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The meeting made a number of decisions, including approving the School Minor Works Programme 2025, the procurement strategy for enforcement agents for unpaid council tax and business rates, a proposal to dispose of a number of council-owned garage sites, and the adoption of a non-immediate Article 4 Direction to remove certain permitted development rights. The committee also agreed to extend the current contracts for both the Adult Substance Misuse Service and the Young People's Substance Misuse and Sexual Health Service, and to award the contract for Extra Care Services at Conrad Court.
Local Plan - Main Modifications Consultation (Regulation 24)
The meeting considered the proposed Main Modifications to the new Lewisham Local Plan, following receipt of the Inspectors’ Post Hearing letter on 6 November 2024. The meeting commended to full council that the proposed Main Modifications to the new Local Plan, and its accompanying Integrated Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment be released for public consultation. The main modifications include:
- Amending the housing target to reflect the 20% buffer[^2] imposed following the results of the Housing Delivery Test in December 2023. [^2]: Where the delivery of housing is significantly below target, the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires a local planning authority to add a buffer to the housing requirement figure for the Local Plan. This buffer will be either 20% where delivery is less than 75% of the housing requirement or 10% where delivery is between 75% and 90%.
- A series of amendments to employment land policies to ensure that the Local Plan is in conformity with the London Plan. The modifications seek to address the Mayor of London's concerns regarding how the Local Plan seeks to manage the provision and capacity of industrial and commercial land.
- A series of amendments to the Open Space policies and play space requirements to ensure that new developments make adequate provision in accordance with the NPPF and the London Plan, taking into account the representations made by the Downham Dividend Society.
The meeting also agreed to delegate to the Director of Planning, in consultation with Councillor James-J Walsh, the Cabinet Member for Inclusive Regeneration and Planning, powers to make non-material amendments to the Local Plan as necessary, before its release for consultation. This is to enable the correction of minor errors and to ensure the document is prepared to a high standard.
School Minor Works Programme 2025
The meeting considered the School Minor Works Programme (SMWP) 2025, which is an annual programme of minor repairs and improvements to Lewisham’s community schools. The works are funded by the School Condition Allocation (SCA) grant from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).
This year’s proposed programme includes:
- Roofing and insulation upgrades at Clyde Nursery School, Chelwood Nursery School and Forest Hill School.
- CCTV surveys and drainage works at Athelney Primary School, John Ball Primary School and Twin Oaks Primary School.
- Toilet and nursery refurbishment at Elfrida Primary School and Athelney Primary School.
- Repairs to existing boiler systems at Ashmead Primary School and Torridon Primary School.
The exact programme of works and final cost of the SMWP is subject to confirmation of the SCA grant, which is due to be announced in April 2025. The meeting approved the procurement strategy for the SMWP 2025 works.
The meeting also approved the procurement of a consultant to provide multi-disciplinary services and undertake condition surveys for the SMWP from 2026 to 2029. The condition surveys will provide information to help identify priority maintenance works for future SMWPs.
Maximising Value: A Strategic Review and Disposal Plan for Garage Assets
The meeting considered a report on the ongoing review of the council’s garage sites portfolio. The report proposes a strategic approach to the management of these sites with four possible outcomes:
- Retention (with repairs and continued use)
- Redevelopment (for housing or meanwhile uses)
- Repurposing (for affordable workspace adaptation)
- Disposal.
The 66 sites in Batch 01 were selected based on their high void rates, their poor condition and/or reports of anti-social behaviour. As a result of the review the following sites were earmarked for:
- Retention and repair: 37 sites consisting of 365 units. The estimated cost for repairs to these sites is £548,856, which the meeting approved to be drawn from the capital receipts reserve.
- Disposal: 14 sites consisting of 114 units.
- Removal from register: 19 sites consisting of 147 units. These sites have been redeveloped and no longer consist of garages.
Confirmation of Class E Article 4 Direction
The meeting considered the Class E Article 4 Direction, which removes permitted development rights for the change of use from commercial, business, and service use (Use Class E1) to residential use (Use Class C3). The Direction will cover Lewisham, Catford, Forest Hill, Sydenham, Deptford, Downham and Lee Green District Centres; Bellingham, Brockley Cross, Crofton Park, Downham Way, Evelyn Street, Grove Park, Hither Green Lane, Honor Oak/Brockley Rise, Kirkdale, Ladywell, Lee Station, Lewisham Way, New Cross Road and Staplehurst Road Local Centres; ten shopping parades; all designated industrial areas; and those areas defined as Mixed-Use Employment Locations (MELs). The Direction is being introduced to protect the vitality and viability of Lewisham’s town centres. The Direction also ensures that any new housing meets the highest standards of design and quality, supporting the borough’s commitment to excellent placemaking for its residents.
The Direction will come into effect on 1 November 2025.
Young Mayor and Advisors – Annual Report
The meeting received the Young Mayor's annual report, detailing the work of the Young Mayor, Bilvilyn Asamoah, and the Young Advisors during 2024. The meeting noted that the Young Mayor's priorities for the year have been shaped by extensive consultations with young people, and focused on:
- Providing opportunities for young people to gain work experience and mentoring.
- Supporting young people to live healthy lifestyles and to socialise safely.
- Developing and supporting Radio Lewisham, offering training and opportunities for young people to create their own shows.
The meeting approved the budget proposals for the Young Mayor’s initiatives, which are set to be delivered in the remaining three months of the current Young Mayor's term. The meeting also noted that the Young Mayor and Young Advisors have been actively involved in a wide range of other council projects and services during 2024.
Contract extensions
The meeting agreed to extend two contracts for substance misuse services. The meeting noted that the provider of both contracts, Change Grow Live, had significantly improved the reach and quality of the services in recent years. The extension will ensure continuity of care for service users and allow Change Grow Live over the next two years to build on the improvements made. In addition, aligning both contracts with an end date of March 2027 will enable officers to undertake a review of both services and make recommendations for the future commissioning of drug and alcohol treatment in the borough.
Contract Award: Extra Care Services at Conrad Court
The meeting agreed to award the contract for Extra Care services at Conrad Court to Housing 21 for a period of three years from 1 May 2025. The contract is worth £2,461,907.76. The meeting noted that:
- Housing 21 are the landlord at Conrad Court, and have stated they will not host another provider for the delivery of Extra Care services.
- The service was rated ‘Good’ by the Care Quality Commission at its last inspection in 2019.
- Feedback on the service from residents and stakeholders was positive, although areas for improvement have been identified, and Housing 21 are already working to address these.
- The cost of providing the service is comparable with that in other London boroughs.
Approval to procure the appointment of enforcement agents
The meeting considered the procurement strategy for enforcement agents for unpaid council tax and business rates. The meeting noted that the appointment of enforcement agents is a necessary and effective way of ensuring that the council is able to collect sufficient funds to provide essential services. The meeting approved the use of the Crown Commercial Services framework to procure this service. The meeting also approved the three-month extension of the council's existing contracts with current providers to enable the new procurement process to take place.
Investment in council housing using Warm Homes Social Housing Fund Wave 3
The meeting approved an application for £11,441,176 funding from the Government's Warmer Homes Social Housing Fund. The funding will be used to support a three-year programme to retrofit 1,100 council properties to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
Land-led development agreements
The meeting considered proposals for two land-led development agreements that will deliver new homes in Sydenham and Deptford, both of which will include affordable housing units.
- Willow Way - The council will sell land at Willow Way, SE26, to a developer. The developer will then build a mixed-use scheme that will include 74 social rent and 34 shared ownership homes to be leased to the council.
- Parker House - The council will sell land at Parker House, SE8, to a developer. The developer will then build a mixed-use scheme that will include 31 social rent and 38 shared ownership homes to be leased to the council.
The meeting approved the budget for the two schemes, and delegated authority to the Executive Director of Place to approve the final terms of the development agreements.
In September 2020, changes to the Use Classes Order came into effect. This introduced a new Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) that includes shops, restaurants, offices, gyms, health centres, and day nurseries. ↩
Decisions to be made in this meeting

- Second Supplementary Agenda 29th-Jan-2025 18.00 Mayor and Cabinet agenda
- Decisions 29th-Jan-2025 18.00 Mayor and Cabinet
- LocalPlan - Mayor Cabinet Report Main Mods_29th Jan 2025_ADDENDUM REPORT
- Agenda frontsheet 29th-Jan-2025 18.00 Mayor and Cabinet agenda
- Supplementary Agenda - Item 18 Capital investment to develop provision for children with complex me other
- Minutes Public Pack 04122024 Mayor and Cabinet other
- DeclarationofInterests other
- PASC - MC Sign Off sheet PASC referral 29 Jan 2025 signed other
- PASC - Referral Response MC HRA 29 Jan 25 other
- TFG - MC sign off sheet
- TFG - PRS in Lewisham TFG Recommendation Response Cover - final 002 other
- TFG - Recommendation response - final
- Young Mayor - Sign-off Sheet to Annual Report other
- Young Mayor Annual Report other
- ClassEArticle4Direction - MayorandCabinet_Jan2025_Coversheet_DS JJW other
- ClassEArticle4Direction - Confirmation_Mayor and Cabinet Report _Final other
- ClassEArticle4Direction - Appendix 1 Class E Evidence Paper June 2022 other
- ClassEArticle4Direction - Appendix 2 Class E Additional Evidence Paper September 2023 other
- ClassEArticle4Direction - Appendix 3a Plans indicating extent of Article 4 Direction
- ClassEArticle4Direction - Appendix 3b Plans indicating extent of Article 4 Direction
- School Minor Works - MWP25 MC Sign Off Pt1 FINAL other
- School Minor Works - MC SMWP2025 Approval to procure Part 1 v8 FINAL CLEAN
- Garages - Mayor Cabinet sign off sheet_Garages Report_Jan 2025 other
- Garanges - MC Report 1_Garages Batch 01_Jan 2025_Rev.12 other
- Garages - MC_Part 1 Report_Appendices_Rev.5
- Extension of YP Substance Misuse and Sexual Health Service report
- Corporate Perf - Mayor Cabinet sign off sheet - 290125 - Q2 Performance signed other
- Corporate Perf - Quarterly Corporate Performance Report - Q2 2024-25
- Corporate Perf - LBL Corporate Performance Dashboard - 2024-25 Q2
- Mc Baliffs - Cover Sheet 2025 - Bailiff contract signed
- MC Bailiffs - Jan 2025 Final version other
- Permitted Contract - MC 29 1 25 CGL Extension FINAL other
- Conrad Ct - Procure and Award contract for Extra Care _signoff sheet
- Conrad Ct - PART 1 - MC 29 1 25 Award of Extra Care Services at Conrad Court- FINAL other
- Local Dev Scheme - 20250116_LDS_MayorandCabinet_Jan2025_Coversheet_DS JJW other
- Local Dev Scheme - 20250107_MC Report LDS 29 Jan 2025_Final other
- Local Dev Scheme - Appendix 1 - Local Development Scheme 2025
- Social Housing Fund - Warm Homes -1 - 250129 MC SHF sign off sheet other
- Social Housing Fund - Warm Homes - 250129 MC SHF application LIs and FIs FINAL other
- Land Led -Sign off sheet - Land Led Developments 1 jjW
- Land Led - DA MC Part 1 Final
- Land Led - Part 1 Appendix 1 - Willow Way Land Ownership
- Land Led - Part 1 Appendix 2 - Parker House Land Ownership
- LocalPlan_MainModifications_MayorandCabinet_Jan2025_Coversheet_DS jjw other
- LocalPlan - Mayor Cabinet Report Main Mods_29th Jan 2025_Final other
- LocalPlan - Appendix A Lewisham Post Hearing Letter_Jan 2025 MC other
- LocalPlan - Appendix B Proposed Main Modifications_Jan 2025 MC other
- LocalPlan - Appendix C Proposed Additional Modifications 20 January 2025 v3 other
- LocalPlan - Appendix D Schedule of Policies Map Changes 20 January 2025 v3 other
- Admission - MC Report Determined Admissions Arrangements 2026-27
- Admission - Draft Admission Arrangements 2026 -27 Appendix 1
- Admission - Pan-London Schemes 2026-27 Appendix 2
- Admission - Year coordination of Admissions 2026-27 Appendix 3
- Admission - In Year coordination of Admissions 2026-27 Appendix 4
- ExclusionofPressandPublic
- Public reports pack 29th-Jan-2025 18.00 Mayor and Cabinet reports pack
- Public reports pack 29th-Jan-2025 18.00 Mayor and Cabinet reports pack
- Printed minutes 29th-Jan-2025 18.00 Mayor and Cabinet minutes
- DfE Capital Investment Bid - MC report
- Appendix A - Childrens Homes report
- Appendix B - Guidance document - Capital investment to develop provision for children with complex m