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Audit and Governance Committee - Wednesday, 22 January 2025 10.00 am

January 22, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Committee noted Surrey County Council's draft Statement of Accounts for 2023/24, the Treasury Management Strategy for 2025/26, and received an update on the ongoing work to stabilise the Unit4/MySurrey system.

Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26

The Committee noted the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2025/26, as set out in the Capital Investment Strategy. The headline points of the strategy are:

  • The Council's borrowing requirement is expected to rise during 2025/26 and over the medium term due to the proposed capital programme.
  • The Council will continue to optimise internal resources and borrowing opportunities, and will continue to balance low interest rates with cost certainty when taking out loans.
  • The Council will continue to aim to keep its cash balances low, prioritising security and liquidity over yield.

The Committee raised a number of issues in relation to the strategy, including:

  • Whether the capital programme may be subject to change in light of local government reorganisation. > the capital program is it could be subject to change depending on the local government of the organization
  • What the total value of the Council's assets is.
  • Whether the Council's risk appetite is taken into account when deciding the balance between short and long-term borrowing.
  • How the Council manages the risk associated with its reliance on external advisors, Arlingclose.
  • Whether local members are being consulted about changes to the capital programme.

The Committee was reassured that local members would be consulted on changes to the capital programme that affect their divisions.

we should absolutely be um speaking to local members on changes to the capital program

The Committee also requested a report back on the process for consulting local members on changes to the capital programme.

can we we ask for a report back on this because i think it's got a lot of interest at the moment when you've had a good dive into it please

Statement of Accounts 2023/24

The Committee noted the draft Statement of Accounts for 2023/24 and delegated any remaining audit work to the Section 151 officer. The Committee was informed that the external auditors are not anticipating issuing a qualified opinion.

i think it's fair to say currently we're not and they are anticipating issuing an unqualified opinion

The Committee raised a number of issues in relation to the accounts, including:

  • The timeline for completing the remaining audit work.
  • The quantum of additional work required by the external auditors. > the dreaded phrase additional work was mentioned
  • The Council's process for considering and implementing the auditors' recommendations.

The Committee was informed that the additional audit work would be completed by February and that the Council would provide an update on the implementation of the auditors' recommendations.

Unit4/MySurrey Stabilisation Board Report

The Committee noted the Unit4/MySurrey Stabilisation Board report, which provided an update on the work of the Board in addressing the issues with the Unit4/MySurrey system. The Committee was informed that good progress is being made against the audit recommendations and that the Board is on track to move from the stabilisation phase to the optimisation phase at the end of March.

The Committee raised a number of issues in relation to the Unit4/MySurrey system, including:

  • The number of outstanding tickets with Unit4.
  • The cost of remediating the issues with the system.
  • Whether the Council has investigated the callback mechanisms in the contract with Unit4.
  • What a 'stable system environment' looks like.

The Committee was assured that the Council is holding Unit4 to account for the performance of the system.

we will be waving these minutes in front of unit four to say uh you know this is on your case do you and this is a public meeting uh do you want to continue your uh performance in in terms of dealing with us in in in this vein

The Committee was also informed that the Council is undertaking a review of the contract with Unit4 to ensure that it has a clear understanding of the technical delivery and performance measures that were agreed.
