I'll start again and hopefully the little technical gremlins will work their way out. So good evening and welcome to this evening's Planning Applications Committee meeting. I'm Councillor Malcolm Clarke, the Vice Chair of Planning Applications Committee and tonight I will chair the meeting. In line with legislation, committee members are attending this meeting in person at Lambeth Town Hall. Officers, visiting ward members,
members and members of the public have joined us either virtually or physically. This meeting is being recorded and is being broadcast live. The recording of tonight's meeting may also be used for quality and training purposes. While we hope everything runs smoothly, please be patient if we hit some challenges in this virtual environment. In the event that technical issues require the meeting to be adjourned and it cannot be restarted within a few minutes, further updates will be posted on the Council's DemocracyX account, which is
that LBL democracy.
A quick bit of housekeeping, fire exits. If you're in the room, you can exit the room from either door and up the street to street level, up the stairs to street level and toilets. There's an accessible toilet just outside the right hand side of the room. That's from the public's view. There'll be a comfort break around 9pm, but I don't think we'll be needing them tonight. Apologies. We've received
apologies from Councillor Simpson. No other apologies tonight. I'll now introduce members of the committee, starting on my left and going round.
Hi, I'm Councillor Eben I, Councillor from Knightsham Ward.
Hi, I'm Saliha Jaffa, I'm Councillor for St Martins.
Evening Councillor Martin Bailey for Vauxhall Ward.
Councillor Deo Costa Oval Ward.
Councillor Scott Ainslie, Streatham St Leonard.
Thank you and I'm Councillor Malcolm Clarke, Streatham Wells and Vice Chair of Planning Committee and standing in tonight for Councillor Simpson.
So I'll now introduce the lead officers. I will turn to introducing the senior officers at this evening's meeting.
Presiding officer.
I'm Kiri Shutworth, Head of Development Management and presiding officer this evening.
Backup presiding officer.
Good evening, my name is Ruth Smithson. I'm the area team manager for the Vauxhall, Stockwell and West Norwood Ward and I'm the backup presiding officer.
Democratic services officer.
Democratic services officer.
Good evening, my name is Rajneesh Tulsi, Democratic services officer and clerk to the committee.
Thank you.
The legal officer.
Good evening, Chris Allingham, legal officer.
Good evening, thank you.
And then our presenting officer for 180 Kennington Lane.
Hello, I'm Ruth Brown here, Penal Officer in the West Norwood in Oxford City.
And the manager for that application.
Fiona Dyson.
I'm the principal officer in the Vauxhall, Stockwell and West Norwood team.
Thank you.
There are three items on the agenda today.
So they'll be considered in the order it appears on the agenda and all the paperwork is available on the Council's website.
The applications will be considered in the same way, though there is actually only one main application tonight.
And though I say we can have an officer presentation for that item, it's been agreed by the committee that we won't have an officer presentation for that committee.
But I say the report itself will be.
I say members of the committee may ask questions of the officers still and will then debate the application.
Members will have read the officer reports and may wish to amend the recommended conditions or place informatives on the decision subject to officer advice.
There are no registered speakers for the items on today's agenda.
The application will be decided this evening and formal notification of the committee's decision will be sent to the applicant and any interested parties who made written app with written representations.
The minutes from tonight's meeting will be published after the meeting.
The deadline for written submissions was 12 noon to clear working days before the meeting the Thursday.
So, turn to item one, declarations of pecuniary interest.
Do any members have any declarations of pecuniary interest they wish to share?
Chair, is it relevant that I do live on this road?
Yes, Councillor Bailey, you are welcome to make a statement regarding that and any relevance.
I should have said if it is a relevance or I do live on this road, but I'm afraid this application might not be determined to any decision.
Thank you very much.
Any others?
Okay, thank you.
We will now move on to agenda item 3, 180 Kennington Lane.
I now invite the officers to present the report.
I think from that perspective, although there isn't a formal presentation, if there is, again, anything you wish to draw to our attention before we get to questions, please.
Your attention is that the addendum that was first sent out to incorporate changes to the committee.
All of them include in the method statement in reference to the removal of the stools.
Now I move on to questions.
Do members have any questions for officers?
Councillor Jaffa.
I mean, in the papers, what it says that there was permission given long time ago.
Any permission?
Was that implemented or not implemented?
That permission was not implemented.
It was withdrawn after the permission was granted by the applicant.
Is there any reason for that?
Have they given any reason why they are withdrawing?
Africans don't have to actually give a reason why they withdraw an application.
I think it may have had something to do with it.
Thank you.
I think Councillor Bailey and then Councillor Inslee.
In terms of the assessment of heritage, then perhaps, looking at the LGBT graffiti from the 80s, can I just understand if officers deemed that as not heritage or whether it was just not harmful in the movie?
It wasn't considered heritage as in the status of the overall structure of the Graves Municipal Building.
I've got records of it.
Unfortunately, over time, it has become defaced and there's been other hate stuff added to it.
I do imagine photographs as a record of the new product that needed to adapt to the mental health.
If I can further say, it was considered that the photographs were going down and she's keeping photographs of all and she's assessed it in terms of a heritage asset and it's considered to be a heritage asset and not a heritage value.
Do you have any follow-up to that?
As condition for Aston Kemp keeping the lower timber panel of the kiosk, could we also keep that door?
Is that possible?
Doors are actually going to be removed as part of the WC stall.
Yes, I think we're removing the door but retaining it somewhere, I think that's the condition. Is that possible?
I think it'd be difficult to retain it as part of the scheme.
It's not part of the Grade 2 listed element and I think in the previous scheme it was actually to remove that at the same time anyway.
So it wouldn't be something that we would really seek to retain, particularly given the nature of it as well.
Thank you. Just about the, I understand that 4.231 that you are looking to, in the Methodist State, preserve the mosaic floor and that the attendance kiosk can be removed without any damage to it.
But what sort of guarantees can we get the project back?
No, there's no guarantee.
It is a pre-impressed floor for an underground toilet, mosaic that is.
What if something don't go wrong?
The only guarantees through the Methodist Statement that would be submitted and that would be considered by Heritage Officers.
The process of actually removing the attendance structure and actually what they're going to assume the floor in terms of looking after it is all included in the Statement.
So that's what we have as a guarantee that we'll look at that and we'll consider the suggested processes.
Because at that stage we can also say, no, that's been deemed to have been or have a detrimental impact on other surfaces.
So we might push back and say, we've got all sorts of things else.
But also, if it was a service for the building, you can also get out the enforcement route if necessary.
And we need to be kind of, if we need to be kind of, to clarify that process, we can clarify that in Condition 4.
And if I may, Chair, ask a follow up.
And in terms of preserving that floor and maintaining it, perhaps repairing it, because it looks like it's got a massive crack along it.
Will that be part of the Design Method Statement too?
Yes, that would be part of the statement, but we can clarify that and make that clearer in the words in Condition 4.
Oh, great.
Can I put it on what, if we get to that stage and we wanted that, what would be the best way of seeking that clarification?
That formative or is that just through the, are we satisfied that the existing wording of the Method Statement?
We could add some additional wording into the condition to explicitly say that, to include reference to the maintenance and repair of the floor.
Thank you, Councillor and I.
Can I just ask a question around what will be seen in the street living, please?
The plans that they submitted did indicate that they would make use of an existing advertisement signage structure that was that sort of from the previously approved scheme.
However, the application was for planning commission to change the use and listed building consent, and it didn't include an advertisement consent, so that what that was declared before was for consideration.
And I've put that in the form that they need to submit an advertisement consent application.
One question, which is just in terms of the application that was submitted before consented, but then I say withdrawn.
Was that some, was that an application decided by planning committee or was that, or was that a delegated decision?
Obviously from the planning history, it was delegated decision.
Is there a reason why that was a delegated decision versus that this is coming to committee?
Might be some technical administrative oversight with regards to the fact that the land belongs to the borough.
It's 2018, so unfortunately we can't, we can't, we don't know exactly.
That's, I appreciate it.
This one in line with the current constitution is what I would say.
That, that, that sounds a very sensible answer.
Thank you.
I just wanted to, to, to clarify that.
Councillor Nye.
Just to also ask if an informative could be putting on the London living wage and staff who were to work employees could potentially leave a London living wage.
That's a big poof in the borough.
You can raise that again in the, when we come to the discussion, but.
My pen would give up a half part way through.
Are there any other questions?
I'll have.
Then, uh, I would, uh, ask, uh, would any members like to outline their views on the application?
Uh, so you do not need to, but, um, I say if, uh, if there are additional points that you want to make at this moment, that may help to steer, uh, your mind, uh, or the, uh, what you'd like to see in the final resolution, then please let me know.
Councillor Nye would be probably the, uh, the first one.
Um, so yeah, I think it would be a really innovative use of a high foot full space in the borough and lovely to see us supporting a business that we're going.
So I would, yeah, be minded to vote in favour.
You said before you, you were talking about an informative on.
My age.
I know we can't mandate it, but it would be nice to see encouragement for that to be offered to whoever's working there.
Um, uh, uh, does anybody else have any, anything they wish to say at this point?
I would say that, uh, I agree with, uh, Councillor Nye that, uh, say this is bringing a, uh, site that, uh, hasn't been, uh, used for a while into, uh, into good economic and community or kind of economic use and benefits, uh, the, uh, the wider community through bringing, uh, uh, that, uh, just the streetscape it, uh, to life again in that area.
And hopefully protecting the heritage, uh, assets and making them, uh, visible again to, to people, uh, certainly the underground ones.
So, um, they, I certainly, um, have, uh, a, own source of this.
Um, but I just, for, I, um, go to the next stage, which is just to, uh, propose officers recommendations.
I just want to, uh, double check in, uh, on ensuring that we are going to, uh, get this, uh, get, uh, incorporate things.
So, including the, um, the informative, but also, um, say it was interested in the updated condition for, on the, um, on the methods.
The, uh, the, uh, just, uh, clarifying for, for members, the mosaic floor is included in the grade two listing.
So it is also protected in that way, but we can update the, the method statements with the specific, uh, wording around the, uh, say.
Uh, uh, preserving and maintaining, uh, I say, uh, uh, uh, I know you had repairing, um, but I just didn't know whether repairing was something that could be mandated in a condition, but, um.
And, um, refer to the maintenance and, and that can include, uh, repair where.
So that's, is that, is that okay, Councillor Ainslie?
I, can I just point, ask for a point?
So, um, presumably grade two will preserve what's there.
Um, here we'd be looking to perhaps augment or repair.
Is that beyond the, the grade two listing or, I hear what you're saying.
Uh, I'm just curious about grade two listings.
So the, the, the floor itself is specifically mentioned in the listing, which means it is protected and has to be, uh, maintained in good order.
What we're suggesting with updating condition for is to explicitly within that method statement, then give us the details of how they will maintain in good order.
The mosaic floor.
Um, so in terms of repairs, if necessary, that would be included in there.
Um, so, uh, thank, and thank you for that clarification and addition.
Um, so, uh, just to say that we will have, uh, there are two, um, uh, two, there'll be two votes here because there's two different forms of consent that we go, that we're, we're, we're asked to, uh, uh, look at here.
First one that I'll tell you that will be under the, uh, regulation for, um, uh, which is around the fact of the councils, uh, councils ownership of the site.
Um, uh, uh, and then the, um, which is, uh, I said the stamp, I guess the, the standards, uh, uh, uh, vote.
And then also there's a listed building consent because this is a listed building.
So we'll just have, there'll be two resolutions.
Um, uh, by voting each member confirms that they've heard all of the representations on the agenda item, reviewed any sports supporting documents and have not had any difficulties during the representations made.
Um, um, um, I will now, uh, uh, uh, uh, put forward, uh, the officer's recommendations around approving under regulation for, but including a, the updated condition for, uh, which we've just been discussing around the mosaic floor.
Uh, the, uh, uh, informative, uh, around, uh, encouragement of the, uh, adopting the employer, adopting the Lambeth living wage, uh, uh, commitments and, um, uh, say any, any other updates that have been talked about, uh, the addendum and otherwise, uh, that's officers recommendations.
Can I have a seconder, uh, Councillor Ainslie, um, all those in favour?
That is unanimous, uh, that resolution, uh, is passed, uh, the officer recommendation.
The report is carried.
Um, can I now have a separate vote around listed building consent?
Um, do I need to repeat on the conditions?
The conditions.
Um, and, uh, just, uh, repeating again.
So this includes the updated condition for around the, uh, preservation and maintenance, maintenance of the, of the mosaic floor.
Um, can I have a seconder for that, uh, Councillor Costa?
Um, all those in favour of officer recommendations on listed building consent?
That is unanimous.
Uh, I confirm that the officer recommendation for listing building consent is carried.
Thank you very much.
Uh, thank you officers, uh, for preparing the items tonight.
Uh, thank you all the other officers involved.
Uh, and, uh, thank you and good night until the next planning applications.
Thank you.
Uh, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.