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This meeting of Hackney Council's Licensing Sub-Committee B was scheduled to include discussions about applications for new and modified premises licences from two businesses in the borough. One of the businesses had also requested changes to its existing licence.
Balls, 333 Old Street
The committee was scheduled to consider an application from Takestyle Ltd for a variation to the premises licence for Balls, 333 Old Street. The application requested that the permitted hours for licensable activities be extended to 2am the following day on Wednesday and Thursday, 4am the following day on Friday and Saturday, and 4am the following day on bank holiday Sundays and New Year's Day. It also asked to change condition 16)g) of Annex 2 of the existing licence so that That the roof terrace closes to the public at 19.00.
In their application, Takestyle Ltd stated:
We understand that the SPA / CIZ for Shoreditch is not currently in force. We have reviewed the application and current Licence conditions. The Applicant considers that the existing conditions will continue to fully promote the Licensing Objectives.
Recyclable Vinyl, 1 Birbeck Mews
The meeting was also scheduled to include discussion of an application for a new premises licence for Recyclable Vinyl, a business at 1 Birbeck Mews in Hackney. The applicant requested permission to allow the following activities:
- The supply and consumption of alcohol on the premises
- The performance of live music
- The playing of recorded music
- The provision of late night refreshment
The applicant requested that the permitted hours for licensable activities be from 8am to 11pm from Monday to Thursday, 8am to midnight on Friday and Saturday, and 10am to 10:30pm on Sunday. They also requested that the premises be allowed to open to the public from 8am to 11:30pm from Monday to Thursday, 8am to 12:30am on Friday and Saturday, and 10am to 10:30pm on Sunday.