and go up again.
We'll do our best.
So if I can just pick up the questions with regards to capital funding,
because it's absolutely fundamental to the deliveries you rightly pick out of the report.
You ask the question when the Councillors call this,
and I wish we knew the department has indicated initially end of March.
End of March came and went, and we made further inquiries with the department.
They said the decision hadn't been made yet,
and we are looking over and Alex is looking at asking regularly with the key officials,
is it a department for education as an update?
There has been no decision made either way, so we are still awaiting that decision.
The department for education were absolutely crystal clear in our communications,
so they are decoupling the bid for capital funding
with the decision to enter us into the safety valve and not.
So they are not mutually exclusive.
They are not interdependent.
So what will we do if we don't get that funding?
And the funding is a book size that's very significant.
18.7 million, I think, just wondering about the point.
It's a really important point, because in order for us to deliver an upland,
we have to have the additional places, additional internal places.
And I think it's fair to say that we have hope to come to committee today with more information
with regards to that bid.
Next time we come, we will need to have it come up with another one if we can't deliver,
if we're not going to be funded through that capital program.
So our task is to start concurrently planning for alternative ways of funding capital.
There I'm looking over.
Joe Crawford is sitting behind the officer who's got responsibility for our capital program.
She's nodding as I'm saying this, and there are alternatives that we could look at.
But in the first instance, I think it's right that we seek the support from the department
to deliver on this program.
In terms of the issue of timeframes and bill times, and yes, we have this committee considered
delayed programs.
And we, and I say that in a partnership sense, have learnt a lot from those programs.
But we will need to make sure that we build in sufficient contingency time and potential
delays because they are part and parcel of the building program.
That is all built in to the 7 year plan, so the timeframes for that capital bill being,
if you like, ready to welcome pupils, is built into the, into the programs.
So I'm going to stop there but there are two key operational questions you ask.
And I'm going to look to my colleagues around the funding system.
Has it been introduced?
And the question about the SENT toolkit, which has been in place for many years, and your
question is why has it not been embedded, are there issues around capacity, etc.
So I'm going to stop there and I'm going to hand over, Neil, can I ask you to pick those
questions up?
So in terms of the, the funding system, yes, it hasn't, it hasn't, it hasn't, it hasn't
been ongoing for the last 12 months.
And it has been some progress, so the progress being that the plans have now moved on from
number of hours to actual levels.
What hasn't actually been done, working on, is for those to be actually clearly represented
by needs and provisions.
So there's going to be a provision map which outlines, effectively how the bands or the
banding system aligns to the means of provision in place for the young person or the child.
So there's ongoing work in terms of our process and we're envisioning to complete this work
in this, the initial phase, and then next to the implementation phase, as in September
onwards, doing the implementation phase between new plans and existing plans and doing the
cross correlation between existing bands and the banding system.
So that implementation stage opens up to carry that out September onwards.
So there's work currently moving on that process.
In terms of the toolkit, the toolkit, there's lots of work that's going on with the toolkit
as well.
That's recently from my knowledge, and I've been here since February.
From my knowledge, the toolkit has been revised and revamped, and training is ongoing through
our IQT team that's been implemented in schools in general, through their services, through
their online.
So that's been embedded and it's part of our plan that's been outlined in front of you.
So that background, the action strategy for the rest of the end includes how we're going
to share very important piece of work, how we're going to implement training and embed
our IQT to the toolkit into each of the schools.
There's a post code plot in terms of connecting schools in which our colleagues are trained
in schools, which aren't.
So there's a clear example.
Rigorous plan.
That is, we're going to take it currently to ensure the toolkit is embedded as a level
of school.
Can I just say that, that the reasonable adjustments idea, which is always part of the toolkit,
but I feel now that I'm hearing that not tomorrow about hearing people talking about it much
So I think that is beginning to be the same, but it's certainly fun if people have it on
their own.
Which is helpful.
Just very briefly.
I suppose what I was concerned about was the fact that we know the census scores get out
of each other.
And I've just thought that the people who were interrogating those figures, we would have
seen earlier the fact that the census toolkit was not as embedded and is not being used
as a prick or into the bush, and I think we're behind the curve on that.
And that worries me.
I know that, obviously, we're moving, we're trying to do this.
And as I've said, I do appreciate the thing of a lot of stuff in German.
Again, I feel that there hasn't been enough fiscal curious to see that by the way around
it, and I think that's the problem.
The response on that is that we are having more systems.
We're putting more systems in place to ensure.
What happens is the fact that we have, yes, less non-people in support of that and that's
the end of it.
But more non-people than we do at the HCP process.
So we've got more rigor into how we look at the criteria for that.
And what the Enro goes processing in terms of reducing that.
And that's actually starting to bring some results.
Thank you very much.
I'm just aware that I was expecting to do this at the beginning of this session.
So I make no commentary that there will be repetition in what I'm about to say.
It's been a great deal that I think it sets us in the right direction.
I think it's one of the beauties that we don't forget.
It's because they haven't gone away, however well we are tackling them at the moment.
And these are the things that we will need to be really close eye on.
And this committee will have to be really close eye on as we move forward.
I just want you to make that clear before I start.
So Red alone this paper is serving quite simply because even if an indicator position is achieved
and this council will still have to make savings of nearly £1,000,000 to achieve it.
£2,000 to £8,000 to deserve remains.
That is not a balanced position.
So to still have to serve as the cost of the loans to meet this at £6,000,000 a year and then through exceptional financial support,
where does this fit into the mitigation division bearing minor civil rights here or here?
Just recently it was still to secure inclusion in the safety belt scheme because the council confirmed it could not demonstrate how it produced the historic deficit.
It is a national outline in terms of the debt.
It has accumulated over the past five years in comparison to other councils.
And government is right to be wary of supporting a system that is financially unstable and that has propagated a level of debt described as unprecedented.
Endings A identifies as suddenly a program to achieve a mitigated position with the state of deficit reserve of £2,000,000.
And refers to having followed a detailed being at the expression.
And I would ask that when you do have a look at that spreadsheet, I know it's going to be complex,
but we've done with all the widespread sheets before, you know, the Medicare Department, for example.
And if we need a little bit of help with that, then I think it's in common for members to take that on board.
Point seven, and if ethics highlights how much preparation still has to be done, consultations, capital funding, support sector, it's getting local approvals and planning.
This is all further delay in the DSG program that had already had to be extended from five to seven years.
If we're honest, it could be as long as three to three and a half years before people cross the thresholds as some of this new provision.
If that capital funding can still be identified.
And of course, point 13 relates to the real health group in the room.
The growth of EHCP is in chesories by 18% when the natural average has been 9%.
I'm delighted to hear that there are improvements this year, but we're only talking about three months, I'm presuming, rather than the previous 15 months.
If that's the case, that's the better.
But the question we need to ask ourselves, why would the chesories council figures rising near twice as fast as in other local authorities?
If we don't understand the mechanisms by which we fell into our unprecedented debt, how can this committee be assured that chesories won't make the same mistakes again?
And if this program will succeed?
Science is the only sign that we're encouraging, but we need the assurances.
And they say offers a raise of mitigated data based on model therapies that are acknowledged to be difficult.
With regard to the nine project initiation documents, I have no issues of this in principle.
I am struck by a desperate sense of déjà vu, and have deep reservations regarding the overall impact measures.
These remain strategic kind of objectives that give little indication of actual measures by which this committee will know if reductions in costs cost avoidance targets, and EHCP quality assurance targets are being met.
Nor do they give the time scales by which they will be achieved.
When will committee members be provided with this information?
How can you do the job without it?
For example, PG-27/49/51, there are two of our seven measures that are still to be developed.
If we look at Pid 1.1 governance and accountability, and we have talked about this already today,
how is it that despite the sense of toolkit having been available for that period, it was not in there in the system.
We need to understand that.
How is it that the banded or graduated approach to equitable assessment have not been implemented across the piece?
And we are beginning to hear only now how these processes may be implemented at hence.
If this council is to mitigate this position by nearly a million pounds in seven years, more is needed than it's stated here.
This council needs to get all the business of delivery effectively and a meeting identified targets on time.
Finally, in spite of the normalist and permissions of this paper is approved, please look at number five again.
The committee is responsible for the oversight and scrutiny of everything related to managing this not crescendentated level of debt.
I suggest that you hold those DCG-specific meetings at least every month until a new committee can be assured that the program is robust, effective and on schedule to deliver specific targets within specified timescares over the life of the recovery program.
That unprecedented debt will simply get launched.
Now, a lot of what we heard today is encouraging and I welcome it, but we are a long way away from having much assurance. Thank you.
Thank you.
I think now it is probably more of a statement because I think you have given what response you can, but whether it's enough to give the assurances that this committee I feel needs is up to me.
I would like to make one very brief response. You asked why it's rising.
It's just a really stark fact that it hits me every time I look at the history of all of this, and it's nobody's fault.
But when Cheshire County Council was divided into Cheshire West out of the existing 19 provisions for special needs, we got four of them and quite got the rest.
I'm not saying that's the only cause. There are a lot of other contributing factors, I'm sure.
But it is a stark fact, and certainly at the moment with regard to the capital building program, it's really, really, we are feeling that.
So it's just that one thing I would like to say, a minute.
A minute.
A minute.
A minute.
Very briefly.
I fully appreciate that we would have been in a lot better position now if we had that provision more equitably distributed.
But the fact remains that until 2019, we were still in circles.
We were managing it without something that's not going to change.
And it's multi-factorial by accept that, but we need to understand that.
Thank you for waiting, everyone. It is now Councilor Bennett Wake.
I'm trying to be brief.
It's not going to change.
And I work in schools with bad facts about this, and it's also not going to change.
It's not schools that I'm doing that.
I think they wouldn't have been off doing it.
Perhaps such changes, perhaps that's a post.
I think the question that I would like to say, is that the question that is going to change is, is that because this COVID thing, is it the parents, parents and Jesuits, and that's what's identifying the children's sexual needs, or do they accept?
I think they've done something through the research.
However, it seems like, to me, I'm really disappointed with this, because it seems like the government, a diagonal and the parents, of the safety valve.
I'm beaten with also the big stick to get rid of a deficit that's being ruled by high rates of inflation.
That's increased all repayments of deficit that's heading.
You may well smile, but it is true.
It is hidden in these areas, and it still calls me now that a government has asked us to hide money in these areas.
Instead of being quite honest, I feel that not just this council, but all the councils across the country have been blamed against financial difficulties.
When the government's haven't given them enough money to look after those children's needs, you wouldn't say to the NHS.
You can't have full length for cancer patients because it's too expensive.
But now we seem to be in a position where we say, Let's think of different ways and cook back on EUPs.
That's just not morally right, in my opinion.
And I really do think, regardless to which party, or the April it's called, you're independent,
we should be lobbying the government together to get rid of this deficit.
And it's just completely wrong.
We need fair answers on if we will get the council accepted.
So we can build new, liberal authority schools because the cost of independent schools is ridiculous.
Of course everyone wants the children to go to school with them if you swim with them, etc.
But we can all schools be like that.
We want all schools to be the best possible for all children regardless of their needs.
Again, I'll be fair back to the quality of this.
So my question would be, is there a world of five of councils that actually got into the state of government this time?
What did they do differently than we did?
Thank you.
Thank you. How about you answer?
We know that there were other questions.
Yes, thank you.
In terms of the answer to that question, I'm afraid I have spent more time for this plan.
I hope rightly so, under delivery of it.
It's deeply disappointing to us, deeply disappointing colleagues, officers spent an enormous amount of time and energy developing this plan.
But I do want to say this plan.
Whilst there are an understandable concerns about elements of it, I'm the delivery of it.
I hear that.
I understand why they are being raised and I do want to come back to governance in a moment.
The plan is the right plan for now.
And it's based on the learning of what hasn't worked going forward.
So I think there's been some really genuinely helpful questions about why not, why didn't, what could we have done differently in relation to the history.
And it's understanding that history that has developed this plan.
So this plan has been developed at pace as described by dedicated officers determined to support our children with the right support at the right time.
But that does mean we need to have those different conversations.
This council has been historically and will go on being supportive to schools in every way we possibly can be.
But what we can't do is throw money at problems.
We have to do things differently.
And so that ordinary, available, ordinary adjustments are part of exactly as you say the Equality Act.
That is now embedded within the toolkit. It wasn't embedded within the toolkit.
So that's supporting schools and parents to understand what should be available to them as of right within their school or setting.
I'm afraid I can't answer other than to say my expectation is that the other councils were able to identify a sizable amount of revenue budget that could be put aside.
To address their deficit.
I know that to be the case in a number of councils because I spoke directly to their DCS.
Is that right? Yes it is.
And understand that's how they achieved that.
But that won't be the same forever because I can see some shaking your heads in the room.
It won't be the same for every council because something has been for some.
I would like to come back on the point that was made by council of crowds in terms of oversight and governance because I think it's absolutely critical.
And what is contained I think in any detail here is the proposal to involve the chair and vice chair of the auditing governance committee as part of that ongoing monthly scrutiny to hold officers to account for the delivery of this plan.
And that is the proposal and that we can flesh that out.
But that is the proposal with the future starting in this term.
That's all being said.
Just obviously everybody around the table is very important and a plan.
I come in at the end of all these questions. Some of the points I've got.
I'm going to go down to my own and I'm reading this plan.
There aren't any overlap with quite a few.
There aren't any specific questions that I'm sure aren't.
And we're going to be able to answer.
I'm page 19.4041.
Why are the two different amounts of the grant funding?
I'm sure the grant funding is going to be the same.
How does it change because of this?
And that's the deficit.
Page 23.69 was approved by the chairs.
It's just the wording within the before.
It says it was approved by a German economist, but a more accurate authority would be to approve by the chair's second bulk, in my opinion.
Point 17.
I'm going to just ask the chair, what input has the voice of this committee?
As the chair had into this half or will have into this board that's been set up at point 17?
Page 25.78, what are the conditions of the grant and why will we fail?
That's been touched on table.
Page 33.9.
There's a phrase there, it's an actual forecast.
Well, what is it? Is it actual or is it a forecast?
Sorry, I got some of the difference between the two.
Well, I do have some of them, so I'm adding them to join together.
Page 34.13, those figures did not correlate with page 140.
On the HCDs, we've had a lot of discussion around this table about comments about improving.
We've only got to recall before it.
In particular, the later reports, later agenda, the difference isn't 13 or 18%.
It's 30%.
How could we have different numbers coming out?
The word is, we've got to come back to numbers sometimes and do get involved in the diagram.
Page 40, is there any reduction in the post 16 provision allowed for and the board gaps of numbers going forward?
Because it's reported in this particular report that there were a hundred names of 141, year six post 16 provisions not required.
So is that kind of factor being put into this plan?
It's quite a substantial reduction out of the door.
Page 44.
I think the end comment should be that it should be within the financial results of the council.
This is tremendous.
I've got a question about, oh, it's at the end.
And I think DFP is giving any kind of limit to the amount that the overall can go to.
This plan, if it's all mitigated after 1.2 billion, is going to be horrendous.
I don't see how we can do it.
The DFP, now, possibly support that kind of deficit.
I don't know how we can.
Have they given any kind of indication of what they're considered to be the overall limit?
That's the way it can go to.
Because we've had this plan in operation for two years, and we were at the council's own instead of it.
We are at the mitigating level at this moment, in 19 million pound.
Page 45.
Just the question is, who fixes the specialist rate?
Do they come, is it agreed, or is it set limit?
I mean, we're talking about individual children in detail, which is important for this one.
So, I don't want to get bogged down, but fine.
But how does that specialist rate, it's obviously expensive to talk about there.
Do you agree to the rate?
Does it just come back with a dagger, and then we've got to sit with it?
Or is it a... you got to sit with it?
And page 46.
Just a question really about the sentence and kick.
Just one, I mean, I've been sorry for the round and table,
but is there any kind of data on the same usage?
Is it no schools are using it? Is it 7%? Is it 90%?
Just what kind of sentence you get usage is being used?
Page 47.
What data supports the statement that high cost and light travel costs are not giving out onto the children?
How do we know that? Is that just a statement, or is there some factor that you know?
Page 47, sorry, page 48.
Need is not met. Need needs met with high cost, actually, so do we know that.
Page 49, EMC transition assessments are clearly not working.
Why not? Why does it fall down at the transition point?
Page 50.
As you can look at the side of schools, how frequent are the checks done against education that doesn't happen in a school?
Is it once a year, two times a year?
It's a question, which is part of the plan.
It's getting children back into school with what this is about.
Page 51.
I agree that the DSU plums should be used effectively.
Why have we sent that in a report?
After DFE come back and said we're not using an effective one, is that why put that in the report?
We are using an effective one.
It seems to be doing something wrong.
We went on to page 52, which was the health involved in helping to solve the problem.
It's not just such as education, surely.
It helps you to put in something.
I love this year, it's all right.
Thank you.
So, in error, I still just take down your first couple of questions because I didn't really appreciate that there was going to be such a list.
So, I am in some difficulty and that's somebody else did.
There was a question with regards to in 1441.
Why don't you ask that for me?
OK, so I wanted us to come back to that, and I wanted to page 19.
It's really helped me to save the point.
Point 14.
Point 14.
There are two amounts on one.
One is in 14, it's a 6.8, 0.6 million, 0.41.
And it looks at the 70s, and that does include the school block transfer.
So, well, we've put that transfer in half of the 70s school block.
That would form the total amount of funding in here to do the 70s.
That's why it's doing the 60s and 80s and 70s.
You did not make sense to put them all the same way, though.
Well, one to grant the one to school block transfer, so both of them are together.
And you'll save the expected price and the school block transfer within the report.
Well, would it not be the same?
Why not?
Well, but all we talk about here is how we pay the DHD funding.
Wherever that money comes from, surely the comparison should be.
If you leave all of the income sources up, you just make a deficit or whatever.
I try to be explicit in what funding that have included.
So, the funding for the high needs DHD is 68.6.
I think that the school block transfer is a total funding 70.
No, no.
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Please hold your meeting has been automatically adjourned.
And that will be to receive monthly updates regarding the progress of this plan full start.
Is that what your proposal is?
To monthly in-person meetings of this committee to ensure that we deliver our role in oversight of the steps being taken to address the AC and the further term.
Thank you.
We did have a conversation and we did try to come out of this meeting.
For me, I can't wait for this because I know the extent of the difficulties it would impose because of the whole schedule meetings. We don't leave monthly release weekly.
I do hear what you're saying that residents need to be updated. We have had the offer from our offices. They would update us monthly, but that would have been half hour virtual briefing.
I think the offer still sounds, but that was not considered sufficient for your amendment. Correct.
I believe that the updates should be implemented wherever possible.
My understanding was that the proposal of a monthly virtual meeting would be a prime date on date. Thank you.
Thank you. So we do understand. I won't be voting for that because it might be a wonderful idea.
Given our current schedule, I just don't think that's going to happen.
We will get regular updates. Anybody else? Any more comments?
Councillor Smith?
I think that the updates is really good that the officers have offered that. I think that's really, really helpful as a part of the auditing process.
I do take the point though that if there are issues that come out of that conversation, then you're within your rights to put that as a motion.
If anyone could at the next meeting will seek further clarification. I do feel that that's a helpful way forward for all parties to get a sense of understanding of where to go. Thank you.
Thank you. Any other comments? Councillor Anderson.
I just wanted to clarify this. The amendment does it go through? Will the second amendment go through?
Will the second amendment go through to say there will be monthly updates?
I would have to be proposed for such a couple.
Yes, but I'll propose it.
Have we seconded it for that?
So we'll deal with the first amendment first. So I think nobody else wants to comment on it. So I think we'll just go to the vote on that. Yes, Councillor Bey.
But there was a comment about the panel that's going to meet on the audit governance of sharing by share with me and how often will that be?
I apologize, Councillor. The details about are in the report. I need to go back to that.
I think it was quarterly, but it couldn't be multiple. It's our difference.
Does that affect? Is it important for your decision now?
Well, it is the point that it's a report in being done by Democratic Services to all that.
You can call that information.
We're not holding on to the information. The information is offered monthly. It's whether it's public and scrutinized the station.
And that might be difficult.
I think we're just waiting for it.
I apologize. It doesn't detail it in the report. My recollection was that this would be quarterly. However, that is still open to further debate.
But if that was to be monthly and was helpful, then it could be monthly in the south court.
It was proposed that that would be a panel that was in public. But certainly, I'm quite content and committed to bringing a report.
Every committee, I think, suggestion is, two thousand a year.
Two thousand a year hasn't been, and some minimum. It's very clearly at some minimum.
But certainly happy to commit to that coming on every committee. I completely understand the thinking behind that.
Behind that was to be a panel with cross-party engagement, including auditing governments, colleagues, vice chair and chair.
That was by way of recognizing the role of that committee in this important issue.
I hope that proposal was sufficient to cover the understandable desire of this committee to have real close oversight.
I would be concerned about a committee meeting monthly. The preparation of papers and material to provide the committee on a monthly basis will be owners.
And I would ask that, and my strong recommendation to this committee is we support officers to deliver on the plan.
And that your ask for every committee report to come is supported by the officers.
Alongside the scrutiny panel as described.
I think Council Saunders wants to comment.
It's just for clarification. You talk about the rule is going to be then done cross-party.
And what you said is that the administration was one member of another rule.
Sorry, including those that are the vice chair and chair. I said not solely.
That wouldn't be offered a full cross-party membership.
The composition and the constitution of that working party has not yet been said.
Thank you.
Right. So I think where we are is we're ready to vote on the amendment.
So the amendment is that we would have monthly that it would read.
Agree to receive regular monthly in-person updates regarding progress of this plan.
And then the at least three times a year it will be redundant.
Public in person.
Sorry, I thought you just said that. I may want to.
Okay. So I'll read this again.
We agree to receive regular public in-person updates regarding the progress of this plan
with a minimum of three times a year.
I mean, that's redundant, that last bit of the amendment.
Okay. So is that all right?
We're coming close on that, but please we've got to oppose it.
We've got to second it. All those in favor.
Anyone against.
So from a return.
I'm sorry.
I didn't take issue.
I'm not sure you can say that in a democratic.
I'm sorry.
We had to have a policy that the amendment could have been carried.
That's the democratic nature of the amendment.
Of course.
That's the intent.
Yes. I think cancel her as you understand my meaning is because we had a conversation prior to.
We'll move on if that's all right.
You're a moving in a public meeting.
I have no point of regarding part two of a private conversation.
I am concerned that I was part of that private conversation.
And I agree with Councillor Haynes.
Regrettably, your comment would suggest that I did it in a long Q and C.
And we said we realistically looked at the biggest.
Of course.
I think it needs to be put on record.
And if not, I will need to put it right in because I've been educated.
I am clear, if I may say chair, that the conversation we've had,
the legal representatives joined that as well at one point.
But the conversation was merely to see if it was a compromise.
In regard to you assuming that the amendment would be lost,
I can only assume you had a conversation.
Perhaps I should change my wording from expected to anticipated, or it doesn't make a big difference.
It was simply a reference to the fact that we did attempt to compromise.
If I would feel publicity from screwed our politics.
So return to the substantive motion.
Oh, sorry.
There is a further amendment.
I'm sorry.
Councillor Anson.
There is a further amendment.
Would you like to give me the wording, please?
Is this for the point five?
Point five.
Point five.
And it appears just to make it clear that there will be a monthly update,
as opposed to at least three times a year.
So you would have point five.
Agree to receive monthly updates.
Do we need to specify?
I mean, that could be an email.
I mean, is that...
I think it would be good to do it by...
So we need it open to the officers to work out how?
It would probably be good to do it by video link, just so that any questions can be asked.
So the proposal is agreed to receive monthly virtual updates.
Regarding progress of this plan.
Could I suggest...
Could I suggest that that includes those updates coming to committee at each good date?
So is that what I would do, Councillor?
I'll read it.
Can I clarify?
Is that going to be...
Councillor Anderson.
You are seeing a difference between the same ones among this.
And, what Deborah Woodcock is wanting to answer is that this...
Can I take some answers?
I'm not sure, whilst I appreciate the directors trying to wait in conversation,
what has already been a productive conversation over a matter of orders.
Is it appropriate for the director to be contributing information towards members of them
because it doesn't feel multiple to me?
At this stage, my understanding is that Mrs Woodcock, Mrs Woodcock tried to clarify
exactly what the member is asking for.
If the member is unhappy, she can ask that the matter is put for vote.
That's my understanding, that she's just seeking clarity.
But I don't know whether the council, you have any concerns about that
as being the person who's put that forward.
I guess in what Deborah Woodcock is saying is that if there's a committee meeting,
then the teams meeting might not have heard.
Is that correct?
Yes, because we have six weeks' meeting and that whole line.
I've got people ahead of it.
I'll come to it now, correct?
So, come to the committee.
Councillor Benwick.
May I see clarification of the composer of the amendment
and can you see it will require legal advice, or anything important from the director,
which is impressive.
And that's it.
So, if there is a team meeting, will information in that team,
do you think, be it a class that's confidential?
Once used, that in the public meeting meeting is, it's unlikely to be.
And can I believe that in the committee, for members,
with regards to confidentiality, or not as the case meeting in the proposal?
Thank you.
I'll shout.
To be honest, I've been asked, I'm talking as someone who's not going to be on the committee,
but if I was on the committee, if there was something that I needed to know to be on the committee,
perhaps confidential, I'd want to know, and I wouldn't want to not know.
Because of, you know, ADHD open, and I wouldn't say, how can we get that information out?
When I've been in a situation like this before, it's always been the case of,
what can we come to public, what can we not, what can we put to hold on to to the committee?
And I think that's our common service has to go into play.
And part of these up places, for us to be open with the committee,
is to know what is happening, and then to be prepared for when a country committee
needed to make those decisions.
I think we're all aware that it's a desirable thing, you know, we're not saying it's not desirable.
Councillor Benwick.
Yeah, I think it's, I'd like to second this bit,
but then I think it's a sensible common class.
We all want to know what the problem, that's really important.
Sometimes you don't have to be able to talk about it properly.
No, you need to know that that's the way a position is that you never have hard practices
with, like feeling and doing all the wrong job now.
And it's just happening on the days of where we're up to.
So then when we call these cases, make decisions, and we are fully informed.
It's not just a briefing, we're full.
We're fully informed as the models go by.
And that's great.
Thank you.
Councillor Smith, and then I think we have to go to the vote.
I'll take this one, Councillor Boehme.
To me, the briefing paper is very important and helpful.
I think it does, and in the minute, it really depends on what's confidential.
As a chair, you could make that point in the meeting confidential.
So I think there's a priority in being amended.
I think that would be helpful.
Sorry, I think what we're getting at is to be honest, when we call it a team's meeting,
to me, those are not in the public domain.
So I, personally, would not share outside of that meeting.
And I think that's the issue that we are out of, because you can't do that.
But I understand that people would say about it makes you better informed.
I've got to understand that it doesn't mean that we cannot.
It's ongoing today, as far as I'm going to say, and cannot refer to it.
Councillor Sanderson, I think that was dealt with the first amendment at that point of view.
And now we're on a different amendment.
Can you give me your form of words, please, Councillor Anderson and then we'll, we have a seconder?
Just for clarity, because it has been knocked under it.
So .5 would read...
Agreed to receive regular updates regarding the process of this plan at least monthly by a team or by a committee leaders.
We can't agree to do that.
That's been dealt with in amendment 1.
Oh, I see, sorry, I'll turn it.
Right. Okay.
We have a proposal.
We have a seconder.
Can we go to the vote on the amendment?
The seconded amendment.
Okay, so all those in favour? I'll pass it on to the amendment.
So, and all those against?
Okay. All those abstaining?
Is that all right?
Yes. So that amendment is passed.
And now we need to vote on items 1 to 4.
Yes, yes, just want to vote.
Okay, so I don't need to read them, I'm sure we've all looked at them now for quite a long time.
So I'm happy to propose items 1 to 4.
I'll pass it on to that.
Oh, God. So, sorry, it's once fired, including the amendment just passed.
All those in favour of what?
All those against?
So I declare that that's passed.
Thank you.
And we shall move on to item 6, which is children's centre re-boggling into the family club model.
And the children's in.
Danielle, I'm afraid my mic is working, so the recording.
Danielle, hold-craft is the officer presenting.
Some are.
So, Danielle, you've all needs to shut up, please.
Hi, everybody. I'm Danielle, and I'm the head and service board.
And it is a really difficult part of our own program.
So I'm bringing this page to you today to deliver the program to the family halls.
So when you're successful, you're going to need to find family books across our board
within number 1, due to open by September 25.
That will give us the re-locations of a normal encounter, but we are the staff.
And what we're going to do now is to develop an implementable offer across Cheshire East
by developing an outreach offer from those six locations
that we can focus on with all of this.
On those communities that need ourselves the most.
I believe we can.
Just about there.
So, what this page is recommending for the team?
Oh, thank you.
And what this page is recommending for you today is that we look at the children's centres.
We've got Cheshire seven children's centres that have been funded around the halls.
And if we develop outreach, we're not using those five days a week,
then you will agree that we can use that for the educational purposes.
The hospital's to be heard.
So there's going to be fours in that might be increased background.
The vision for schools increased childcare.
Fours on centre to the vision for the DSG management department.
And we're going to be able to decide where we've got the vision of our records moving forward.
That allows us the flexibility to deliver outreach services for our community,
where they will work to go, where they feel good for accessing.
So we do have to see the parts out for it.
Thank you.
Any questions for the other side?
So, Councillor Hayves, Councillor Bailey,
Councillor Anderson, Councillor Pudicam, Councillor Benwick.
As comes the survey.
Councillor Hayves.
Thank you, Chair.
There's a group of many decisions about implementing a mobile resource for a very similar purpose.
Could you update us to how well that issue is currently?
I mean, at any point of the family who work with us,
it's really clear that there are lots of partners that are taught by funding.
So I raise a question of how partners will remain involved within the proposed revised approach.
From a technical perspective, will there be a process of asset transfer for schools where these sites are located?
Some of which you should know to do for a part of a multi-family trust.
The relation to point A to T of the paper.
It talks about ensuring how that's in where,
the better facilities in the area until we locate service delivery.
What are any of those considerations made to those other ones or other ones?
The directions will be broken on including that's part of the policy.
Thank you, Chair.
Any answers?
Yeah, that's cool.
So the background resource, yes, we've run together.
There are resources that we can take in our own digital touch flow in the evenings,
and we've got to utilize that vehicle where there's not to do all that.
Obviously, when we happen to be able to take the webinar,
our craft, with a set of conversations on locations,
how partners will remain involved, so we will regard any new conversations with our partners,
at that pre-consonation stage, around their delivery sites,
and also utilizing all the council facilities,
so for each of these staff and children's centres,
there's also other line-break facilities,
and more this place in there, that we should be purposed that the towers are not over,
so we're at facilities for those of some of our homes,
that will really, really closely hit all the stakeholders in those,
working on those proposals before we go to our consultation.
As that transfer, yes, obviously if we decide that those buildings will be born by the school
and future they'll be working on our legal facilities too,
so look at that process.
Thank you.
And then just getting on one point, 18, yes,
it will deliver our family forms with very fortunate art,
and before we go to the local, super-acral town,
there's a focus on the foolish process,
so those mother calls that we've watched are, in our family, most deprived.
And there's, we'll be looking at the order of 30 per cent,
and to do what the service is, so that a lot of our wealthy black fraternities
that were born, not 21 to 30 per cent,
are we going to want to make sure we go out and move those businesses?
Thank you, Councillor Bailey.
Thank you, Chair.
I'll speak loudly, because of the failure of the Federal Government.
Thank you for this report.
My focus is point 49, where the rural community tax is responded to.
In the rural areas, in terms of this service,
we'll simply receive a virtual offer,
and that that's been in place for virtually a month now.
I'd be interested to know what the take of the being,
what assurance this council has sought as a domestic
and private services as to people being happy
to reach out to this virtual offer.
What tests we're doing in advance to ensure that broadband connectivity
and this proposal, or this offer,
is actually available to our families.
Okay, so in terms of our digital offer,
I can't provide you the data because it's in which you need to launch one of those available.
So, it's simply what, but, however,
we thought very well to be tracking that spot,
but for management's sake, who draws and who doesn't,
we'll be able to wrap up with that offer.
And it was before those rural communities was identified through our JSNA,
or through our local intelligence with our area,
or because it is one of our goal to do,
so to describe what was a proper area,
they would come more than a virtual offer.
Can we come back?
Yes, good.
What tests we're doing in advance of the rural communities
ask to the ability of families to be able to join the virtual offer,
and in relation to the deprivation we can do,
what research we've done in terms of
the topic of deprivation,
the time known in rural areas.
The research on the pockets of deprivation,
which tests can crop the top and grow it,
do an extensive market exercise,
a market out-ball, open to freckles areas,
and those that live in rural districts are identified
in which we've got 30 seats in Cheshire East.
In terms of what was stored around to the market of Wi-Fi,
the same ability in rural communities
to have a recognizability response to that.
I would like to see teams work on that project
and lots of projects with our offices
by that time.
I would appreciate a written response.
Thank you.
I'm concerned it wasn't built up in advance of launch
or available into falls.
Thank you.
Access is always an issue.
Thank you for those questions.
Councillor Anderson.
Thank you, Chair.
I think my mic is working.
Oh, okay.
Thank you.
I know I wasn't at the previous week,
but I haven't come into this quite late,
but I'm all for doing things differently
and making them back down.
But from the paper,
I can't see what is being proposed
up or closing down these children's centres.
I can't see how it's going to work
and how those parents might be
re-taught on a regular basis
or at these children's centres.
Will that fill enable them?
Has it been looked at?
Is intention to go with the people in their home?
Was it not comfortable there?
Has all of these things been looked at?
It's just really not clear
of what it is that you're moving to.
Within information that is there,
it's very difficult for me to apply something.
I can't understand that.
I can't remember the question.
I'm going to try and see if on the web,
on our tertiary website,
how many children do the work,
but the web link is not working.
I know there's been a lot of public redesign going on the website,
so there's a lot of web links not work,
so if that could be looked at, please.
On page 64,
I'm to 39.
As a proposal,
I support it by right funded.
The conditions of that funded must be kept
and to contribute you to the short line.
What are those conditions for it?
That's not clear.
I can't see anything.
What I actually meant.
Another one?
Page 64,
I can go to 9.
And then,
we've got page 59.
I can collect it.
Living services
across two localities,
north and south,
but there's a collective area.
We'll have those areas.
And looking at the map,
you can have quite a big,
as we keep saying,
touch pieces of white area.
Going down to
six family hopes,
three of which are basically crude.
And then, the other three,
one, concrete,
or the rims there.
A lot of air is, like,
pointed and not thrown.
Just quite far.
You know,
if a lot of these habits who don't have
I want to know income.
I might not have a car.
A lonely night on public transport.
And we're doing our best to approve it,
but it's
we're not there yet to be able to say,
this is where we go.
Go on the button.
It might not be possible for
us to go to those different places,
or to come back home.
We might come back to the school,
pick a couple of it.
And that's a hassle of that.
We've thought it out.
So, what are you approving?
I think the first book's really important.
You are approving yours to start
working on funds and going to consultation.
So, like there's moments in time,
it's coming to you at the very,
very early stages to say,
yes, when you're improving,
the part is working with children,
families, working with stakeholders
to put together some proposals
that we can go out to in form of consultation.
So, we have a great date.
I have given you an example of what that could look like
focused on the sandwich,
and all-sager community.
So, that particular community has got
a lot of children sent to the sandwich
with a wheelchair area of
some virtual state or middle-witch.
So, when we look at our witch of the area,
who we see on a day-to-day basis,
it is the residence of some much.
So, if we deliver services five days a week
from the sandwich,
we see lots of people from the sandwich.
What we don't see effectively is
the people in that race to five day area
of all-sager
and the people in that race to five day area
with middle-witch.
So, if we're not delivering five days
of some much,
they would deliver one day in that much,
two days at all-sager because that's
the most deprived area of the three,
of one day of middle-witch,
and some home-advisitive programs
that means we've extended the reach.
So, this proposal is not what comes
with new,
existing services from communities.
It's looking to spread them out.
So, I think that also answers your question
about transport.
So, for instance,
we've got the children's centre of Portland,
but we might not be delivering
to other people,
but we all rely on these,
like, distilling or calling to people on
traveling because we've got that transport.
So, we've got the intelligence that says
what population of Chesapeake is,
so we've got to be reaching out
and people who don't.
And that will very much inform our proposals
and move it forward.
So, can I just act as well?
Because I asked a very similar question.
We all have those concerns,
because you look at the area,
and people, that's a deprived area.
But, unfortunately, in those areas,
that's where people aren't going to.
So, you've got professionals sitting,
waiting in an empty hall,
and people really could do without services,
not going there.
And you asked about portage, didn't you?
You asked about people...
Did you answer that?
Is portage included?
That's the portage is already available,
it's one of our home visiting office,
but not being able to apply things,
or would you please walk back,
so she doesn't want to go outside.
So, would you leave the paper,
look, like, for the clothes down,
that's by Jordan said,
is it like, okay,
that's what the consultation should say,
that it's not closed and then down.
And I guess,
would the consultation come to this committee before it goes out?
No, the outcome back after it's gone out.
Consultation, this is the nation,
to the total consult.
But, sorry.
The council on answering.
If you want to get to the previous point,
is that when you asked about what you can like,
there is an open view.
I think it was backgrounding.
The comments in the legal comment.
I think, Councilor, I think it was about,
there was a comment in the legal implications
about compliance with grant conditions,
and I think you were just saying what those were.
I mean, obviously it's for Ms. Olkoff to comment,
the very much standard conditions that come through
with all grant funding that we're entitled,
we're required to comply with,
but I don't know whether you've any further comments to make.
So, then we meet with a DFE device that everyone has,
and we will take them on our progress.
We'll do it with a recent extensive delivery requirement.
And they'll be with us to see how far we are
on that delivery plan.
How much have we got?
So, thank you.
So, it's about the flexible and disinfectant.
Council, put it in.
Yeah, thank you, Chair.
I'm pleased with the Article of the House
that's located in my ward.
I have sort of received the roses before,
but services there will reach out to hard-to-reach families
on the positive state.
I want to flag out the concern about 0.26.
The investigation of the developed family publication
about the town centre.
The Boston replay shows on Earth's sort of broken cross.
I want to think of one of the hard-to-reach families
in those two areas,
some of whom the extreme problems
never all very rarely in these states.
They serve with our issues.
And the lack of comfort, as I mentioned before,
in reaching services in Macklesoot town centre.
So, I would just like to add that.
That's a touch.
Yes, absolutely.
So, we've spoken about what the services improve
lifestyle, which is the quality of the town centre.
So, we will have those outreach services going on
in different places of Peru, under town centre location.
In town centre, there are patients that block a message
from our school room.
So, I know it's not perfect.
More there is what they have for that transport lease.
But that wouldn't need to say we wouldn't need to look at it here
to be on a broken block.
So, to go about how to talk to you about the sun and black model,
we are already out conversations with the head teacher
which we have heard this feels.
And should they use that provision at home to be able to walk
the sun, more room, and there's conditions because
they've got like two minutes for that two or three-year-olds.
They can still want us to go out and work with them until
some services in her feels.
So, it's not that we would move or service this
compared to their community.
We wouldn't do a five-day-a-week in her feels.
So, some might be in Macklesoot town centre.
Some might be in her feels.
Some might be in a local wall location
and we are going to have to find out.
Thank you.
Can I sort of let that hit me?
Yeah, I just did a case of when we got the information
on when food health was involved.
I was going to make the same things as health resources
and for our ways.
Our students and the heads have had a scale
of these health health suggestions and plans.
I think we all need to be included in that stage.
So, we know that we're going to be able to come up with a little bit of team
that goes for well-based.
So, I mean, I do have a good relationship.
It has a very good stage.
It's just about to go out for a little bit.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just think I'll be able to be included in the same area
on people that way.
Thank you.
Councilor Sornas.
I'll just project by the way.
I absolutely agree with what Council has been in wait a second.
I'm actually, you know,
I understand the rationale.
I've been creating an understand of what you're saying about Ponson.
However, I think things have changed,
which brings up this piece over the centre,
but we go from an hourly bus service to Michael's Field.
Now, I have a two-hour one.
And I'm wondering if those sorts of things are being considered
when you put forward,
other areas to be below those.
Because those people can't ask to do that to simply.
And there's no direct transport into all this, though.
But the one is one who has participated
in a two-hour service in the past year.
And people, or I would agree with it,
that now is the economy.
Thank you.
So, one of these proposals are actually to work
and look at the corporate assets.
So, we know we've got a line waiting for this thing.
And we've got a line waiting sandwich.
So, how come we're all effectively without a line waiting?
To look at the services.
Those libraries could also offer all expenses
to our families on a one-day basis
that we're looking at.
We looked at our report tonight.
Local, so that means our families,
and we did with references.
We've got a line waiting sandwich,
and that's what the nation's,
or our life is a little too specific to provide their views.
That would mean we have to look at the assets.
But we were to walk into a line
where you could connect it with their local family,
and get them to buy a buy system,
or also to take some services out of those locations.
So, we're going to get to use it to follow you
and write them at one hour and be able to service you
while it happens.
Thank you, Councillor Smith.
It works.
I think it's a really live away that this is being reviewed
because it is a problem, I'd say,
how we want to get a service to be better
and I'm back at the opposite of that piece of work.
So, I think that's the first thing.
I think a number of Councillors,
a very good version of those issues,
but this is exactly what we're trying to achieve.
I also think that, in terms of the town council,
in terms of the content page,
it would be very helpful for the town council
to be part of that content page,
because particularly on the transport,
and also I think that rural parish counties
could be responsible for this.
I'm looking at those walking the sentences
from a parish point of view,
whether they can support the offer of places,
that could be one of the things,
and also to link the transport system
to those places on certain days
where people can access that,
and correct me.
So, that was just one suggestion,
so, you did it on their confirmation code.
Thank you.
The useful suggestion,
at Castle Park, I'll add you to the list.
So, next, it's Castle Posenet,
then a Councillor Baby,
then, I'm sorry, Castle Park.
Yeah, and then we'll finish.
Thank you, Chair.
Yeah, it's quite difficult
when the conversation had at the moment,
because obviously it's the recognised point
that you wouldn't have to write to conversation
or to make this change.
Those have made the coming up
of the environmental community in June,
which also details a lot of discussion
and stuff in here.
I have this sit on that committee.
Those two people all about nobody here,
other than myself,
has any idea what this is referencing
and the bit of it around it.
I do think that a big conversation
has got to happen before we would go to consultation,
and the usual format is
that we read the word in our consultation.
We're probably sent out.
There's a lot of information in environmental community
that is coming up.
And I just think it's a shame
if we work in our systems
and we don't join our thinking
because it has been referenced,
but there's not a whole bit here at all now.
OK, thank you.
You have to come to the Rachel Baby?
Thank you.
Thank you, Chair.
I would just like to now come to the hospital
and find a word,
and I absolutely agree with the area
that aggressively doesn't appear
to be a full picture here.
I particularly can observe
a decision of being made of rural areas
that exceed virtual services
in advance of this consultation,
and I am concerned that there is a assumption
that the services of our family host
whilst quite rightly generated a focus
on areas of unidentified need
by the time we roll.
That doesn't mean to say that that is absolute.
My experience is that there's lead number
in children and families,
whilst the children's centre
supported all families,
and that deprivation
is not the only factor
in terms of those residents and families
that may reach out for our support.
If I'm grateful for a moment,
for them, it just don't get a vote to serve.
So, whilst I welcome problems with minutes,
suggesting that there's engagement
with the parish council,
it has no library.
It has no services in the lands
that have been healthily outlined
as the battle.
Equally, it will serve a vision
of challenging people where I'll visit.
So, in my mind,
I have a family that is in need,
irrespective of whether they are affluent
or not as affluent,
and they look to reach out for family support.
They haven't got a call from the mention,
and they can't be practical.
Are they really going to try
and find somewhere
or are they simply going to code
until our services are required
to pass a place that they're in an emergency
for our child protection,
and we live all family protection.
I share, comments or positive comments,
that I regret to say,
I don't believe this report
is ready for consultation.
I believe, regretfully,
that it's omitted,
absolute consideration of infrastructure.
And, I therefore move,
for I therefore move,
in advance of considering the recommendation,
I therefore move that this committee
consider deferral to allow for a full report
in advance of consultation.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, we have,
in total, that this is a high level,
first-stage rollout,
the beginning of a rollout,
it's pre-consultation.
So I'm personally not mindful to accept that,
but I'm going to find out if that's acceptable.
Do you want to know if we accept that?
I think this is a bit moving a second.
So we have to, yeah.
Okay, in that case,
I don't think we need to discuss it.
I think we'll understand it.
We have got limited resources
at the moment they're targeted.
At the moment, we know we've got quite a lot of facilities,
the old, what used to be the show,
starts at a dwindle.
And we know that they're not being used
as effectively as they could be,
and that this is going to be an improvement.
So I will take the amendment.
If there are any speakers on it,
I mean, we'll,
already up against the clock,
but I will take speakers on it.
So Council Saunders and Councillor Anderson.
Chair, and I understand it's actually what we're saying.
However, I think what we have to do very carefully
is if we don't work in some of those,
there is a need for going to in our own university.
I haven't been sent to comment.
Council President Sorett and Chair that something is going.
We should be working for this to be as Council.
I think it's part of problems that we've got facing us at the moment.
It's because we have been working inside those.
So therefore, I would utterly support a development
so that we can see it in the ground,
in the world as to what the other consultation
is about in terms of our libraries,
which may affect how we use this current paper.
Thank you.
I wouldn't accept the film as a spreading amendment,
so that's my position.
Anybody else got anything?
Any comments, Councillor Anderson?
I was just going back to what I was saying earlier
about the way this paper spread.
I think it is the recommendation
to approve the commencement of formal consultation
to repurpose of the 7th of all of it
existing children's sentences to me.
And it is the way the word is done.
So if it was to say a consultation to look at how to better
the services, that's a difference.
Being all together.
And if that is what you're doing then,
if that is what the recommendation asked for,
then we're good to get that word in change.
I would also ask, what are your timelines?
I'm not seeing it anywhere.
Actually, when, you know, when will the proposals be ready
to go to consultation?
Could the committee have title the consultation questions
before they go out?
Just so they know what it's going to be happening,
there's no big words as a Councillor.
You've blindsided by something that comes out online
and they really have a direct question from our voters
on what that's about.
At the time, why is 32% in the report
on the consultation?
The recommendations are in two parts.
So it's the approval to consult to be purpose.
And then when the purpose is written in this report,
it's not to close those practices down,
it's to be purpose for education uses.
So if we're not using this,
and so many days a week,
it's to look at how that can be used for the education uses
for the community.
So nowhere in this paper,
because it's like closing the premises.
And then two,
it's sort of around that flexible outreach program
so it's too hard to really believe that we could go out
and do more in the consultation of what the delivery
in outreach looks like taking the foot off,
engaging in that pre-concentation period
with work called Councillors.
And then coming back, we'll see if that's happening.
That's how it's going to be.
So given that explanation,
we'll give you a happy to stick up and repurpose.
Now this is going to start a better.
I still think it needs better wording,
because repurpose...
Well that's what it means in terms of a building.
And that's what we're talking about.
Again, there's been no data about how little they have been used,
and it's sort of going in a bit blind.
Well let's have your comments.
Councillors Smith and Councillors, thank you.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's what I'm talking about.
Oh, was it not so?
So I'm sorry.
Councillor Cahn.
I've got my hand over here.
Might as well be sort of a capity-related issue.
Is that I want to overstound the fact that we were trying to take you through your map.
And especially our own visit in that was certainly helpful.
I can't believe we do not take that at all.
That's what theory is going to be.
An narrowing of areas where they're going to be there.
So in that being thought,
I would say the virtual...
I hope to be on the phone with it.
It will actually increase.
So I want to see that through the consultation, through the second phase,
it's over the back door.
The fact that the information is then included.
So we have it on the side of that.
If you're already servicing,
and a healthy wedding service report,
that's what we're going to take from me.
So I don't want to be able to be permanently involved
in banking services or whatever.
So we're out of that home quite clear.
So I'm going to do a little bit more before I...
I'm going to go see Raw in a few directions,
that's as well.
So we don't seem to be anywhere there.
So we're going to do that.
And we're going to do it on a roll to the long run.
So thank you about what's about the identity community
to send to sit through our own collaborative areas.
So I didn't ask that until you got the space.
But I think that it shows you what those areas are.
How those two are found.
Those two localities are broken down into those entire areas.
What we work very closely with in use is team.
And we're looking at inactive communities to talk to our own
estate union and then come and go around and do services from that.
And also what exists in the local community already.
So we know English is to have got quite strong volunteer community
and face sector delivery.
So what we want to do is set up the state play that's in competition
with what's already out there and deliver it in a low condition
or at least that's part of the market that we'll undertake.
The example of using here in the brain is actually a tried and tested example.
So in so much we haven't gone out and purchased
or went to the room or we've connected with a local church
that's being identity people or we've wrapped our services around
those eight people that we're going through.
So that's the portal of that choice.
Everything we're working with.
That's what we're working to do in this market exercise.
And then we have to be transparent with what we can't spread
to the now too thin we'll come up with in Cheshire East.
We've got lots of local supermarkets.
There is big buck, we're good.
And we thirty-six of those three will be around
most of the private communities.
And we really want to make a difference to children families
that need to target their children with families
and their services the most.
At home visiting, that comes to the view of our colleagues
that are far out of our homes from the home visiting.
Actually where families go to within communities
and that's kind of the wellness and exercise
about how to develop the offices and how to make them so sure
that the campus is going to be helpful
and there are opportunities that already exist in communities.
I'm aware that this meeting is supposed to end up live.
So, I'm happy to take Councillor Smith's comments
and then it rates comments.
I think we need to get a rigor on this, they say.
So, I myself, just because of what's just been expressed
I really don't want to differ.
So, that's just my answer to Councillor.
I agree with the Chair, thank you.
What you just said, of course,
of really the interest of what Councillor Boehme said,
how much is your choice?
There's a role there.
It's in which your family doesn't get us poor.
But comparing what you just said,
I'm confident that I mentioned poor.
I'm confident that this is the way that I'm going to talk to people.
So, that's why, you know,
when I read it, it looked at the amendment
that I have.
Thank you.
Councillor Anderson, do you want to put some amendment for?
Did you or do you want it to put it on?
I think we need to do that.
So, what we want to do?
You have a amendment.
You're doing this?
Yes, you're just able.
You're just around the bell.
No, no.
You've got something.
You've got a motion to do.
You've got something to do with that first.
There's a little language.
I'm not supposed to have.
So, can I have a form of work then please?
Were you going to do that?
It's just...
I think you should do the decision.
I have to discern the decision to allow further information
in your very own visual aids in the structure.
Thank you.
Mickey Woodhill.
It was just a briefly mentioned that there is
a two looking 50,000 parts of the globe.
There is a change out on the MTFS links
to achieving the family health model.
So, it's just take a pretty wide bit of a delay
in that would potentially impact on the group
the second two years.
So, it just felt bad.
Thank you.
So, may I need a thank you for my clarification.
I would have a word about the wear of the
digital financial position of the council.
My room is committee I believe financial is too sure
that if a document is approved,
particularly the consultation,
we as members should feel that it represents the council well
and takes into account all financial issues.
It helps my proposal to go.
And we have a second to do it.
Thank you.
So, all those in favor of deferral.
All those against.
And abstentions.
So, that's a member of the board.
We have a second development.
Is that correct?
Councillor Anderson, do you want to change the form of words?
Are you happy with repurpose now?
Something with it.
I think that's the job.
I got it helpful with a proposal and second that I started
and then see where you got to.
So, um...
Councillor Anderson, I guess you also know.
I think otherwise we'll be here.
So, we're going to go.
I've been advised to go forward with the proposal as it stands.
So, um...
I'm happy to propose.
Have I got the second up?
Thank you.
So, all those in favor of the recommendations to approve the
commencement of a formal consultation period to repurpose
of the seven of the following existing children,
sectors, et cetera.
All those in favor.
All those against.
So, the item passes.
Thank you.
So, we moved to item seven.
Household support from the grant delivery.
Um, these officers had the bone.
Thank you.
Um, hang on.
I'm going to start by introducing this up with us.
So, I don't think we have any more.
It's just link to it.
It's a proposal.
The term for outreach is already pulled up.
Um, so, I've had a series for early health, um...
I've had my membership under less than views.
My credit of background was an education.
I recorded my teacher.
And I currently have additional following areas of responsibility.
This is why I'm introducing myself to things.
And it's my own seal, um, support services in Cheshire East.
Um, so, we've got a whole stage prior to a children's program.
And then we'll also do a little apparently,
uh, talk to some parenting programs to your families.
I'm currently managing the social care front door,
like now on the measures of GTT.
Um, I'm managing your carers,
uh, in-house assessment and, um, commission service.
I manage domestic news services.
I manage the partnership on the health service.
Some other ones that you're out on support are our educational schools
and settings and our health providers.
Um, I'm going to do household support rooms, obviously,
because I'm here to talk about today.
I'm going to go to the activity in food fund.
Um, I've recently taken on a short breaks team,
and just recently come into my service,
as has the special guardianship order team.
Um, I represent on this Island migration group.
Um, I deliver the reducing parental conflict program.
Not really relevant, but just, I do.
I love the childhood safety book.
That's a really not relevant.
Um, and I previously, since we've been to Cheshire East,
um, in 2000, I'm here for the year service,
and I'm starting the youth support service.
So I've got quite a lot of service areas that link to this item.
So, I'm giving me those 20 minutes just to introduce myself.
Um, so we're here today to talk about the new iteration of household support fund.
It's called HSF5, the iteration of the five of England.
Um, I'm sure you were waiting, we're going to break out of my eyes.
I just think we're going to get another iteration that we have.
Uh, we've got another six months for funding till September,
but not the annual one, obviously that aligns with our general election obviously,
so we don't know what happened after that point in time.
And we have been awarded 2.2 million for that six month period.
Um, so I'm here today to talk you through some of the proposed changes
that will be delivered about 2.2 million, which is a change to how we delivered it previously.
Um, so the recommendations for today are to note to Cheshire East's household fund
fund grant occasion 2.2 million, turn to quarter.
To recommend to fall council on 15th May to approve this of the entry,
um, to remove this of the budget 2.2 million.
To endorse, endorse it for post-artication,
our vision of grant, uh, eligible cohort and payment arrangements are set out on this paper,
and to delegate an authority to the executive director of children services
to incur expenditure in line with grant conditions.
So, in point, um, how we delivered this go previously,
I know we've been, I'm glad we're here to talk to you,
and we've been incredibly supportive of our approach to the delivery of that,
so both people pulled out and the re-crowned of the delivery that we've done to date
is that we have a full release to around 10,000 children and people,
from our free school meal children, our needs, our local carers,
um, to, um, to get funded up with our funding, um, our care leaders,
um, and in the last iteration, HSF 4, we also have to deliver them to our pensioners,
and that's part of our grant conditions.
On top of that, and this is where we go into some local authorities,
we've also always had an inquiry for,
so that any practitioner or professional looking with a family,
or an adult can also refer in to saying, I know if it's on your own needs,
please, how they have access to some funding.
So, that's always been the way we've delivered.
Um, the grant conditions for this time, I can just read those out to you.
It's crisis support to vulnerable households in most need in the cost of essentials,
meet immediate needs with energy and water levels, food and water essentials,
support housing costs very existing support, doesn't need this need,
and some comment and signposting advice,
and long term sustainable impact.
The two phrases that really stop help me is to offer the crisis support
and the long term sustainable impact.
You know really about six months worth of funding.
So, what my proposal is, this time, which is a slight change to the last iteration,
is that rather than doing the full release of our money,
and the reasons for my suggestions are in the paper here about what about money,
and coming back to what Danielle said really around scrubbing the job too thin,
and you might need to know of it,
and we gave out a little bit of money to lots and lots of people.
What's that crisis at all?
Was that mic changing?
Was that sustainable?
Was that transmission probably not behind sight?
Although I'm very proud of what we did.
But going forward to these six months,
I really like an approach where we use that majority of that money
to use it as our inquiry form.
So, we still have inquiry form for practitioners, for professionals,
for any of you who are working with your children and families,
we've had lots who are in financial need that they can approach,
that person can approach us and say,
Can we support the financial?
Why would we have that flexibility?
Because the majority of the money was in full pain,
and this is the only year that kind of gave out on the G60 pounds over a year,
which is all particularly worth changing.
What I'm proposing is by releasing that money,
we can be more transformational.
And I'll give you two examples,
and they are recent examples that I have already
from the rise, or just to make it aware.
So one was a lady with children who was in one of one of the remaining units,
and as you'd imagine, the cost of that is the extortionate.
You notice it's an amazing resource.
She no longer needed to be in that provision,
but she had rent for years.
So it cost us so much to keep her there,
and we didn't have the provision to pay her rent for years,
so that we can move her on, like chances for her,
get her into the housing market, get her into her own accommodation,
and release that space for somebody else who really needed it.
Equally, I've consulted with our adult colleagues,
and they have similar personal logos,
where an adult is bed-blocking.
They're in a bed, in a care home,
or in a hospital, they're absolutely going to come home,
and their volume is both good.
So you can't be released from up there to come home,
because of the boiling property.
And when we really imitate our Section 17 money,
or your local social care,
is we don't have that flexibility and money,
and I have an amount of the health and support
them to have that flexibility, because of the whole police.
So what I'm proposing is, we do exactly that.
So we still allow people to just help through voucher,
to have some form of gaps with electricity,
with water, but equally we set a pay pedal,
so that any additional requests on top of that
might be co-proof, but absolutely not the right thing to do,
and we have our due diligence and value-added-all,
and what else do they need?
Are they open to our services?
If they're not one of them,
then what else can we do?
We can support them in more dynamic ways.
So we can buy the child a broken pet,
we can support fixing the volume.
We can pay the rent at rooms where we need to get that person
into their own accommodation.
So other examples are actually in the grab conditions,
which you know you can read yourselves,
and there are, so that long term sustainable,
insulation, buying something, a smoke cooker,
or fixing their own, but insulated hot water toilet.
We're able to replace all the light bulbs,
but to address ventilation,
essential transport costs will be covered,
we can buy something to buy you.
We can do one of the supports in crisis,
we can support the clothing, we can support the phone bill,
and all of our access.
The rent to reuse is a genuine emergency,
and we couldn't overuse it,
but some of the examples of how I really want to try
and be transformational with this,
how so support them has been my baby since day one,
so I am self-criticising,
I'm coming to you with a different approach here,
and asking for your support with it,
because I really want to make a difference.
The alternative is we continue with what we were doing,
and we do the local weeks,
that will be a lot easier for me if we do that,
because I will be heading up the panel,
which is where I introduce myself at the start,
and I will be supported by a number of colleagues,
for a number of different partner agencies to do that.
So, that's my proposal,
and I'm sure you won't refuse the 2.2 million,
but you might have some questions about the preventable thinking.
Thank you.
So here we have some on-silo transformational thinking,
thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you for any question.
Councillor SMITH and Councillor COVID-19.
I think it's an excellent document,
and I'd like to thank you for helping us.
Just one concern about your case work,
is just when someone is in crisis,
the speed is critically...
I'm just looking at, you know,
for every 20 years possible,
and I'm just looking at the design of what we're looking at,
but I'm going to wrap this up,
and I will apologise for that,
for something that is going to happen.
Thank you.
No, I don't believe in this as our apologies.
So, at the moment,
the environmental is currently managed by our benefits team,
so you can submit that and then...
I think I'm not sure what the turnaround is at the moment,
but I'm going to have to come back to you on that.
Well, anyway, we're proposing something different.
We haven't asked what would be.
We have retained our administrator of this,
and we are going to be using some of the Afghan funding,
which we're allowed anyway,
but I'm going to turn this out
to make sure we administer the inquiry form.
So, not all of the requests that are called in it,
because that would be environmental,
and I won't be able to do that.
So, I don't sign off all of the inquiry forms now,
because they are within financial delegation
and authority of the authors that do it.
So, I'm proposing that we continue to have that.
We'll say to you in one approach,
and again, using the financial delegation to set on a panel,
thought to a certain event,
and then I would oversee anything where it's considerable.
You know, we're talking over a thousand pounds,
so we need to really just decide.
And obviously, this is rather money,
so we have a regular conversation for the future.
We have to do all of our returns,
so one by one of us has to sign off all of our spending.
So, every single layer will be signed off,
but you're absolutely right.
I'm proposing that we do play,
but the inquiry forms can be reviewed for data access.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Thank you.
Thank you for your paper and presentation.
I'm looking at 10.2,
and I'm just going to ask how you would
be able to bring about one term improvement
in their life jump and do what you say to convince me
that you can be more careful and more way short of faculty.
I'm just wondering first,
I'm sure the panel will do a conscientious job.
I hope that the work will work.
It will work.
But it is really unreasonable for other councils
where there's sort of a approach
that's been trying at hand work.
I'll be honest, I don't know the answer to that question,
and actually on our neighbouring authorities,
as I've said, it hasn't done the inquiry form.
It's a very often definitely amount of money.
They will go to a certain cohort like preschool meals
and they will divide it up,
and then they will give our practice of all the payment,
and that's their support.
And we, from day one,
certainly when Alex starts tracing with us,
we need more of that, but we need to respond to those people
that aren't going to be in front of us,
that all the professionals are going to be signposting.
So our food bank signpost students,
our GPs do our health teachers,
you know, those out in the community do.
One element I didn't say before,
and I apologise for this.
I think it isn't a thing, obviously.
No, it's the other element.
It's, I'm hoping to do some further consultation
with our college of communities, our sector,
and our food banks, you know,
so the Jesuit food alliance.
Some of that,
not everybody is going to come to an important route,
and I am hoping that it will support us
out getting a portion of this money to those wider people,
the wider community, those groups that all like this,
it all gets our communities.
By giving them additional,
by giving them some money,
we can absolutely work the charity sector to access that
in the broad conditions.
And again, that's also what we've really done,
but you reminded me,
because some local authorities have done that,
so some local authorities get their grants,
and then they give out the portion of it,
or the future of watching two food banks,
so that they can stop hiring out,
and continue to dissolve towards the ones that are around us.
But that makes sense.
It's kind of a deep attitude.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you to this Council Bank.
I've got Rachel Bailey next.
Thank you.
Beginning to what you have said,
it's done about.
I'm really welcome to have the patience of your own work,
and frankly, for the rest of the day,
the more I hear, the more I feel that
what is a government grant that is there
to support immediate issues in me
and enable councils to respond,
is also being repurposed to subsidize existing services.
The example of removing bedblockers alongside them,
because we have the whole ICD,
which is an integrated care board,
which is about that engagement of partners
to overcome the issues of fast-blocking,
if there is a lack of provisional lack of resource,
in social care and a hospital bed,
is then utilized for longer than necessary.
In my experience, this grant was not for that.
This grant was enabled back to the core.
Equally, this grant, you opened up with
you're going to allocate funds via a inquiry form,
but laterally, in responding to council of hoodie-con,
which suggests if you want to give funds to food fans,
what oversight and governance will be applied to that?
I regret to say, the more I heard, the more I worry,
the one publicly is in fight-on-three,
where you just represent scally goods.
Absolutely agree.
Even though obviously, as those who require our care
reach the point where they are becoming independent,
are support not only in terms of finances,
but continuing as a parent if you.
And finally, I can't believe, whilst I would welcome
absolute innovation and setting policy
in something that risks jeopardizing
meeting government criteria, in my mind,
and that purely for my mind,
why the parent will engage with a neighboring councilor
or indeed our northwest social partner
to check it out first?
I don't want Cheshirey to be in her life for the longer than me.
By great concerns and access there,
I always wish the way these reports were going
that I had stated so much,
and I'm sure the chair doesn't.
That's a total.
I would just point out that 26% of the vouchers
that have just rolled out, you know,
given schools and rolled out, they're not tight enough,
and that's a terrible waste.
So this is the final iteration of this particular grant,
and our officers have looked to be creative,
and they said they're on it,
and they're so happy to see what happened with cliche now,
and they said they're spreading the jam,
they're blobbing it, they have more impact,
and the impact is what we're always looking for,
so I totally support it.
But basically, we've still to hear from councilors,
Saunders, and councilor Clark,
and then we'll draw a line with this, if that's all right.
So councils Saunders.
That's very much Cher.
I'm a bit concerned that, really,
the moment we've gone in, there's a lot more to learn
from being something.
I do think that the money should go down very soon,
because at the end, I am concerned about food,
and the money equation, and that is a very small food line,
and cross-centred.
However, it does seem to be a human exercise,
it does seem to be a transparency,
I think that it's very, very, very, very good, for example,
to the chaenotees' summary processes.
There's no transparency in how I really am very happy
with that.
I'm much prepared that we gave directly to the families
that we really need, and we then bought it,
how successful that was, in terms of, like,
the sense of sustainability.
We can't do that, but we can't.
And as far as our work, we're going to get grants.
So I'm unsure why we're here doing this,
but we can't see a certain sustainability,
how about some capital on the families.
Okay, thank you.
Councilor Klop?
I will.
We've gone in the 30th act,
and I will come up with more information from the commission
and from the Council.
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and so that will cause the full part of the government to go into the 30th act.
Thank you.
Okay, Councilor Anson?
I'll get one question as well.
I'm going to go around about 2P,
and it looks like that contemplation is about to start.
All the concentration of unions will start,
and you'll get there on having a agreement to proceed
from one court council, so this will be fine today.
And at that moment, we think it was terrified that this was generally,
for us, a saving.
You know, there is a slight increase in cost,
because things go up in cost this year,
but it is actually very good value for us
compared with other councils.
So if we're happy to do that,
the recommendations are on page 84.
I'll take them all together if that's all right.
We agree to Cheshire Western Chester Council,
which will host Cheshire Youth Justice Service
on behalf of all four councils, et cetera.
So all those in favour?
So that's enough, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So, number 9.
I will support the children and young people
available walking routes, updates.
Thank you.
Thank you, Chair.
Hopefully another example of cross-direction working.
Thank you.
Thank you.
To introduce myself, Cheshire Youth Council's head and transport department.
And my team worked quite closely with Jim,
our own school travel matters.
The paper we've got today is a little bit about the time,
a particular part of the home-to-school travel review
that I know is going to be using the series and the courts on.
A particular focus on the very new ones,
just more brief and real about the main problem.
Under national legislation,
the council's obliged to provide
home-to-school travel support, generally informed of the bus travel,
in general.
In instances where a child is promised to be on two master's school,
second is to be on three master's school,
not to be national admissions.
There is a further condition in that.
You can also be obliged to provide
three home-to-school travel instances,
where children live near the distance threshold
or the road to school is deemed on the highway.
The road, and the assessment of what is available route,
is set out in guidance from G.B. Rob Stoffely,
and the Department of Education,
is assessed by Ed and Ross,
by the Rolle Society of Medicine and Accidents,
qualified for the safety of the assessor.
We have several hundred and many teachers
who are more affected by that definition,
one by the more groups,
and as a result of that,
we provide 80-plus contracts for home-to-school travel.
The available all humans have consequences already.
In September,
that community approved in mean designation
as available of two groups,
which have been assessed numerous times,
but not approved for designation as available.
I want to, in September,
a consequence of that decision,
the authority that gives 12 units notice
that through the troubles of those children will be ruled.
Parents don't have a number of options.
This is quite important to know this in mind.
Those may relate to actually paying for transport
on the services they will prove as easy as you do.
They may collect transport children by the means.
And if that were the case,
but not coherently,
there was no guarantee that,
in deeming a rude reality,
it seemed, for a particular room in disappearance and privacy,
that is part of the cost-benefit assessment that used to be done
at any local level.
What this paper does,
is two things.
It gives an overview of the sequence,
approach, integrity, assessing,
available walk-throughs,
and the early sift,
that would go through in order to assess more of them
than you know, you could,
on the scrum-bug of the moon face
in terms of paying for it to go through.
Which generally means,
assess it by the rules,
put up through the crossing construction assessment,
which in person can't be cost.
It's a three-stage process,
and finally gets us through the things that are in the stage.
And all of the rules that are currently fine,
the rules available,
are working their way through that process.
The paper also highlights a number of relative priorities.
In terms of rules that we have,
a high number of people,
that are available
eligible for through the travel,
on the basis of being more available.
There is a relatively well-informed solution
to make them back out,
and therefore,
then pass those in on the test,
and we are bringing those information in this minute.
At each of these initiatives,
appropriate, and unique solutions,
you will be brought back to committee for approval.
So, the absolute pledge,
that there is any designation
of the webinar,
or the webinar committee.
This opening paper is mostly one of the many ones
that I would be sitting to think,
or the relationship that will take some process,
and understanding of the schemes that are required,
and secondly, we have approval
to be approved throughout the evening.
So, go ahead.
Thank you. Any questions?
Thank you.
So, we all went off at once.
I'm going to start with cancer trials.
I think it was--
I think cancer has been just before.
You've then been cancer-bailing,
and then I'll go right up.
Just go right up.
So, cancer trials.
Thank you very much.
I'm interested that this is the design of the course.
I would have voted for the first time
at the Persons University Court.
We have told you in paragraph 7
that we need more people to have available in the evening.
So, I love the fact that we should finish with this.
So, as you said, the example today,
is it is so extremely important
and properly evaluated in the evening.
So, the example is based on data that is now highly adult,
and they want to consider the issue.
So, as an all member,
I raised the book that was 2017.
The all proper proposal to predicate it
was to stay S or assist with issues
related to the root equation development.
It was recognized that construction on the A-500,
and we were going with a A-5, B-1,
had cut off, cut off, accessible cognitively.
And it's quite a public life,
and there wasn't a public life at all,
and it should have crossed the issue with this,
to rest in the car.
The proposals that I've heard from the public life
were along the route of the missing car,
and they were on its rate at the level of pain.
Where two-meter pedestrian footpath
was constructed alongside the road bridge,
to enable that safe pedestrian walking road
to the rest of the bridge.
That's not why it was anticipated,
because she was established that the residents are still waiting
for the public life to wait for the other two.
There are not only children,
but all residents can access safely
the nearest village in this small church
of other amenities.
I have scaled the rest of this kind of car,
and all I can see is a strategy
of these reasons why,
even though the schemes that I mentioned to you
are a long, long money,
what is living.
All routes take more road to investment,
to be peaceful,
and I appreciate this part of the car.
Then we did not invest.
We will never say that we live in the mountains
from a small transport country
in the region and long-term,
as you apply for the end to the best.
I will not even be able to send the money
to the evaluation of the potential public health benefits.
And, as I anticipate,
this is a discussion on how children and families
in our ways of transport pieces
or the end of the other activities.
We will work together on flexible cultural systems
to make it to that side of the field.
Every year we delay,
because another year,
we will be 45,
paying attention to the things that costs us
to the highway project,
on where to name the adjustments in our skills,
and in the long, medium, long-term improvements
in children and families,
based budget,
I can agree on these skills.
I think we need some sort of looking for this,
and more imaginative,
and how proactive it is.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Jay, I live with you.
Can I just hi-eye and count for class as a member of the agency,
and should she be allowed to speak at this point?
Councilor Klass asked us if you could ask a question.
I agree that wasn't a question.
It was a speech.
There are a number of questions in there,
and I might not want to do these.
I wish there a very long time
in my life as a visiting councillor,
to ask questions,
and I've got questions on other items,
and I'm surprised that there are more councillors
visiting this group today,
very among the importance of the literature.
Do we have any answers for a proper question?
I'm happy to provide.
Yes, thank you.
I'm not trying to show the question more.
There are basically the questions around
why the next 106 agreements have been incorporated
into assessments to the education on Amazon,
and also what the investigation has been made
as a measure of automotive work across those higher boundaries
to the flexible budget system,
whereby it's not all reliant on highway investment
to actually alleviate our children and family projects.
There will be numbers on it.
There's not something to see in the look of that.
There are a number of other buildings.
So, if I may manage that,
the specifics of the luxury village
are all the pivots of the fragments.
A, we have a long cooperative landowner,
and I've never been able to be councillors
or whiskers on them and find matters.
So, there is a very, very low landowner
that we will get concerned
and then we will get more of a commissive class
by a fully registered brother.
And in these sentences,
all of these buildings will be given
to make an available water group
of roughly a long, long, long, long, long time ago.
I think it comes to the fact
that conversations are the number of classes
that I wish you as well.
So, we will enter the phrase for this one,
which is where the section one of the six
of the longest is that's fire.
And the landowner is in the property.
Those are the fundamental reasons
why this is in the game of an issue
that has a project that is complex,
difficult, but probably one of the best tools
to acquire this new landowner.
If we can, if we can offer a lot more
of the total data in the report,
it's third-party action,
financial agenda in our own issue.
Then it is perhaps written on the hotel,
the parking engine,
within the cost associated with the improvement
and the cost associated with that.
So, I want the information to recommend
this issue in the environmental action.
In terms of how do we get
across the street,
we're going to come and put it in.
I think that is about the balance point.
As officers, we have a cross data
trip, one of you will develop in components
for environmental activity.
And this last thing man has made out of it.
We have to help those control it.
The gap of the moment is not on
letting you understand the revenue position.
The gap of the moment is now
a capital program by the transport.
It is not hard to get the money to pay back in the water.
We produce that out.
And because we were in the action
then we proved to be not lying in the image.
I would suggest to me to get close to
the private company, bring that line back in,
potentially aligning it to silver elements
of the local plan,
such as a central school program.
There's a lot of consistency between
the local and the central school
and the federal government.
And make sure we have a capital
application in the annual
highways program.
I'm certainly going to start with that.
Thank you.
I think the next person,
we all have shot 100-foot-1,
so I think the next person is
Councillor Hays.
Thank you, Chair.
I think the written delay
is the definition of just a particular
generalised line.
It was an empty cabinet number
when decisions were taken
for some eight years ago.
I would be grateful for all of
the sacrifices that were
and what the years had been posted.
Deborah must be the third
Director of Human Services
in the public schools.
I've never seen this work
on complaints in any seems
or realistic.
On 26th,
I would be grateful to understand
what schemes have emerged
upon us to put on light.
And what's our particular
consider to be the schemes that
etch overall forward?
Because 0.16 to 18,
the information has been
for at least the last eight years.
It was presented to me as a
reparative list,
with them screened,
ready to go,
and ready to consult upon,
a damper potentially
requiring some further
consideration in investment,
both read,
and to belong to investments
in strategy eight.
And since that time,
very little is changed.
I imagine that reparative
question may be very much similar.
So I do question
whether we're saying
longitudinal growth in
recommissioning etch,
to tell us what we already
do in terms of
the safety of these orders.
And I'd be very proud
because on October 23,
it talks about
transport on Western privacy.
What talks about this
means is that it talks about
this being important,
but in transport to improve
just about the privacy.
I don't know why we do,
but I think that's because
it's a high job that can be
in the next nearly second,
but in the first one,
to be able to pull back on.
there are considerable savings
and I've found
difficult decisions
in which the party is wronged
very, very difficult
in many relationships.
And I do,
as I wanted to do,
and seek to understand
where those walk in the example
that mean we are
still stuck here,
talking about things
going into light,
and actually it's almost
likely to seem alive,
so I'd like to turn you into it.
it's been a pandemic,
and new people will get
about it straight away.
But I guess so.
There are some valid points
there to give you.
I mean,
I mean,
I know that if you think
it's hard to understand
and see that
you've got a problem
through this case,
that the main ones
or the ones that we've talked about
are the ones that we've talked about
and the ones that we've talked about
so I should go back and talk about
what we've talked about
in this case.
some of the ones that we've talked
some of the ones we've talked about
in this case,
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in this case,
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in this case,
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in this case,
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in this case,
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in this case,
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in this case,
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in this case,
some of the ones that we've talked about
in this case,
some of the ones that we've talked about
in this case,
some of the ones that we've talked about
in this case,
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in this case,
some of the ones that we've talked about
in this case,
some of the ones that we've talked about
in this case,
some of the ones that we've talked about
in this case,
some of the ones that we've talked about
in this case,
I am happy to propose those.
Have we a second there on the proposal
as they stand?
Thank you.
Council will put it down.
But we now...
We have a proposal in a second
or on the amendment,
so we now deal with the amendment.
We have a proposal in a second.
Yeah, on the amendment.
Any for the comments on the amendment?
Shall we go to the vote then, please?
So all those in favour
of Councillor SON,
does the amendment?
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Councillor interjecting.
Can you kick your hands up
with your vote in four?
Oh, go on.
Yeah, six.
Oh, six.
Oh, that's six.
Back it all those against?
Councillor interjecting.
So that the amendment falls.
We did have several speakers
waiting to speak on the original proposal,
so as far as I'm aware,
I'm up to Councillor Clarke.
I don't know.
You didn't be happy with that.
No one else wants to speak,
but it's fine.
I think we go...
Well, I do have a list of people,
and one of them was Councillor Cosnet,
so other was Beamland and Councillor Smith,
but if your questions have now been answered,
so Councillor Cosnet,
you still wish to speak on the main proposal.
Like me?
I think it does relate to what I've already said.
I do have a mission in the process,
since we've used it a moment.
I think, like I saw on the wall,
it was all being considered in my ward,
because, like I say, I am blind,
so I live behind that parent's panicking,
but the group has been here for a few minutes,
and it hasn't been very much yet.
And I do like to go over more of these
things in my ward.
It gives me a great understanding,
and it helps me be helpful to the ankle sort.
On that self-ultimate one,
all of a sudden, is trying to help our residents
and help Council.
So, I would run every single route,
at least in most certainly my ward,
and I'll show you talk about single routes as well,
that it's really important because we have visibility for it,
and it's so important that you do not send left to parents,
saying that the route is non-available,
but it hasn't been assessed fully.
And that's not what I'd like to say.
Thank you.
It's a tough process.
It's not right.
So, our process is following the last two,
four years, it will be our process,
but we're fairly interested.
We'll be working on the road to the outside,
and it will be much hotter.
Yeah, I'd like to respond to that.
So, our process is, as we did in Europe,
we invited members to go on the road,
we requested to respond on those roads,
only in fact, without any comment,
we've got access, we've been made back to the road.
So, we're looking at this goal,
we're getting this goal,
but all members are committed inside of what we need,
right, and to see what we need.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Not quite experience, but...
Oh, my God.
That's all it is.
He is a...
Chair, just...
So, there is...
And I think if we give you a better sense of prioritizing program and the rationale behind that, how we can fund the improvements to make the new level of, and then where it all is under member, walking on the ground.
Or walking on the little fixings of that and a good approach. Hopefully that will come to me.
Thank you very much. I think we've given that full disclosure. So I would like to move to the recommendations on page 106.
Again, I'm happy to propose, have I a second there?
You've got to go a second there.
No, you don't. I'm sorry.
You've already done that.
Thank you, Councillor.
In that case, all those in favour?
I've got eight.
And all those against?
And all those abstaining?
Thank you.
Now, because we are going to go into part two.
So we can deal with those private issues, but we will be coming back.
So I need to read the part two escape route.
Exclusion of oppression public.
Very important.
We're going to --
We're going into part two because we need the officer for our part two, the planned part two.
We need that officer here.
And she has to leave quite soon.
So that's why we will then come back.
Everything needs to be done.
Can I just read the escape a bit?
So exclusion of oppression public.
Do you want me to vote on it with the people that are left?
Do you wish me to --
I am moving that we move into part two.
So all those in favor.
Thank you.
All those in favor.
The recording will be turned on.
And we will --
Can we give a likely timeline?
I know I've talked a lot.
But for those that may want to leave the meeting and come back in.
Well, we'll just wait for this to come back in.
Yes, it was not voted yet.
Well, I was going to talk to the letter in a moment.
Thank you.
So we're just waiting for people to come back in.
I can't give you a time because I don't know how long it will be.
We still need to vote on you.
We still need to vote on you.
Oh, sorry.
All those in favor of moving into part two.
Thank you.
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The council meeting focused on various community and municipal concerns, including school transportation safety, household support funding, and the repurposing of children's centers into family hubs. The discussions were detailed, with decisions made on each agenda item after thorough deliberation.
School Transportation Safety: The council decided to continue assessing walking routes to schools to determine their safety. Arguments for the decision emphasized student safety and the need for updated evaluations. Opponents were concerned about the costs and the efficiency of the process. The decision aims to ensure safer walking paths for students, potentially reducing transportation costs in the long run.
Household Support Fund: The council approved changes to the administration of the Household Support Fund, aiming to provide more targeted and flexible financial assistance. Proponents argued that this would allow for more impactful use of the funds, addressing specific needs like essential home repairs or utility debts. Critics were worried about the oversight and the actual delivery of these targeted funds. The decision could lead to more effective support for vulnerable households, though it requires careful implementation to ensure transparency.
Repurposing Children's Centers: The council agreed to repurpose several children's centers into family hubs. Supporters of the decision highlighted the potential for enhanced community services and better utilization of space. Detractors expressed concerns about accessibility and the loss of dedicated children's services. This decision is intended to broaden the scope of services available to families but will require careful management to maintain service quality.
Interesting Incident: During the meeting, there was a significant debate on the safety of walking routes, with some council members requesting more immediate actions and transparency in the assessment process, reflecting the council's ongoing struggle to balance safety, cost, and efficiency in public service delivery.