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Council - Wednesday 22nd January, 2025 7.00 pm

January 22, 2025 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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This meeting was scheduled to include a motion to approve the appointment of Janet Kealey as an independent person to the council’s standards committee, a debate on the opportunities and challenges faced by residents of Harrow Road ward, a series of reports on the City Plan, homelessness, and reform of planning committees, and a report on Council Tax.

It is important to note that the documents for this meeting only tell us what was scheduled to be discussed. We do not know what was actually discussed, or what decisions, if any, were made.

Council Tax

A report entitled Council Tax Discounts (including Council Tax Local Reduction Scheme) and Council Tax Base report dated 22nd January 2025, was presented to the council by the Executive Director of Finance & Resources. This report contained a number of recommendations on the level of Council Tax to be levied by the council during the 2025/2026 financial year.

The report recommends that the council approve a continuation of the existing Council Tax discounts for empty properties and second homes. These discounts had been set at 0% since the 2013/2014 financial year, and the report recommends that they be kept at that level, arguing that any increase in the level of discount will reduce the Council’s income and reduce any incentive for an owner to take action with regard to their empty property.

The report also recommends that the council continue to charge a Long Term Empty Property Premium at the maximum level permitted by legislation, which is currently set at 100% of the normal Council Tax charge for properties empty for between 1 and 5 years, 200% for properties empty between 5 and 10 years, and 300% for properties empty for more than 10 years. These charges are intended to incentivise owners of empty properties to bring them back into use as homes.

The report also asks the council to confirm a decision made during the previous year to implement a 100% Second Home Premium, to be introduced at the start of the 2025/26 financial year. The report argues that this premium, which would be levied on top of the existing council tax bill for second homes, would generate additional revenue for the council and for the Greater London Authority without effecting vulnerable residents.

The report also recommends that the council approve the same 100% Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/26, which had been in place since 2013/14. The report explains that The Council’s proposed 100% Council Tax Reduction Scheme will mean that the level of Council Tax support provided to the borough’s working age claimants will effectively mirror that previously provided under the national Council Tax Benefit scheme, and goes on to say that There is no statutory requirement to consult residents where there is no significant change to a Council’s existing scheme.

The report then goes on to describe the process for calculating the council's tax base. It explains that The Council Tax Base is calculated in accordance with a nationally prescribed formula and represents the equivalent number of Band D properties within the area, and that it must be determined and be notified to the Greater London Authority (GLA) and other levying and precepting bodies by the 31st of January each year.

It explains that The calculations as detailed in Appendices 1 and 2 confirm a figure of 141,569.83 equivalent Band D properties for the whole City, 101.76 Band D equivalent properties for Montpelier Square and 3,739.64 Band D equivalent properties for Queens Park.

The report concludes with a section on the financial implications for the council of the proposals contained in the report. It predicts that the introduction of the second home premium will generate £1.8 million per year for the council, and £1.7 million per year for the GLA. It also predicts that the council's tax base will grow by 3.11%, generating around £2,145,000 in additional council tax income during 2025/26.

Appointment of Independent Standards Person

The council were asked to note the report of the General Purposes Urgency Sub-Committee, which met on the 26th of November 2024. The report recommended that Janet Kealey be appointed to the role of Independent Standards Person. The report explains that Following the introduction of the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 it is necessary for relevant local authorities to appoint at least one Independent Person, although guidance from the Committee on Standards in Public Life recommends that each authority has at least two Independent Persons.

Lord Mayor's Communications

The Lord Mayor was scheduled to report on his public engagements during the months leading up to the meeting. The report details a busy schedule of events, including dinners, receptions, concerts, award ceremonies and Christmas light switch-ons. The report also notes that the Lord Mayor attended a service of thanksgiving for the life and work of Lord Cormack at St Margaret’s Church, and a service to honour the victims of the Spanish floods at St James’s Spanish Place.

Councillor Issue

Councillor Regan Hook was scheduled to address the council on the subject of ‘The Opportunities and Challenges in the Harrow Road Ward’. Harrow Road ward is in the north of the borough, and contains the neighbourhoods of Maida Hill and parts of Queen's Park and Kensal Green.

Party Business

The majority and opposition parties were scheduled to each choose a topic to debate, with the debates being referred to the relevant Executive Director for consideration when reporting on the subject.

The majority party chose the topic of ‘A debate on the City Plan partial review which will be submitted to the Secretary of State shortly’, and the opposition party chose the topic of ‘The effects of homelessness in Westminster and how to improve the situation for all’.


Councillor Concia Albert
Councillor Tim Barnes
Councillor Liza Begum
Councillor Ruth Bush
Councillor Melvyn Caplan
Councillor Maggie Carman
Profile image for Councillor Laila Cunningham
Councillor Laila Cunningham  Conservative •  Lancaster Gate
Councillor Lorraine Dean
Profile image for Councillor Anthony Devenish
Councillor Anthony Devenish  Conservative •  Knightsbridge and Belgravia
Councillor Paul Fisher
Councillor Hannah Galley
Councillor Jim Glen
Councillor David Harvey
Councillor Sara Hassan
Councillor Regan Hook
Councillor Adam Hug
Councillor Louise Hyams
Councillor Ryan Jude
Profile image for Councillor Aicha Less
Councillor Aicha Less  Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children and Public Protection •  Labour •  Church Street
Councillor Iman Less
Profile image for Councillor Patrick Lilley
Councillor Patrick Lilley  Deputy Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Lead Member for Soho and LGBTQ+ Champion •  Labour •  West End
Councillor Alan Mendoza
Councillor Tim Mitchell
Profile image for Councillor Matt Noble
Councillor Matt Noble  Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters •  Labour •  Church Street
Councillor Ellie Ormsby
Councillor Angela Piddock
Councillor Ed Pitt Ford
Councillor Robert Rigby
Profile image for Councillor Rachael Robathan
Councillor Rachael Robathan  Conservative •  Knightsbridge and Belgravia
Councillor Ian Rowley
Councillor Cara Sanquest
Councillor Mark Shearer
Councillor Selina Short
Profile image for Councillor Max Sullivan
Councillor Max Sullivan  Cabinet Member for Streets and Cycling Champion •  Labour •  Bayswater
Councillor Aziz Toki
Profile image for Councillor Jason Williams
Councillor Jason Williams  Chair of Planning •  Labour •  Pimlico South