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Executive Lead Member for Universal Services Decision Day & Executive Member for Countryside and Regulatory Services Decision Day - Monday 20 May 2024 2.00 pm

May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting focused on several key topics, including school improvements, cleaning contracts, and property maintenance. Decisions were made to approve various projects and contracts aimed at enhancing the efficiency and quality of services provided by Hampshire County Council.

The most significant topic discussed was the project appraisal for school improvements at Crookhorn College, Henry Beaufort School, and Hart Plain Infant School. The council approved a recladding project to improve the thermal and environmental performance of these schools. This project is scheduled to start over the summer holidays to minimize disruption. Jackie Branson, Vice Chair of the Universal Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee, expressed her delight, especially as Chair of Governors at Crookhorn College, stating it would be a great improvement for the school.

Next, the council approved a spend for the cleaning of corporate properties. This contract aims to create efficiencies and streamline the administration and processes involved. The contract will provide flexibility as the estate evolves over time. Nick Adams King emphasized the importance of cleaning, quoting his first boss who said, the most important person in an office was the cleaner.

The third topic was the approval of additional headroom for the property term maintenance contract. This uplift is necessary due to inflation and changes in the estate since the contract was initially put in place. The council noted that while they are asking for this uplift, normal governance cycles will still apply for annual approvals and budgets. Nick Adams King highlighted the importance of this flexibility to react to changes in the estate.

Finally, the council discussed the scheme of delegation for land and asset transactions. The proposal aims to consolidate existing arrangements and make them more efficient and fit for purpose. This will allow the council to move quickly when opportunities with assets arise. Rachel Overton, Head of Estates, was present to answer any detailed questions, but none were raised by the members.

The meeting concluded with an exempt item, and the public and press were excluded from this part of the session.