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The meeting was scheduled to consider reports on school funding, High Needs Block (HNB) funding, the procurement of a new school meals contract, early years entitlements funding and the Schools Forum Work Programme and action tracker.
High Needs Block (HNB)
A report was scheduled to be provided on the High Needs Block (HNB) funding. The report provided an updated financial projection on HNB spend for 2024/25 and predicted a further increase in the deficit projection since the last report in November 2024.
The report pack predicted an in-year overspend of £2.6m for 2024/25, which is £0.5m higher than the predicted overspend in the previous report in November. The total projected HNB spend for 2024/25 was £56.94m, which represents a 12% increase on the £50.86m spent in 2023/24.
The report was scheduled to state that the increasing numbers of children and young people with high needs, and inflationary pressures seen in 2024/25, will continue to impact HNB spend in future years.
The Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) funding allocation from central government for 2025/26 was £58.58m, an increase of £3.85m over the 2024/25 figure. However, the report predicted that if previous growth trends continued, the HNB would overspend in-year in 2025/26 by £2.7m, and the reserves would be exhausted by 2026/27.
The report recommended that a review be carried out on the following areas of HNB spending:
- Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP) admission criteria and funding
- The growth in Camden's use of independent and non-maintained special schools.
- Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) packages
- The range of alternative provision funded from the HNB.
It was suggested that these reviews be overseen by the HNB Subgroup, before being reported to the Schools Forum.
The report pack also suggested that the HNB subgroup oversee a review of the devolved funding formula for Camden mainstream schools, exploring alternative options in consultation with mainstream schools.
In the interim, it was suggested that the balance between devolved and proportionality funding paid to Camden mainstream schools be adjusted. The report pack provided an illustration of the impact of this.
Early Years Entitlements Funding
This report pack included a report on Early Years entitlements funding. It detailed the proposed allocation of national free entitlement funding using Camden's local funding formula.
The report sought approval from the Schools Forum on the proposed hourly rates payable to providers in 2025/26. These rates were:
- Under 2's: £14.19
- 2-year-olds: £9.78
- 3 and 4-year-olds: £7.42
It also sought approval on the retained element of funding used by the local authority to administer the schemes. The proposed pass-through rates, which total £774,972, were:
- Under 2's 96%: £144,641.00
- 2-Year-olds 97%: £119,441.00
- 3- and 4-year-olds 97%: £510,890.00
The report also provided some information about the increase in demand for local inclusion fund support for children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
School Funding 2025/26
The meeting was scheduled to receive a report on school funding for 2025/26. The report was to update the Schools Forum on the estimated funding available for 2025/26, following the recent Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) finance settlement notification on 18th December 2024.
The report was scheduled to detail the anticipated use of this money to fund schools, early years, and high needs. It was also to outline future funding pressures, the current DSG reserves position, de-delegation levels and the latest advice on energy costs.
The total government funding for Camden was estimated to be £251.1m, which (after allowing for annual roll changes) is up by £20.29m from last year. The increase of 7.5% to total overall per pupil funding in Camden comprised increases in the per pupil rate of 2.25% with a further 5.3% uplift relating to the inclusion of the former Teachers Pay Additional Grant (TPAG), Teachers Pension employers contribution grant (TPECG) and Core School Budget Grant (CSBG) grants into the National Funding Formula (NFF) Schools Block DSG base budget.
The report was scheduled to state that there was no major change to the Camden schools local funding formula.
The report pack suggested that if funding failed to increase in real terms, combined with unusually sharp increases to costs from high levels of general inflation and utility costs, then Camden schools may need to continue to plan for a reduction in spending power.
School Meals Delivery in Schools Update
A further update on the procurement of a new school meals contract was scheduled to be provided. The report pack stated that the current contract with Cater Link was due to expire on 31 March 2025.
Following a successful tendering process, tenders were received on 10th September 2024 for a new service that is due to commence on 1st April 2025 for a period of three years, with the option for two extensions of one year each, with a total estimated aggregate value of £24m. The new contract will include an option to break after two years (April 2027), which will allow the Council to move to an in-house arrangement, if possible.
Schools Forum Work Programme
The report pack included a report on the work plan for the Schools Forum for the remainder of the 2024/25 school year. It also provided an update on actions requested at previous meetings.
- Appendix 5 - Extract - Early Years Dedicated Schools Grant Local Funding Formula 2025-26
- Report - Early Years Entitlements Funding 2025-26
- Report - High Needs Block Update on 2024-25 projection and proposals for 2025-26
- Appendix 1 - Illustrative impact of proposal to rebalance devolved and proportionality payments to C
- Report - School Meals Delivery in Schools Update
- Report - Schools Forum Work Programme and Action Tracker 2024-25
- Appendix 4 - De-delegation 2025-26 -Totals per school and Per-Pupil Rates
- Agenda frontsheet 05th-Feb-2025 18.00 Schools Forum agenda
- Public reports pack 05th-Feb-2025 18.00 Schools Forum reports pack
- Schools Forum Minutes - 04.12.24 other
- Schools Forum Membership Feb 2025 other
- Report - School Funding 2025-26 Update
- Appendix 1 - Camdens School Funding Formula 2025-26
- Appendix 2 - Funding Formula Allocations 2025-26 Primary and Secondary Schools provisional
- Appendix 3 - Timetable extract - ESFA DSG Operational Guide 2025-26 section 47.1 Timetable
- Appendix 1 Schools Forum Work Programme 2024-25 002
- Appendix 2 - Action Tracker 2024-25