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Planning Committee (Smaller Applications) - Wednesday 22 January 2025 7.00 pm
January 22, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
The meeting included two applications for determination, one for the demolition and construction of a mixed use development in Crosby Row, and one for the provision of a temporary classroom building on Jamaica Road. The minutes of the previous meeting were also scheduled to be approved.
1 - 4 Plantain Place, Crosby Row, London SE1 1YN
This application sought permission for the demolition of two residential homes and the construction of three residential units and new commercial floorspace at 1-4 Plantain Place, Crosby Row.
The application proposed to increase the amount of commercial floorspace at the site by 482 square metres and increase the number of employees working at the site from 70 to 120.
It also proposed to change the use of two existing residential flats to offices.
The application sought permission to build a single four storey extension at the rear of the site, with a stepped roof to minimise its impact on surrounding buildings.
The report notes that the site is within Southwark's Central Activities Zone (CAZ), which means that the policy is to retain or increase the amount of employment floorspace
The application proposed a contribution of £12,095 towards the shortfall in communal amenity space, which would be secured in a Section 106 agreement.
The viability of the development was considered by officers, who concluded that the development could not viably afford to contribute towards affordable housing.
A number of representations were received from the public on the application, which focused on the impact of the proposed development on the amenity of neighbouring properties and on locally listed buildings. The report pack sets out the officer responses to these concerns.
281 Jamaica Road London Southwark SE16 4RS
This application concerned the provision of a temporary classroom building on the car park of the Bosco Centre, 281 Jamaica Road for a period of three years.
The report states that the classroom was required to accommodate children whilst an extension to the existing nursery was being constructed. It also notes that the classroom would be located on Metropolitan Open Land (MOL)1.
The application proposed to reduce the amount of car parking at the site, with one space to be reserved for blue badge holders. It stated that there would be no increase in the number of children attending the nursery, and therefore no need for additional cycle parking spaces.
The report pack contains an assessment of the impact of the development on the amenity of neighbouring properties and on the Edward III's Rotherhithe Conservation Area2. It also contains an assessment of the impact of the development on ecology and biodiversity.
Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9 December 2024 were scheduled to be approved.
Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) is a designation given to land in London that is considered to be of strategic importance for recreation, nature conservation, and the character of the city. It is afforded the same level of protection as the Green Belt. ↩
Conservation areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. They are designated by local planning authorities. ↩
- Supplemental Agenda No.1 Wednesday 22-Jan-2025 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications agenda
- Supplemental Agenda No.1 Wednesday 22-Jan-2025 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications agenda
- Agenda frontsheet Wednesday 22-Jan-2025 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications agenda
- Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jan-2025 19.00 Planning Committee Smaller Applications reports pack