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Strategic Development Committee - Tuesday 21st January 2025 6.00 p.m.
January 21, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting included a report on changes to a major previously approved development in TwelveTrees Park, and an application for detailed permission for a phase of a major previously approved development at Silvertown Quays.
TwelveTrees Park
The report on the TwelveTrees Park development was for a Section 73 application to vary conditions on planning permission 17/01847/OUT. The application sought to increase the total floorspace (including residential, employment, retail, community, health and educational floorspace) parameters within the outline elements of the Masterplan Consent, from 277,878sqm to 411,678sqm, and amend the consented maximum height parameters, increasing heights for all plots except one, from 108.80m Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) to 133.15m AOD.
The application also sought to amend the consented outline block layouts for all plots to accommodate second (fire) staircases and address guidance around housing quality. Further proposed amendments included a change to the phasing boundary to better accommodate construction and delivery works, moving Plot S02 from Phase 2 to Phase 3, and a revision to the Tenure Plan1 secured within the Section 106 Agreement2 to balance the delivery of affordable housing across the site, including bringing forward Social Rented homes into Phase 2.
The report proposed granting permission subject to the Mayor of London and Secretary of State choosing not to call the application in, and subject to a number of conditions and the completion of a Deed of Variation to the existing Section 106 Agreement. These included:
- A financial contribution toward the mitigation of the impact on the Epping Forest Special Area of Conservation.
- The delivery of a minimum of 1,654 homes (40% by habitable room) as affordable housing.
- An increase in the Employment Training Contribution, from £10,800,000 to £13,217,156 (reflecting a pro rata increase).
The report considered the concerns of the management company of TwelveTrees Crescent. They argued that the increase in residential units would exacerbate existing health and safety risks at TwelveTrees Bridge (the only road access to the Prologis Business Park) and the surrounding area. The report noted the management company's concerns, but said that the plans do not alter the existing access arrangements, and that detailed designs for safe and accessible pedestrian and cyclist routes would be required as part of the Phased submissions.
The report also noted that the scheme as proposed may result in less than substantial harm to heritage assets, but that these should be weighed against the public benefits of the scheme.
The report described how the new layout for the site provides a greater emphasis on north-south routes through the site, enabling sites to the south to connect to the new network of streets if they are redeveloped.
The report describes how the proposal is likely to result in less than substantial harm to the setting of the Grade II listed Clock Mill within the Three Mills Conservation Area. This increase in harm relates to the building being visible for slightly longer as pedestrians move along Three Mills Lane. However, the report concluded that the overall harm remains less than substantial and relatively low, and on balance, the public benefits of the scheme (for example, significant affordable housing and urban regeneration) are sufficient to justify the proposal under the National Planning Policy Framework’s policy tests.
The report describes how, to optimise the provision of public open space, the development would include colonnades at the ground floor level of the buildings, particularly along the linear park and within the “Urban Rooms” and that the developer has proposed a number of enhancements, including the provision of a skate plaza and cricket nets.
The report explains that the London Fire Brigade has confirmed that they have no comments or objections to raise in relation to the Outline Fire Strategy.
The report concluded that on balance, the application should be granted subject to referral to the Mayor of London and the Secretary of State, and a number of conditions including:
- The submission of detailed Public Realm, Landscape Management and Maintenance Schemes.
- Confirmation that no above ground works will take place on Building S01A until revised details of the design and external appearance have been submitted and approved.
- Confirmation that no above ground works will take place on Plot C01 until revised details of the design and external appearance have been submitted and approved.
- A restriction on the uses for which parts of the site can be used to prevent their use as a place of worship.
Silvertown Quays
The application regarding the Silvertown Quays development sought to approve the Reserved Matters application for Plots 1D, 2D, and public realm works in Phase 1.9.
The application proposed the construction of three new buildings containing 326 residential units, all of which will be affordable. It also included provision for 1,623sqm of retail floorspace and 683 cycle parking spaces. The tallest of the proposed buildings would be 14 storeys in height.
The report noted that the Environment Agency has confirmed that they have no objections to the development, and that the Greater London Archaeological Advisory Service has said that no further assessment or conditions are necessary.
The report proposed granting permission subject to a number of conditions including:
- Confirmation that the development will be carried out in accordance with a number of named plans and documents.
- A requirement that the development achieve a BREEAM rating of Very Good.
- The submission and approval of a Construction Management Strategy.
- A requirement to ensure that none of the proposed buildings impact on Instrument Flight Procedures associated with London City Airport.
The report described how the proposal complies with the maximum parking requirements that were set as part of the Outline Permission for the development, and that although Transport for London has requested financial contributions toward transport improvements, these cannot be secured as part of a Reserved Matters application.
The report also noted concerns regarding the proposed secondary access to the site via the roundabout on Mill Road/Rayleigh Road/Wesley Road. However it said that because these access arrangements were approved as part of the Outline Permission, they cannot be objected to as part of this application.
The Tenure Plan specifies the intended split between affordable housing tenures, such as social rent, affordable rent, and shared ownership, in a development. ↩
A Section 106 Agreement is a legal agreement between a local authority and a developer, used to mitigate the impact of a new development. ↩
- Alan Griffiths
- Blossom Young
- Harvinder Singh Virdee
- James Beckles
- Lewis Godfrey
- Madeleine Sarley Pontin
- Mehmood Mirza
- Miraj Patel
- Rachel Tripp
- Susan Masters
- James Bolt
- Jane Custance
- Shirley Fortune