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Skills, Economy and Growth Scrutiny Commission - Monday 20 January 2025 7.00 pm
January 20, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting received presentations from Hackney Council staff and Trade Union representatives about the implementation of the Hackney Libraries Strategy (2022-2026) and the new library staffing structure. The Committee also discussed a refresh of the Hackney Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy. Councillors noted the presentations and asked questions.
Hackney Libraries Strategy (2022-2026) and Service Update
The Committee received a report on the implementation of the Libraries Transformation Programme, which was launched in 2021.
The Libraries Transformation Programme included a restructure of the library service's management and frontline services. The restructure was implemented in response to changing customer needs and the Council's financial challenges. The library service had been asked to make annual savings of £250,000.
The recommendations of the comprehensive Libraries Service review which was conducted over 12 months with staff, residents and local stakeholders took place from April 2021 and set out a new Libraries Strategy that was approved by Cabinet in 2022.
(Skills, Economy & Growth Scrutiny Commission Briefing: Hackney Library Service Report on the implementation of the staffing restructure and the Libraries service transformation 20 January 2025)
UNISON representatives raised concerns about the reliance on relief staff in the new structure.
Yes, relief use keep libraries working but it is in tension with council policy and Hackney Labour’s position against the use of zero-hour staff.
(UNISON SEG presentation Jan 2025)
The Committee also received a report on a peer review of the library service, which was conducted by the Local Government Association (LGA) and Arts Council England. The peer review team found that the library service was well-regarded by its partners, and that the transformation programme had been successful in creating a more modern and outward-looking service.
Widely recognised that the transformation programme has delivered an improved modern outward-looking service.
(Item 5c - Library peer challenge - Hackney LB)
Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy Refresh Update
The Committee received a presentation on the refresh of the Hackney Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Strategy. The Council is currently consulting with the VCS on the refresh, which will inform the redesign of the VCS grants programme.
Skills Economy and Growth Scrutiny Commission Work Programme 2024/25
The Committee reviewed its work programme for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year. The work programme can be found in the meeting agenda pack: Item 7a - SEG Work Programme 24-25. The Committee noted two matters arising from previous meetings:
- The Council is exploring how to improve communications with residents about the decision-making process for consultations.
- The Council is exploring whether to add a link to the scrutiny suggestion page on the overview page of closed consultations.

- Item 7b - SEG Action Log 2024_25 - Dec other
- Item 7c - SEG Actions July - follow-up Response other
- Item_6_cover_sheet minutes minutes
- Agenda frontsheet Monday 20-Jan-2025 19.00 Skills Economy and Growth Scrutiny Commission agenda
- Public reports pack Monday 20-Jan-2025 19.00 Skills Economy and Growth Scrutiny Commission reports pack
- Item 7 - Coversheet Work Programme
- Item 7a - SEG Work Programme 24-25 other
- Item 4 - Coversheet-Voluntary and Community Sector
- Item 5 - Coversheet-Libraries
- Item 5a - SEG Scrutiny Committee 20 JAN 2025 - LBH other
- Item 5b - SEG Scrutiny Commission LBH Paper - Libraries Service 20 January 2025 FL other
- Item 5c - Library peer challenge - Hackney LB
- UNISON SEG presentation Jan 2025 other
- Supplement Agenda Monday 20-Jan-2025 19.00 Skills Economy and Growth Scrutiny Commission agenda
- Item 4 - Supp Coversheet-Voluntary and Community Sector
- VCS Strategy Refresh and Grants Programme Redesign SEG