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Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel - Monday, 27 January 2025 7:30 pm
January 27, 2025 View on council websiteSummary
This meeting of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel was scheduled to include a presentation from a West London organisation that works with young people, and a discussion of the panel's recent visits to three primary schools.
Site visits to local schools
Councillors were scheduled to discuss their reflections on recent visits to three Hounslow primary schools. The meeting notes state that
The panel agreed that site visits, accompanied by School Attendance Officers, will be important in understanding what common experiences primary schools across the Borough have with engagement and attendance.
The notes go on to say that the panel were interested in using these visits to better understand
whether there is any interaction between socioeconomic disadvantage and poor attendance and engagement.
The three schools visited were:
Guest Speaker: Place2Be, West London
The panel were scheduled to hear from a guest speaker from Place2Be, a charity that provides mental health support in schools.
Deep dive review and next steps
The notes from the previous meeting record an action to invite a representative from the Borough’s pupil referral unit to this meeting to
share their experience of disengaged primary-level children, and what support needs could benefit this group of children.