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Cabinet Member for Fire and Rescue, and Resilience Decisions - Tuesday, 28 January 2025 11.30 am

January 28, 2025 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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Councillor Kevin Deanus, Surrey County Council's Cabinet Member for Fire, Rescue and Resilience, approved the publication of the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service Statement of Assurance for 2023/24. The Statement of Assurance is a legal requirement contained within the Fire and Rescue National Framework for England (2018).

The Statement of Assurance

Sally Wilson, the Assistant Chief Fire Officer, explained to Councillor Deanus that:

this is a requirement in the Fine Rescue National Framework for England 2018 that Fine Rescue Authorities publish an annual statement of assurance. So, this is a legal requirement that we have to do.

She then provided a summary of the Statement of Assurance:

So, yes, we're here today, a financial strategy, and provides financial governance and transparency. In terms of governance assurance, it gives details of the governance framework and the legal compliance, and it includes the role of the Cabinet member for Fire and Rescue as well. Operational assurance, it describes our operational performance and our risk management, and it references the Community Risk Management Plan for 2020 to 2024.

Councillor Deanus expressed his gratitude to the officers for their work in producing the Statement:

thank you for the team who have prepared that document. It's very easy. It's a very quick meeting to approve it, but it doesn't sort of reflect the hard work that goes into writing it.

The meeting concluded with Councillor Deanus approving the publication of the Statement of Assurance.