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January 28, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Conservation and Heritage Advisory Committee objected to two applications, recommended approval of one and recommended refusal of another. They objected to proposals to erect banner adverts on Waterfall House, a Grade II listed building in Tooting, and on Wandsworth Town Hall. An application to demolish and rebuild a house at 70, Thurleigh Road was also opposed due to the loss of the existing building and trees, concerns about car parking, and the design of the proposed replacement. An application to extend the Star and Garter on Lower Richmond Road and convert it to residential use was supported.

Waterfall House Advertisement Banners

The committee considered an application to erect six banner advertisements on the external elevations of Waterfall House on Tooting High Street.

The application was described as pretty poor and contradictory.

I'm not overwhelmed by the design of the banners

The committee raised concerns about the size of the banners and the fact that they would be fixed using bolts drilled into the building's stonework. It was noted that the application did not include plans for how these fixings would be made good if the banners were removed.

There was a discussion about whether it was appropriate to erect advertisements on a listed building in a prominent location, with several members expressing the view that it was not.

I don't think it should have great banner advertisements attached to it. I mean, there might be an advertisement could go on the fence somewhere or something, but to have all this signage attached to an important listed building right at the boundary of the borough, I think it's outrageous, so I don't want it to happen.

it is an important listed building which ought to be a landmark listed building because it's in the gateway as you come up from Colliers Wood into Tooting and it can't be if it's obscured by gigantic advertising of this type

the attitude of the people who occupy and use the building is from time to time a bit cavalier and I think it's important that they understand how significant the building is and they need to be given a bit of a message I think about what they do with the building

they've already made alterations which I think have damaged the look of the building in that turning space in front of the building, and I'm worried about some of the features just inside the front door for example in the building, and I want them to understand that they are custodians of this building and we expect them to be custodians of this building and therefore they shouldn't be allowed to do this kind of thing, they've got to be brought up short I'm afraid.

it spoils it anyway to throw everything out of whack in a sense everything out of kilter by putting these advertisements there

It was also noted that the application was submitted late and that the banners were intended to be installed to coincide with Wandsworth's year as London Borough of Culture, which was due to begin in February 2025. It was suggested that it may be too late to find an alternative solution.

Despite these concerns, the committee agreed that they had no alternative but to object to the application on the grounds that it would cause permanent damage to a listed building and that the design of the banners was not appropriate for the location. It was also agreed that the applicant should be informed that alternative solutions, such as a laser light display, would be considered.

Town Hall Advertisement Banners

The committee considered an application to erect banners on Wandsworth Town Hall to advertise the London Borough of Culture 2025. The banners would be fixed to the building's stonework using clamps.

the information that we've got at the moment is indicative only, so we're looking at the general principle rather than the exact nature but you've got an idea of what it is, these are the types of banners that will be fixed, temporarily although there's no such thing as a temporary listed building consent application, but the idea is that they will be there during the borough of culture year, but they will be fixed into the stone work which will then require making good on the, if we were to consent this would require making good when the banners are removed

The committee was unhappy with the lack of detail in the application and had several questions about the proposal, including:

  • How big would the banners be?
  • Exactly where on the building would they be located?
  • How would the banners be attached to the stonework and how far would the fixings need to be drilled into the stone?
  • Would it be possible to erect the banners without drilling into the stonework?
  • How would the fixings be made good once the banners were removed?
  • What would the process be for removing the banners at the end of the Borough of Culture year?
  • Was there a risk that the banners would be left up indefinitely?
  • What would the impact of the banners be on the appearance of the Town Hall, a Grade II listed building?
  • Would the banners be safe in high winds?

It was also suggested that the design of the banners was not appropriate.

I'm not overwhelmed by the design of the banners

I think to advertise the borough of the culture it should be joyful, it should be colourful, it should be something to attract people but I must say I do go along with Peter Farrow's description of not being overwhelmed. They are very big and I think our society would say straight away these banners, and none of the photographs that you've been shown tonight or were shown on the preview photographs by the officers, show the side elevation which is a huge banner that is the one facing Wandsworth, sorry, Wandsworth High Street, it's not Wandsworth High Street but facing the fountains on the side, that is a very big banner and that's going to need a series of fixings, quite a number of them I suggest.

just briefly to say that that logo and that design is part of what is now called Welcome to Wandsworth and it isn't very welcoming, that's all I can say

It was agreed that the application was incompetent and that the committee had no choice but to object to it on the grounds that it would damage a listed building. The committee also agreed that it would object on the grounds that it could set a precedent for further banners being erected on the Town Hall in the future.

The committee suggested that alternative solutions, such as a laser light display, be considered.

70, Thurleigh Road

An application to demolish and rebuild a five bedroom detached house at 70, Thurleigh Road in the Nightingale Lane Conservation Area was opposed by the committee.

The existing house, which was built in 1926-7 was described as an important building in the Conservation Area by Roger Armstrong1, a local resident who has been involved in local history and heritage for many years. He explained that the house was designed by Edwin Evans2, a well-known Balham architect and developer who was known for his Arts and Crafts style.

This building was the existing building which has been used as an ashram for many years by a yogi I think, so which is why it's painted that strange colour of orange, it's a substantial house, it was designed by the architect developer Edwin Evans who's a local, well-known, Balham architect and developer, and it was built in 1926, 1927 and the garage because it's a 1927 built, large, detached, five bedroom house, the garage which was built at the same time is part of the original development and certainly does not detract from the conservation area.

Mr Armstrong told the meeting that the house was built on land that was originally allotment gardens, and was part of the history of the area.

The proposed replacement house, which would have a basement and swimming pool, was described as a monstrosity that was more than twice the size of the existing house.

it would be an absolute disaster in conservation terms to see this application, this development, take place because it would blight the area for 2 or 3 years, these huge developments involve massive amounts of construction, lorry visits, the site would be a complete tip for many months and I just think this is absolutely appalling thing to consider even approving

The committee raised concerns that the demolition of the existing house would result in the loss of embodied carbon3 and the loss of trees. They did not find arguments put forward by the applicant that demolition and rebuild was the more sustainable option convincing.

Well, I'm going to second your comments about keeping the existing building because I think there's seriously nothing wrong with it that can't be sorted out with proper conservation and insulation and I noticed when we're talking embodied carbon, not only are they knocking down a substantially built building and no doubt hauling it all away, then they're going to dig a hole in the ground and actually that's why they're finding the current house inconvenient is because they want to dig a whole basement and a swimming pool below. I mean, guilty as charged for building one myself 30 years ago somewhere around that area but that was then, the, and both the front elevation attempting to imitate the neighbours and the back elevation with way too much glass, fail to be environmentally conscious in any way. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes, there's no reason to take down this thing that marks, as you rightly say, Mr Armstrong, how the Conservation Area evolved.

Concerns were also raised about the design of the proposed replacement, which was described as a faux Victorian facade on a modern house. The committee said that they would prefer to see a more contemporary design that was more in keeping with other modern houses in the area.

it can't make up its mind what it wants to be and in the area of Thurleigh Road and some of the side roads between there and Nightingale Lane, there are some very good examples of modern infill design houses.

I thought the car parking arrangement was quite bizarre, you park one car and it drops down into what seems to be a room below with an access onto the area in front of the window and presumably someone can come along, I think they've got an application in for two cars, so the second car can only be parked on top and I can't see how there won't be a row or two about who's going to get their car out first to get to, to get to use them anyway. That's neither one thing or another.

The committee unanimously agreed to object to the application.

The Star and Garter

An application to extend the Star and Garter pub on Lower Richmond Road and convert it to residential use, retaining the pub on the ground floor was supported by the committee.

The committee heard that a previous application to extend and convert the building to a hotel had been granted, but the applicant had been unable to make this commercially viable.

The committee had some concerns about the removal of the building's distinctive oval windows, but were told that these had already been approved as part of the previous application.

We've got a couple of detailed points about oval windows. Do they need to go now? They're on a lift landing. And it occurs to me tonight that there's a canopied entrance on the Lower Richmond Road that isn't the main entrance and then an entrance that is of the front of flats that isn't got a canopy. It's just something that perhaps you might ask them to dare to suggest they change.

The committee also had some concerns about the proposed extension which would see the building increased in height by one storey with a lightweight roof extension above, making it higher than the adjacent building, but were reassured that the extension had been carefully considered and would not be visible in long views.

yeah, obviously this is half of a much bigger building and you will notice that discrepancy both from the river and from Lower Richmond Road when you pop half up by another story.

Overall the committee were happy to support the application as it would see the building brought back into use.

Applications Determined

The committee noted that planning permission for the following developments had been granted:

  • 64, Clapham Common North Side
  • 94, Bollingbrooke Grove
  • Dial House
  • Wimbledon
  • Springfield Hospital

The committee noted an appeal against the refusal of planning permission for an application for 94, Bollingbrooke Grove.

Other Business

  • The committee were given an update on the progress of the local listing exercise. They were told that the public consultation was still running and would close at the end of February. The committee were encouraged to submit any further nominations for local listing.
  • There was a discussion about the recording of historic street name signs and parish boundary markers on the council's interactive map. The committee heard that a budget had been identified to progress this work and that a list of identified street signs would be sent to Councillor Osborne. Concerns were raised about the theft of historic street signs, and the committee were told that the council would look into this and report back.

The meeting closed at 8.59pm.

  1. Roger Armstrong is a member of the Wandsworth Society, a civic amenity society that campaigns to protect Wandsworth's heritage.  

  2. Edwin Evans was also responsible for a number of other notable buildings in the area, including the Nightingale Cinema and the Balham Baths. 

  3. Embodied carbon refers to the greenhouse gas emissions that are released during the entire lifecycle of a building, including its construction, maintenance, and demolition. 


Dr Michael Jubb Battersea Society
Mr Peter Farrow Wandsworth Society
Mr Roger Armstrong Clapham Society
David Andrews
Councillor Tony Belton
Councillor Rex Osborn
Profile image for Councillor Emmeline Owens
Councillor Emmeline Owens  Conservative •  Northcote
Nick Calder
Christine Cook
Mr Mark Dodgson Balham Society
Janet Ferguson
Dr Pamela Greenwood Wandsworth Historical Society
Nigel Granger
Mark Hunter
Ms Libby Lawson Tooting History Group
Ms Laura Polglase The Putney Society
Mr Edward Potter Royal Institute of British Architects
Ms Frances Radcliffe Friends of Battersea Park
Mr John Rattray Balham Society
Mr Chris Rice River Thames Society
Elen Richards
Barry Sellers
Lauren Way
Callum Wernham
Andrew Catto The Putney Society