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Grant of a Premises Licence, Scorpion Bar & Lounge, 7 Hall Lane, Chingford, E4 8HH, Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee - Thursday, 23rd January, 2025 2.00 pm

January 23, 2025 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee met to consider an application for a new premises licence by Mr Shpresim Maloku for the Scorpion Bar & Lounge, 7 Hall Lane, Chingford. The committee granted the application, but with significantly reduced hours from those requested and a number of new conditions.

Scorpion Bar & Lounge, 7 Hall Lane, Chingford

Mr Maloku's application requested permission for the sale of alcohol until 00:30 Sunday to Thursday and 02:30 on Friday and Saturday. He also requested permission for live and recorded music and late night refreshment during the same hours. The application was opposed by the Council's Licensing Team, who were concerned about the potential increase in public nuisance and crime and disorder, and one local resident, Claire Smith of 1 Waverley Avenue, who was concerned that the business was not in keeping with the area. The Metropolitan Police were also initially opposed, but withdrew their objection after Mr Maloku agreed to reduce the hours of licensable activities and add a number of conditions to his application.

The Sub-Committee decided to grant the application in part. The decision notice states that they felt that

The reduced hours and robust conditions proposed at appendix C would address the concerns and promote the licensing objectives. The Sub-Committee was of the view that the Applicant has shown that they are capable of running a business responsibly and is willing to work with Responsible Authorities and make changes to the application where necessary to uphold the licensing objectives

After the agreed reductions and the committee's further reduction in the hours the business will be allowed to open from 10:00 to 00:30 on Sunday to Thursday and 10:00 to 01:00 on Friday and Saturday. Alcohol will only be sold until midnight Sunday to Thursday and 00:30 on Friday and Saturday. Live and recorded music will only be allowed until 23:30.

A number of conditions were attached to the licence, including the standard mandatory conditions for licensable activities, and a number of specific conditions:

  • No self-service of spirits
  • All alcohol to be served by waiters and waitresses to seated customers only.
  • A minimum of two Security Industry Authority registered door supervisors present from 20:00 until 30 minutes after closing Sunday to Thursday, and four door supervisors Friday and Saturday.
  • A limit of eight patrons in the front smoking area.

The sub-committee also included a recommendation that Mr Maloku meet with the Licensing Team and any local resident or representative who raises concerns about the premises to discuss any issues emanating from the premises on a quarterly basis or when necessary.