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The meeting on 16 January 2025 was to consider a report on the approval of external support for the next phase of the 'Transforming Newham for the Future' programme.
External Transformation Delivery Support by PwC for Phase 2 of the 'Transforming Newham for the Future' Programme
The Chief Executive was being asked to approve the commissioning of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to accelerate Phase 2 of the Transforming Newham for the Future Programme. The report says that this follows the delegated authority granted in the August 2024 Cabinet Report, which allocated £5.9m for Programmes 1 and 2 (Resident Access and Experience and Enabling Services) of the Transforming Newham for the Future Programme.
This work follows directly on from Phase 1 of the programme which has delivered all of the expected deliverables, including the development of detailed delivery plans and business cases (including specified processes, teams, staff and future models required) to achieve the expected £12.4m savings target for programmes 1 and 2 of Transforming Newham for the Future.
The report goes on to say that Phase 2 will involve digitising and automating resident and administrative processes and consolidating staffing within the Contact Resolution Centre and Business Support hubs
. The report states that the decision was being made by the Chief Executive, Abi Gbago, under delegated authority from the Cabinet, and that it was exempt from call-in. The report says that the decision had been subject to consultation with the Transformation and Improvement Board, the Chief Executive, the Assistant Chief Executive, and the Corporate Director of Resources.