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Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 28th January, 2025 6.30 pm
January 28, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on 28 January 2025 was scheduled to discuss the Council's approach to Artificial Intelligence (AI), receive an update from the Leader of the Council, and review the Committee's work programme.
The Council's approach to Artificial Intelligence
The Committee was scheduled to receive a report outlining Westminster City Council's approach to AI.
The report, presented by Gerald Almeroth, Executive Director for Finance and Resources, explores the opportunities and risks associated with AI and how it can support the delivery of the Fairer Westminster strategy.
It emphasises the council's ambition to increase the effectiveness of public services using AI while ensuring the responsible development and deployment of such technologies.
The report argues that:
AI is an umbrella term used to encapsulate a range of technologies ... that have the following attributes: 1. Helps inform decisions using data 2. Typically relies on algorithms and/or statistical models - in contrast to explicitly programmed and pre-defined rules 3. Involves some degree of automation - whether fully (no human involvement) or partially (human oversight)
The report provides examples of how AI can be used, including the Report it
product, which allows residents to report street-based issues. The report also highlights potential future applications of AI, such as:
- Qualitative resident feedback analysis to process and categorize large volumes of text-based feedback.
- Revenue collection/income generation models to identify fraudulent claims and unlicensed Houses in Multiple Occupation.
- Planning application assistant to streamline planning applications and community engagement.
- Housing repair assistant to simplify repair reporting and predict future maintenance needs.
- Proactive environmental issue detection using video images from waste trucks to identify issues like potholes and fly-tipping.
The report acknowledges the ethical considerations and risks associated with AI and outlines the governance measures the council is taking to mitigate these.
It also suggests the establishment of an AI board to ensure a consistent approach to risk identification and ethical development of AI solutions, and highlights the importance of community engagement in shaping the Council's AI strategy.
Leader's Cabinet Update
The Committee was scheduled to receive an update from Councillor Adam Hug, Leader of the Council, covering several topics, including the budget, the cost of living crisis, and lobbying priorities.
Budget and Fairer Westminster
The provisional Local Government Finance Settlement, published in December 2024, indicated an increase in funding for the Council. However, pressures from inflation, temporary accommodation needs, and increased demand for social care services require careful consideration during budget allocation.
The Cabinet was scheduled to meet in February 2025 to approve budget recommendations and a refreshed Fairer Westminster delivery plan, outlining the year's priorities and reflecting on previous achievements.
Cost of Living
With the ongoing cost of living crisis, the Council's total support package exceeded £24 million. Despite the inflation rate stabilising at 2.60%, household budgets continue to be impacted.
The report details the council's efforts to support residents, including participating in a national Pension Credit take-up campaign, extending the Household Support Fund, and launching the Winter in the City
The council allocated the Household Support Fund for:
- Free school meal support during holidays
- Additional support to vulnerable families
- Support for local food charities
- A Cost of Living Support Fund offering supermarket vouchers
- Helping older people ineligible for the Winter Fuel Payment
- Supermarket vouchers to low-income older people
- A fund for older people not on benefits
Lobbying priorities
The council continues lobbying the government on issues such as short-term lets, e-bikes, and pedicabs.
Short-term Lets
Following Councillor Hug's letter to Chris Bryant MP, the government has committed to introducing a registration scheme for short-term lets. The council will monitor the scheme's development and continue to advocate for wider regulation.
The government's White Paper on devolution announced plans for new powers to regulate on-street micro-mobility schemes, including e-bikes. This paves the way for organisations like Transport for London (TfL) to implement London-wide regulations.
The council is working closely with TfL to define proposed regulations for pedicabs, aiming to improve public safety. The first consultation on the matter is expected soon, with implementation anticipated by late 2025 or early 2026.
Oxford Street
Following the Mayor of London's announcement in September 2024 regarding the pedestrianisation of Oxford Street, discussions with the Greater London Authority are ongoing. The Council is advocating for local priorities to be considered in the establishment of a Mayoral Development Corporation.
Work Programme 2024/2025
The Committee was scheduled to discuss the work programme for 2024/2025. The report, presented by the Head of Governance and Councillor Liaison, highlights the importance of scrutiny in promoting transparency and accountability.
The Committee was also invited to discuss the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Tracker, which monitors progress on recommendations, information requests and actions.
The Committee previously agreed to scrutinise Westminster After Dark at its meeting on 10 October 2024, and the meeting on 28 January was scheduled to receive a report on this topic. The report provided background information about the evening and night time economy in Westminster, and discussed the findings of the council's research into it.
The Committee was also asked to review its Terms of Reference and consider the establishment of Task Groups or Single Member Studies to examine specific issues in greater detail.
Decisions to be made in this meeting

- Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2024-25
- Overview and Scrutiny Committee Tracker
- Agenda frontsheet 28th-Jan-2025 18.30 Overview and Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Follow on Agenda 28th-Jan-2025 18.30 Overview and Scrutiny Committee agenda
- Minutes - OSC - 25 July 2024 other
- Work Programme Report - OSC - 28 January 2025
- Overview and Scrutiny Committee - ToR
- Leaders Cabinet Update - 28 January 2025
- AI and Data - OS - 28 January 2025
- Cover Report - draft Annual Report of PS Activity 23-24 other
- Draft Annual Report of PS Activity 23-24 other
- Public reports pack 28th-Jan-2025 18.30 Overview and Scrutiny Committee reports pack